
This language is a language which has no verbs, pronouns, or vowels.

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Asonobov (alternate name)
Гышфту (alternate name)
Gishfut (Гышфут) (alternate name)
LAteral-Heavy Language

IPA Chart/Orthography

NOTE: All IPA values are approximations obtained through asking the sstk"w which sound they thought best approximated the sounds used.

Labiodental Dentolabial Bidental Linguolabial Retroflex Uvular
Central Lateral Central Lateral Central Lateral
Approximant Egressive ʋ̥ {p} ʋ̥͆ {s} ɸ̺ {t} l̪̊ {l} ɻ̊ {m} ɭ̊ {w} ʁ̞̊ {g} ᴫ̥ {k}
Ingressive ʋ̥↓ {'p} ʋ̥͆↓ {'s} ɸ̺↓ {'t} l̪̊↓ {'l} ɻ̊↓ {'m} ɭ̊↓ {'w} ʁ̞̊↓ {'g} ᴫ̥↓ {'k}
Trill Plain ʙ̪̊ {v} ɽ͡r̥ {r}
Ejective ʙ̪̊' {"v} ɽ͡r̥' {"r}
Percussive ʭ {j}


In this language, all consonants are syllabic and they cannot be non-syllabic. This means that there are 21 possible syllables and all of them consist of a single consonant. (j is not used in content words, though.)

The alphabet/syllabary consists of symmetrical glyphs, but they aren't here because I don't know how to put them here. The alphabetical order (in Roman transliteration) is:
p s t l m w g k 'p 's 't 'l 'm 'w 'g 'k v r "v "r j


It doesn't have any verbs. Relations between words are created using word modifiers, whixh usually surround the word. The first letter is usually egressive at the prior part and ingressive at the part after. Both the head word and the word to which the action applies are declined, but in different ways. If there is an equal relationship, both are the same. If there is an unequal relationship, the second letter of the non-head word is ingressive.

Some people analyze these as function words which are split by the content words.


The numbers are bijective base 16. This means there is no zero, and there is a specific number representing sixteen. The sixteen numbers correspond to the sixteen approximant values.

English In Language
1 one p
2 two s
3 three t
15 fifteen 'g
16 sixteen 'k
17 seventeen sp
34 thirty-four ts
256 two-hundred fifty-six 'g'k

When used in a sentence, these are surrounded by number markers (see below).



These modifiers need numbers. (This will be fixed shortly.)

Inanimate Locative (both parties are animate) = H: lt-'lt O: lt-'lt
lt statue 'lt lt death 'lt = The statue and death happened at the same general place.

Comitative (both parties are separate) = H: tl-'tl O: tl-'tl
tl dog 'tl tl man 'tl = The man and the dog are connected. (The implication is that they know each other.)

Definition Change (usually a copula) = H: wt-'wt O: wt-'wt
wt causation 'wt w't happiness 'w't = The happiness which is causation of something

Animate Locative (one or more parties are inanimate [head]) = H: tt-'tt O: t't-'t't
tt statue 'tt t't man 't't = The man was at/near the statue.

Part (other is part of head) = H: pl-'pl O: p'l-'p'l
pl man 'pl p'l hand 'p'l = The man's hand

Allative+Dative(shows X going to H from O) = X: kr-'kr H: kt-'kt O: k't-'k't
kr information 'kr kt man 'kt k't book 'k't = The information goes from the book to the man.

Causative/Instrumental (the thing that caused it to happen is the head) = H: pw-'pw O: p'w-'p'w
pw man 'pw p'w hammer 'p'w = There was a hammer because of the man OR The man causes something to happen using the hammer OR The man uses the hammer to do something.


Name Marker (marks name, which is the only thing it goes around; goes inside other modifiers) = H: ll-'ll
wt ll Johnny 'll 'wt w't pl man 'pl 'w't p'l hand 'p'l = the hand of the man named Johnny.

Thing Number Marker (for defining the number of nouns; around number N outside modifiers and around O outside modifiers) = N: rj-jr O: "rj-j"r
rj 5 jr "rj pl man 'pl j"r p'l hand 'p'l = the hands of five men

Placement Number Marker (for clarifying sentence order; the number indicates the number of words one should skip backwards in the sentence to find the right word; around number N outside modifiers and outside other modifiers) = N: vj-jv
wt green 'wt wt happy 'wt w't cat 'w't vj 3 jv "vj w't man 'w't j"v = The man is green and the cat is happy. (Without this, the sentence would be "The man is happy and the cat is green.")

Words Which Rely on Numbers/ X-Words

Some words rely on numbers for existence, such as tk'ksp, the word for two-dimensional shape, which needs a number of sides as part of its definition. For these, there is a thing number marker inside the modifying brackets which specifies the number of sides. These are called X-words in this language, because the way they are described involves an X.

