
There are 3 forms of numbers of Îçlo: Adjectival Cardinal, Nominal Cardinal, and Ordinal. Nominal Cardinal numbers are used in the majority of number uses such as use as a noun or serial. Adjectival Cardinal numbers are used when the number functions as a determiner before a noun. Numbers not listed are formed by hyphenating the desired numbers together using the nominal cardinal form in the same order as in English. The only exceptions to this are for the numbers 21-99 (and all derivatives from them). With these numbers the hyphen is replaced by combining the two numbers into one. Additionally, for these numbers, when the second number starts with a vowel, the Adjectival Cardinal form is used. When the desired number is wanted as an Adjectival Cardinal or an Ordinal number, the final number after the hyphen becomes its corresponding Adjectival Cardinal/Ordinal form. E.G: 24,676 is Vingte-Quátro-Mille-Secento-Setantesei. All Nominal Cardinal numbers are masculine. Negative numbers are formed by following the noun after the number with the adjective Negativo when Adjective Cardinal or Ordinal, or by placing Negativo after the number when Nominal Cardinal. Ordinal numbers are always represented by Roman numerals (Adidi Romani). They precede the noun unless acting as a title where they are placed after and must agree with the subject in gender. Roman numerals are also commonly used outside of use as ordinal numbers such as in buildings and signs (where their usage often correlates to their ordinal usage) and also in the writing out of large numbers, where they are nearly always shown with the name of the number. Ordinal numbers can also function as nouns like most adjectives, but still must agree in gender. Ordinal numbers are also used to form fractions, much like in English.

Adjectival Cardinal Numbers- Adadi Parlagni[]

Îçlo Other
0 Sifar
1 Un
1 Uno Used before masculine nouns starting with consonant clusters
1 Una Used before feminine nouns
1 Une Used before feminine nouns starting with Ee/Ii/Yy
2 Due
2 Du' Used before nouns starting with Aa/Ee
3 Trê
4 Quátro
4 Quátr Used before nouns starting a vowel
5 Cincĩ
6 Sei
6 Sex Used before nouns starting with a vowel
7 Seţe
7 Sepţ Used before nouns starting with a vowel
8 Oto
8 Ot Used before nouns starting with a vowel
9 Nôv
10 Ḑèce
10 Ḑec Used before nouns starting with a vowel
11 Onḑe
12 Doḑe
13 Treḑe
14 Quatroḑe
15 Quinḑe
16 Seḑe
17 Seţeḑèce
17 Seţeḑec Used before nouns starting with a vowel
18 Octoḑèce
18 Octoḑec Used before nouns starting with a vowel
19 Nôvḑèce
19 Nôvḑec Used before nouns starting with a vowel
20 Vengt Pronounced [ven̪t̪]
30 Trent
40 Quarant
50 Cinquant
60 Sessant
70 Setant
80 Octant
90 Nonant
100 Cen
100 Cent Used before nouns starting with a vowel
200 Ducen
200 Ducent Used before nouns starting with a vowel
300 Trecen
300 Trecent Used before nouns starting with a vowel
400 Quatrocen
400 Quatrocent Used before nouns starting with a vowel
500 Cincen
500 Cincent Used before nouns starting with a vowel
600 Secen
600 Secent Used before nouns starting with a vowel
700 Seţen
700 Seţent Used before nouns starting with a vowel
800 Occen
800 Occent Used before nouns starting with a vowel
900 Nôvcen
900 Nôvcent Used before nouns starting with a vowel
1000 Mil
Million Milliòn
Milliard Milliàrd
Billion Billiòn
Billiard Billiàrd
Trillion Trilliòn
Trilliard Trillàrd
Quadrillion Quadrilliòn
Quntillion Quintilliòn
Sextillion Sextilliòn
Septillion Septilliòn
Octillion Octilliòn
Nonillion Nonilliòn
Centillion Centilliòn

Nominal Cardinal Numbers- Adadi Contagni[]

