Name: ɯð̼ɤn̼̊ɤð̼ɤʋɯɱ

Type: Agglutinative

Alignment: Direct

Head Direction: Head-Final

Number of genders: 1

Declensions: Yes

Conjugations: No

Nouns declined
according to
Case Number
Definitiveness Gender
Verbs conjugated
according to
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect

(Note: Both verb conjugations and noun declensions are noun declensions.)

I tried to contradict multiple linguistic universals and make strange sounds, while also making a language with an artificial history. Eventually, I ended up not contradicting all that many, honestly.

This language can be analyzed as using a zero copula in every sentence, because it has no verbs. It does have direct markers. Also, it lacks stops and fricatives (though it could be argued that certain approximants are fricatives).


This language exists on somewhere that isn't Earth. This is a language that is spoken on the home planet of the world.

Some of them originally wrote down the name of the language as "Afono(d)zov" or "Asonobov", after hearing [ɯɸ̺ɤn̼̊ɤð̼ɤʋ](my language) as something like "(a/u)(s/hw/f/th)(o/u)(n/m)(o/u)(b/v/w/z/l)(o/u)(v/w)" as a whole. Eventually, "Asonobov" prevailed, despite "ahwonowow" being slightly more accurate (hence, Asonobov redirects here).

IPA Chart


Labio-dental Linguo-labial Dental Alveolar Retroflex
Nasal ɱ̥ ɱ n̼̊ n̼ n̪̊ ɳ̊
Approximant ʋ̥ ʋ ɸ̺* ð̼* ɻ̊ ɻ
Lateral fric. ɬ̪ ɮ̪ ɬ ɮ ꞎ ɭ˔
Lateral app. l̼̊ l̼ l̪̊ ɭ̊ ɭ
  • These are pronounced with the tongue almost behind the lips.


Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
High ɯ
Near-high ɯ̽
High-mid ɤ
Near-low ɞ̞

Syllabic Consonants = ɻ̩


The language is V(C), and the words are pronounced vowel-consonant. For example, Arabic would be pronounced ar.ab.ic, and not a.ra.bic.


Adjectives are nouns without noun markers that have cases. For example, angry person would be like "angerwith person".

Noun Declension


Voice is indicated by prefixes which can be analyzed as possessive pronouns. There are unique declensions for 1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person, 1st person exclusive, and 2nd person exclusive, and 3rd person exclusive
1st person/exclusive = [ɯɸ̺]/[ɯð̼]
1st person inclusive is created by combining the relevant 1st and 2nd person prefixes.
1st person-3rd person is created by combining the relevant 1st and 3rd person prefixes.
2nd person/exclusive = [ɯ̽ʋ̥]/[ɯ̽ʋ]
2nd person inclusive is created by combining the relevant 2nd and 3rd person prefixes.
3rd person/plural = [ɯ̽ɱ̥]/[ɯ̽ɱ] 3rd person inclusive is created by combining the relevant 3rd person prefixes.


The number of a noun depends on the number of the voice. All nouns that have singular voice are singular, and all nouns with plural voice are plural. If the voice number and noun number do not match, a singular/plural marker is used. Nouns with no voice are given the plurality of the subject

[ɯð̼ɤn̼̊ɤð̼ɤʋɯɱ] = [ɯð̼]-[ɤn̼̊ɤð̼ɤʋ]-[ɯɱ] = 1st person exclusive prefix-languages-singular = our language [ɯɸ̺ɤn̼̊ɤð̼ɤʋ] = [ɯɸ̺] - [ɤn̼̊ɤð̼ɤʋ] = 1st person prefix-language = my language


ɯɮ = comitative (beside, along with)
ɞ̞l̥ = inessive (in)
ɯn̼̊ = joined with/connected with
ɞ̞ɻ = (towards something, sometimes also "forwards", as in ɯ̽l̼ɤʋɯɻɞ̞ɻ, "the going-forwardness of my body")


There are prefixes that identify the tenses "past", "present", and "future".

past = ɞ̞n̼ɤɱ
present = ɞ̞n̼ɤɳ̊
future = ɞ̞n̥ɤɻ


Nouns functioning in a sentence take a marker that shows that they are part of a sentence. They are automatically plural.

[ɞ̞ɳ̊ɤn̼̊ɤð̼ɤʋ] = [ɞ̞ɳ̊]-[ɤn̼̊ɤð̼ɤʋ] = direct marker-languages = Languages.

[ɞ̞n̼ɤɱɯn̼̊ ɞ̞ɳ̊ɯ̽l̼ɤn̼̊ɤð̼ɤʋɯɮ ɞ̞ɳ̊ɯ̽ɱɯ̽ɬ̪ɤɭ] = [ɞ̞n̼ɤɱ]-[ɯn̼̊] [ɞ̞ɳ̊]-[ɯ̽l̼]-[ɤn̼̊ɤð̼ɤʋ]-[ɯɮ] [ɞ̞ɳ̊]-[ɯ̽ɱ]-[ɯ̽ɬ̪ɤɭ] = past-JOIN direct marker-1st person prefix-PAST-language(s)-COM direct marker-3rd person exclusive prefix-name(s) = Their names were with my language.

[ɯð̼ɤn̼̊ɤð̼ɤʋɯɱ] = [ɯð̼]-[ɤn̼̊ɤð̼ɤʋ]-[ɯɱ] = 1st person exclusive prefix-languages-singular = our language

Words in the Language / [ɤn̼̊ɤð̼ɤʋɯn̼̊ ɤɱɯʋɤn̼ɯɱ] /[ɤn̼̊ɤð̼ɤʋ]-[ɯn̼̊] [ɤɱɯʋɤn̼]-[ɯɱ]

anger = ɞ̞ð̼ɞ̞ʋ
body = ɤʋɯɻ
language = ɤn̼̊ɤð̼ɤʋ
name = ɯ̽ɬ̪ɤɭ
task = ɤɳ̊ɯɱ
word = ɤɱɯʋɤn̼