Actual Language

These words consist of a cluster of 5 letters which can be said in any order. For ease of access, they are normally transcribed alone in alphabetical order, using the letter with the least value as the first syllable. To recap, the order of the alphabet is:
p s t l m w g k 'p 's 't 'l 'm 'w 'g 'k v r "v "r j


sstk'w = the people who speak this language
pptwr = land
ptt'p't = language
ttrr"r = speed
ptlvr = beauty
ppp'lw = path etched into the ground
pttl'k = path put upon the ground
tlk'tr = non-attachment
pw'prr = person (thinking thing)
pvvrr = number
ppt'tv = this place/time/place+time
ptl'lv = body of liquid (ocean, lake, river, etc.)
pt'tvr = conversation
ptw'lr = metal
wwwrr = great size
ttw'pr = physical form
tw'lrr = direction
tv'trr = state of motion
vvrrr = imaginary thing
tl'lvr = inequality
swkrr = government
tlw'tr = hard substance/plastic
t'tvvv = set (of)
st'lvr = physical separation/otherness
ttlk't = place
sttlv = useful thing/usefulness
pl'pvr = protector (parent, guardian, army, shell, etc.)
ttllr = the connection of one to one's relatives/friends and the land
pst'tv = something which can be read
ptk's'k = two-dimensional shape with X sides
t's'lvr = morally correct (thing)
tlw'lr = something inorganic reaching towards the sky
tlwk"r = something more spread out across the ground
llwkr = edible substance
pt'pvr = family member separated by a bend
pptwv = family member separated by a straight line
plw'wr = container (bag, bowl, etc.)
llw'kr = system of tunnels (cave system, vascular system)
psttv = phrase with X actors
pst't'l = emotional pain
ttkvv = microorganism
ppt'lr = death (when someone is no longer warmer than the world)
ttkvr = ground-dweller
tkw'lr = water-dweller
llww'k = action
pttt"r = plant
pptr"r = stomach cavity, inside
ptkv"r = underside, underneath
pssl't = leg
tllkr = head, front
ttw'tr = image
sttk'w = change
ps'lvr = schadenfreude
tw's'lr = shelter
psll't = back, top
stlkr = fierceness
ttk'kr = nonexistent
k't'wrr = audience
ps'pv"v = specialization
pssmk = light-bulb
ptt'sr = adamance
sgvr"v = schadenfreude
ttgr"r = hard work

twk'tr = rotten thing (positive connotation)
ppll'l = reckless abandon (positive connotation)
ptt'kr = bodily takeover of someone (positive connotation)
stgvr = the happiness of being hurt

Compound Words

pl ttw'kr 'pl p'l sttk'w 'p'l = movie

Sample Sentences

pw ppll'l 'pw p'w tl pt'tvr 'tl tl wt pvvrr 'wt 'tl w't pw'prr 'w't 'p'w. = The conversation about the number of people was/is a thing of reckless abandon.

wt ltltr 'wt wt lt pl pp'tr"r 'pl 'lt lt pttt"r 'lt 'w't p'l pt'pvr 'p'l. = The group of related family members eat plants together in harmony.

wt wt wllt't 'wt wt llwwk 'wt 'wt wt swkrr 'wt. - The government is a valuable action.

pw pl sttlv 'pl p'l t'tvvv 'p'l 'pw p'w pl l's'tvr 'pl 'p'w p'l tkw'lr 'p'l. - The moral correctness of the water dweller occurred because of the set of valuable things.

wt plw'wr 'wt wt lt pp'tr"r 'lt 'wt lt llwkr 'lt. - The edible substance is in the container. / There is an edible substance in the container.

'kt ll 'lt'lpk"rt 'll 'k't kr wt vvrrr 'wt 'kr wt kr kr pl ptt'p't 'pl p'l sttk'w 'p'l 'kr kt tt'pvr 'kt 'kr kt ptt'p't 'kt k't pw pl pl ttw'tr 'pl p'l sttk'w 'p'l 'pl p'l ll l'rl'l 'll 'p'l 'pw p'w ps'lvr 'p'w 'k't 'wt. - To 'Lt'lpr"rt, the idea that you could change the language of the conversations from emotionally painful movies which l'rl'l is a part of into this language is imaginary.


All languages have stops.
All languages have either bilabials, fricatives or nasals.
All languages have some non-syllabic consonants.
All languages have voiced sounds.
All languages have rounded sounds.
No language has a linguolabial trill.
No language has dentolabial sounds.
All languages have non-implied verbs.
No language conjugates for both the head word and the affected word in every relationship.
No language has cases that work like brackets.
All languages attach some meaning to the order in which the sounds of content words are put in.
