



Basic Grammar[]


Here is a chart of the Aelder alphabet with their names and their pronunciations with approximate examples in English.

A () - owiy
AU () - awan
E () - ey
AE () - eyan
AEY () - ayvyn

V () - Voai

F() - Foai
B () - Bey

S () - Eys

Z () - Oaes
SH () - Oaesh
ZH () - Oaezh
CH () - Oaech

O () - oy

EO () - eowan
U () - uy
W () - woy

T () - Tey

D () - Dey
TH () - They

M () - Minna

N () - Enna
NG () - Glimfyng

I () - ayi

Y () - wayi
YEO () - yowan

C () - Cai

G () - Gai
H () - Hoai
GH () - Ghoai

L () - Elli

R () - Reow

Nouns ==

All nouns in Aelder decline depending on its use in the sentence. The seven ways that it can decline are the Nominative, Accusative, Dative, Genitive, Instrumental, Ablative and Locative cases. They are also declined depending on masculine, feminine and neuter genders.

Masculine Form

Nouns that are in the masculine form usually end in -or, -wyn, -er and -an.

Nouns in this category deal with four legged beasts (-OR) or creatures/beings that evoke a symbol of authority and power (-ER). This ending is also the way to nominalize a verb into the doer of that action. For example, a person who kills is a killer. In Aelder, slaeycen --> slaeycer. Another example

- OR / - ER
Horse - Fyeor
Nominative - the horse fyeor
Accusative -is the horse fyeoris
Dative -im to the horse fyeorim
Genitive -ae of the horse / horse's fyeorae
Instrumental -a by the horse fyeora
Ablative -em from the horse / of the horse fyeorem
Locative -ic by the horse / at the horse fyeoric

Nouns in this category deal with animate creatures, the majestic, as well as things mysterious to the Aelderfeohc. Examples of this are flying creatures, unknown persons, unknown concepts, darkness, spiritual creatures and things out of plain view.

- WYN / - AN
Bird - Arwyn
Nominative - the bird arwyn
Accusative -s the bird arwyns
Dative -an to the bird arwynan
Genitive -ae of the bird/ bird's arwynae
Instrumental -a by the bird arwyna
Ablative -am from the bird/ of the bird arwynam
Locative -ic by the bird/ at the bird arwynic

Feminine Form

Nouns that are in the feminine form usually end in -a, -eol, -al, -hae, -ing, -ang, -ung and -ar.

A / HAE Feminine nouns in this category usually deal with genders, personalities and different labels used for people such as enemy (ghaella) or ally (cymhae).'

- A / - HAE
Woman - Fraea
Nominative - the woman fraea
Accusative -n the woman fraean
Dative -nin to the woman fraeanin
Genitive -na of the woman/ woman's fraeana
Instrumental -c by the woman fraeac
Ablative -m from the woman/ of the woman fraeam
Locative -hic by the woman/ at the woman fraeahic

Nouns in this category are usually locations and different social classes.

- EOL / - AL / - AR
Hell - Sheol
Nominative - the hell sheol
Accusative -is the hell sheolis
Dative -in to the hell sheolin
Genitive -es of the hell/ hell's sheoles
Instrumental -ae by the hell sheolae
Ablative -em from the hell/ of the hell sheolem
Locative -ic by the hell/ at the hell sheolic

Nouns in this category are usually tools, weapons and abstract concepts.

- ING / - ANG / - UNG
Sword - Baeynfang
Nominative - the sword baeynfang
Accusative -es the sword baeynfanges
Dative -in to the sword baeynfangin
Genitive -s of the sword/ sword's baeynfangs
Instrumental -a by the sword baeynfanga
Ablative -em from the sword/ of the sword baeynfangem
Locative -ic by the sword/ at the sword baeynfangic

Neuter Form

Nouns that are in the neuter form usually end in -e, -iy, -gh, -d, -th, -l, -s, -eng.

E / IY
Nouns in this category deal with little creatures/beings.

- E / - IY
Child - Canae
Nominative - the child canae
Accusative -us the child canaeus
Dative -m to the child canaem
Genitive -s of the child/ child's canaes
Instrumental -ric by the child canaeric
Ablative -m from the child/ of the child canaem
Locative -c by the child/ at the child canaec

D / L
Nouns in this category deal with the elements and tangible materials as well as terrestrial and extraterrestrial bodies.

- D / - L
Water - Aerendil
Nominative - the water aerendil
Accusative -s the water aerendils
Dative -ar to the water aerendilar
Genitive -es of the water/ water's aerendiles
Instrumental -ae by the water aerendilae
Ablative -em from the water/ of the water aerendilem
Locative -ic by the water/ at the water aerendilic

Nouns in this category deal with animals, food, organs and biological structures.