Îçlo Other
0 Sifar
1 Un
2 Do
3 Tre
4 Quátro
5 Cincĭ
6 Sei
7 Seţe
8 Octo
9 Nôve
10 Ḑèce
11 Onḑe
12 Doḑe
13 Treḑe
14 Quatroḑe
15 Quinḑe
16 Seḑe
17 Seţeḑèce
18 Octoḑèce
19 Nôvḑèce
20 Vengte Pronounced [ˈven̪t̪ɛ]
30 Trenta
40 Quaranta
50 Cinquanta
60 Sessanta
70 Setanta
80 Octanta
90 Nonanta
100 Cento
200 Ducento
300 Trecento
400 Quatrocento
500 Cincento
600 Secento
700 Seţento
800 Occento
900 Nôvcento
1000 Mille
Million Milliòn
Milliard Milliardo
Billion Billiòn
Billiard Billiardo
Trillion Trilliòn
Trilliard Trillardo
Quadrillion Quadrilliòn
Quntillion Quintilliòn
Sextillion Sextilliòn
Septillion Septilliòn
Octillion Octilliòn
Nonillion Nonilliòn
Centillion Centilliòn

Ordinal Numbers- Adidi ordinali[]

Îçlo Numeral Other
0th Sifaro N
1st Primo I
2nd Sěcogno II
3rd Terţo III
4th Quárto IV
5th Quinto V
6th Sèxto VI
7th Sepţimo VII
8th Octavo VIII
9th Nono IX
10th Ḑècimo X
11th Onḑècimo XI
12th Doḑècimo XII
13th Treḑècimo XIII
14th Quatroḑècimo XIV
15th Quinḑècimo XV
16th Seḑècimo XVI
17th Seţeḑècimo XVII
18th Octoḑècimo XVIII
19th Nôvḑècimo XIX
20th Vengtèsimo XX Pronounced [vɛn̪ˈt̪ɛz̪ːimo]
30th Trentèsimo XXX
40th Quatrantèsimo XL
50th Cinquantèsimo L
60th Sexatèsimo LX
70th Septatèsimo LXX
80th Octotèsimo LXXX
90th Novantèsimo XC
100th Centèsimo C
200th Ducentèsimo CC
300th Trecentèsimo CCC
400tth Quatrocentèsimo CD
500th Cincentèsimo D
600th Secentèsimo DC
700th Seţentèsimo DCC
800th Occentèsimo DCCC
900th Nôvcentèsimo DM
1000th Milèsimo M
5000th Cincĭ-milèsimo
10,000th Ḑèce-milèsimo
50,000th Cinquanta-milèsimo
100,000th Cento-milèsimo
500,000th Cincento-milèsimo
Millionth Millionèsimo
50 Millionth Cinquanta-millionèsimo ||
Milliardth Milliardèsimo ||
5 Milliardth Cincĭ-milliardèsimo ||
10 Milliardth Ḑèce-milliardèsimo |C̄|
50 Milliardth Cinquanta-milliardèsimo ||
Billionth Billionèsimo ||
50 Billionth Cinquanta-billionèsimo ||||
Billiardth Billiardèsimo ||||
5 Billiardth Cincĭ-billiardèsimo ||L̄||
10 Billiardth Ḑèce-billiardèsimo ||C̄||
50 Billiardth Cinquanta-billiardèsimo ||D̄||
Trillionth Trillionèsimo ||||
50 Trillionth Cinquanta-trillionèsimo ·|||
Trilliardth Trillardèsimo ·|||
5 Trilliardth Cincĭ-trilliardèsimo ·|||
10 Trilliardth Ḑèce-trilliardèsimo ·|||
50 Trilliardth Cinquanta-trilliardèsimo ·|||
Quadrillionth Quadrillionèsimo ·|||
Quintillionth Quntillionèsimo |·||M̄||·|
Sextillionth Sextillionèsimo ||·||M̄||·||
Septillionth Septillionèsimo ·||·||M̄||·||·
Octillionth Octillionèsimo |·||·||M̄||·||·|
Nonillion Nonillionèsimo ||·||·||M̄||·||·||
Centillion Centillionèsimo ·||·||·||M̄||·||·||·
Infinite O