- GH
Stomach - Bough
Nominative - the stomach bough
Accusative -en the stomach boughen
Dative -em to the stomach boughem
Genitive -s of the stomach/ stomach's boughs
Instrumental -ae by the stomach boughae
Ablative -aem from the stomach/ of the stomach boughaem
Locative -aec by the stomach/ at the stomach boughaec

Nouns in this category deal with ancient things, plants and family.

- TH
Tree - Baeyth
Nominative - the tree baeyth
Accusative -as the tree baeythas
Dative -am to the tree baeytham
Genitive -es of the tree/ tree's baeythes
Instrumental -ae by the tree baeythae
Ablative -am from the tree/ of the tree baeytham
Locative -ic by the tree/ at the tree baeythic

Nouns in this category deal with people and beings.

- S
Person - Sinfindels
Nominative - the person baeyth
Accusative -as the person baeythas
Dative -am to the person baeytham
Genitive -es of the person/ person's baeythes
Instrumental -ae by the person baeythae
Ablative -am from the person/ of the person baeytham
Locative -ic by the person/ at the person baeythic

Nouns in this category deal with relationships, structures and concrete concepts


Friend - Cymfeng

Nominative - the friend cymfeng
Accusative -las the friend cymfenglas
Dative -gam to the friend cymfenggam
Genitive -es of the friend/ friend's cymfenges
Instrumental -ar by the friend cymfengar
Ablative -gam from the friend/ of the friend cymfenggam
Locative -ric by the friend/ at the friend cymfengric

Overview of Noun Declension

Here is an overview of the three genders and how each ending nested in the three genders is declined depending on the case.

Masculine Feminine Neuter
- OR / - ER - WYN / - AN - A / -HAE - EOL / - AL / - AR - ING / - ANG / - UNG - E / -IY - D / - L - GH - TH - S - ENG
Nominative Ingwer (Queen) Baldwyn (Stranger) Lega (Self) Yeowar (Noblewoman) Caeyning (King) Fyeowe (Baby) Elendil (Star) Aefogh (Heaven) Leorith (Necklace) Apraeus (Prince) Baudeng (Building)
Accusative Ingweris Baldwyns Legan Yeowaris Caeyninges Fyeoweus Elendils Aefoghen Leorithas Apraeusas Baudenglas
Dative Ingwerim Baldwynan Leganin Yeowarin Caeyningin Fyeowem Elendilar Aefoghem Leoritham Apraeusam Baudenggam
Genitive Ingwerae Baldwynae Legana Yeowares Caeynings Fyeowes Elendiles Aefoghs Leorithes Apraeuses Baudenges
Instrumental Ingwera Baldwyna Legac Yeowarae Caeyninga Fyeoweric Elendilae Aefoghae Leorithae Apraeusae Baudengar
Ablative Ingwerem Baldwynam Legam Yeowarem Caeyningem Fyeowem Elendilem Aefoghaem Leoritham Apraeusam Baudenggam
Locative Ingweric Baldwynic Legahic Yeowaric Caeyningic Fyeowec Elendilic Aefoghaec Leorithic Apraeusic Baudengric



Personal Pronouns

Here is a quick summary table of the personal pronouns and their declensions.

Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive Instrumental Ablative Locative
I Eyeo Meiy Meir Mae Baemeir Meiy Mihi
You Yeih Yeiy Yeir Yae Baeyeir Yeiy Yeihi
He Eiy Eiym Aemyr Aey Baeyra Heiym Eiyhi
She Eiyen Eiyr Aeryr Aeyr Heiyr Eiynhi
It (l.) Heoc Heot Heotyr Haer Baehyra Heiyt Heoghi
It (nl.) Haet Haet Haetyr Haedhi
We (inc.) Aelwen Wens Wensyr Weor Baewen Aens Aelhwi
We (exc.) Arwen Arhwi
You Yeiwen Yeou Yeour Bayeo Yeous Yeihwi
They (m.) Theiy Theiym Thaemyr Thaer Baethen Thaem Theiyhwi
They (f.) Deiyen Deiym Daemyr Daer Baeden Daem Deiyhwi
They (n.) Heom Heom Heomyr Haem Baehem Haem Hemwhi

Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns are used as a replacement for a noun or pronoun and may be used in the place of heoc, haet, eiy and eiyen in all cases.

Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive Instrumental Ablative Locative
This/These (Close to speaker) thies thien thiem thieses thiera thierae them
That/Those (Close to listener) yies yien yiem yieses yiera yierae yem
That/Those (Away from both) deourth deourn deourm deours deoura deourae doum

Interrogative Pronouns
These pronouns are used when asking questions. Do not use these interrogative pronouns as relative pronouns, i.e. I know the man who owns the house. There are separate pronouns for that.

Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive Instrumental Ablative Locative
Who Vheren Vheren Vherem Vheres Vheres Vherom Eiy / Eiyen
What Hwaes Hwaet Hwaesen Hwaets Hwaetsbaey Hwaetfom Heoc / Haet
Where Vheor Vheon Vheoren Vheors Vheothrous Vheorom Deourth
When Hwaen - Hwaenen Hwaens Hwaensfrom Hwaensfeouth Neo / Nuit neo
Why Hwavrom - Hwavromen Hwavroms - - Ehwael
How Vaey - Vaenen - Vaeheow - -
Which Hwaelca - - - - - Thies / Yies / Deourth

Relative Pronouns
These pronouns are used when connecting clauses.

Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive Instrumental Ablative Locative
Who Vhae Vhaen Vhaem Vhaes - - -
Which Hwael Hwaelyn Hwaelem Hwaels - - -
Where Vheou - - - - - -
That (m.) Hwyn Hwynen Hwynem Hwynes - - -
That (f.) Hae Haen Haem Haes - - -
That (n.) Daen Daenen Daenem Daenes - - -



"To Be" - Saeyn

Permanent Characteristics
The most common verb in Aelder is saeyn, which is the infinitive for to be. It is irregular but follows the irregular pattern A, which will be explained later. This form of to be is used to describe permanent traits and origins of people and things. There is another form of to be that is used to describe temporal things, conditions, feelings and traits that change quickly (i.e.: health status) .

Singular ( Eiynisc ) Plural ( Meoulisc )
Eyeo eosc Aelwen (Inc.) sic
Yeih aesc Arwen (Exc.)
Eiy (m.) isc Yeiwen
Eiyen (f.) Theiy (m.)
Heoc (n.L) Deiyen (f.)
Haet (n.NL) Heom (n.)


1.) Eyeo eosc Gwendolyn ( I'm Gwendolyn)
2.) Theiy isc neot fuin heiy (They aren't from here)
3.) Heoc isc faella sindilsc (It's really fast)

  • ALL the singular forms of saeyn may be contracted to -sc and combined with the preceding word. ALL plural forms may be contracted to s and combined with the preceding word.

1.) Aelwen's beoran (We're ready)
2.) Yeih'sc neot neigh heiy (You're not here yet)

"To Be" - Baeyn

Temporal Conditions
This version of to be denotes conditions and temporal things that can quickly change (as in, does not take thousands of years). It is irregular but also follows the irregular pattern A, just like saeyn. Baeyn, unlike Saeyn, is used to describe temporal things, such as conditions, feelings and traits that change fairly quickly like being sick or being happy.

Singular ( Eiynisc ) Plural ( Meoulisc )
Eyeo beosc Aelwen (Inc.) besic
Yeih baesc Arwen (Exc.)
Eiy (m.) bisc Yeiwen
Eiyen (f.) Theiy (m.)
Heoc (n.L) Deiyen (f.)
Haet (n.NL) Heom (n.)


1.) Eyeo beosc cyrnisc (I am sick)
2.) Baesc yeih teruinisc? (Are you sad?)
3.) Eiy gaelwinda sindilsc maen bisc muilanisc neo (He was running quickly and is now tired)

First Declension (Present)

The present is used like the present tense in English. Before adding endings, drop the -n from the infinitive from and add the ending.

Saiyn "to see"
Eiynisc Meoulisc
Eyeo - a saiya Aelwen - n saiyn
Yeih - r saiyr Arwen - n saiyn
Eiy - t saiyt Yeiwen - nt saiynt
Eiyen Theiy - rn saiyrn
Heoc Deiyen
Haet Heom

The present form actually encompasses the present progressive (I am seeing) and present affirmative (I DO see it) as well.

Present Perfect
To form the present perfect simply employ the helping verb aevyn and the verb afterwards. Aevyn's declensions are shown first, then how to decline a verb in the present perfect.

Aevyn (Helping verb for Perfect tense)
Eiynisc Meoulisc
Eyeo - Aev Aelwen - n Aevyn
Yeih - Aevyr Arwen - n Aevyn
Eiy - t Aevt Yeiwen - n Aevyn
Eiyen Theiy - n Aevyn
Heoc Deiyen
Haet Heom

Ensedyn "to decide"
Perfect Tense
Eyeo -yr ensedyr

Second Declension (Past)
Second Declension is used like the past tense in English. Before adding endings, drop the -n from the infinitive from and add the ending.

Baewyn "to move"
Eiynisc Meoulisc
Eyeo - ta baewyta Aelwen - ten baewyten
Yeih - tar baewytar Arwen - ten baewyten
Eiy - tat baewytat Yeiwen - tent baewytent
Eiyen Theiy - tern baewytern
Heoc Deiyen
Haet Heom

Third Declension (Future)
Third Declension is used like the future tense in English. Before adding endings, drop the -n from the infinitive from and add the ending. Another way to imply the future is to use the caeyn + infinitive structure, which is explained HERE.

Byeorn "to play"
Eiynisc Meoulisc
Eyeo - ne byeorne Aelwen - nen byeornen
Yeih - ith byeorith Arwen
Eiy - na byeorna Yeiwen
Eiyen Theiy
Heoc Deiyen
Haet Heom

Cae + infinitive
To use this form, simply attach the infinitive to the properly declined verb.

Caeyn (to go)
Eiynisc Meoulisc
Eyeo - Aev Aelwen - n Aevyn
Yeih - r Aevyr Arwen - n Aevyn
Eiy - t Aevt Yeiwen - n Aevyn
Eiyen Theiy - n Aevyn
Heoc Deiyen
Haet Heom

Eyeo cae ensedyn hwaet caet passerhyn (I'm going to decide whats going to happen or I'll decide what will happen)

Arwen caen viydryn bilfanges gheoit (We will meet the dragon today)






Aelder makes use of eight sets of numbers each with a different usage. The sets are Cardinal, Ordinal, Multiplicative, Reproductive, Partitive, Distributive, Collective and Nominative.

The Cardinal set is used to count sizes and amounts. For example: One, Two, Three, etc.
The Ordinal set is used to count sequential order. For example: First, Second, Third, etc.
The Multiplicative set is used to count frequency. For example: Once, Twice, Thrice, etc.
The Reproductive set is used to count duplication. For example: Single, Double, Triple, etc.
The Partitive set is used to count divisions into fractions. For example: Whole, Half, Third, etc.
The Distributive set is used to count alternating patterns. For example: Each, Every two, Every three, etc.
The Collective set is used to count groups of entities. For example: Single, Pair, Triad, etc.
The Nominative set is used as a numerical substitute for people. For example: Person 1, Person 2, Person 3, etc.

1 Aenya Aena Aenisc Gheoun Arwyt Coeudisc Druid Enner
2 Vaey Vaeya Vaeyisc Toepyren Velyt Baeudisc Berid Vaescler
3 Eoper Eopera Eoperisc Raefyln Efraeyt Terrisc Eorid Taesler
4 Aemper Aempera Aemperisc Aerscan Faermyt Ecwilisc Leorid Fyrer
5 Saetyr Saetyra Saetyrisc Aenten Faeryt Feofisc Feorid Fiyfer
6 Sewin Sewina Sewinisc Aescyln Sewyt Saewisc Syowid Seower
7 Ayrith Ayritha Ayrithisc Aethren Ayryt Ayrisc Ayruid Ayrer
8 Escaet Escaeta Escaetisc Aescarn Ecsaeyt Escisc Escruid Escuiyer
9 Maes Maessa Maessisc Aemelyn Maesyt Maeysc Maeryd Maeser
10 Muin Muina Muinisc Aemen Menyt Mynisc Muinid Minder
11 Maenya Maena Maenisc Aegheoun Marwyt Micoeudisc Mundrid Minenner
12 Mavaey Mavaeya Mavaeyisc Aetoepyren Maelvyt Mibaeudisc Membrid Minaescler
13 Meoper Meopera Meoperisc Aeraefyln Mefraeyt Miterrisc Meorid Minaesler
14 Maemper Maempera Maemperisc Amaerscan Mefaermyt Mecwilisc Meolrid Minyrer
15 Masaetyr Masaetyra Masaetyrisc Amaenten Mefaeryt Mifeofisc Meofrid Miniyfer
20 Vinna Vinna Vinnisc Theopren Vinyt Vaenysc Bruinid Vinder
21 Vaenya Vaena Vaenisc Theogheoun Varwyt Vicoeudisc Bundrid Vinenner
22 Vavaey Vavaeya Vavaeyisc Theotoepyren Vaelvyt Vibaeudisc Bembrid Vinaescler



Example text[]

