
Progress 0%
Nominative - Accusative
Head direction
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect

General information

Currently being Redesigned

Alegna /a.le.ɲa/ is a Western Romance language. It is notable for its sandhi (li sacrefezo) occuring between words. Unlike French's liason, sandi in Aleña mostly affects vowels.

L'alegna ês ugni lengudigo dil oês. Ês chognocedoi di le sacrefezo jed èxeste en les pavolix.

[lal.'eɲɛs uni le.'ŋu.'di.go dil o.ɛs ɛs ʃo.ɲo.'ce.doj di le sak.ʁe.'fez.o ʒed ɛ.'xest‿en les pa.vo.'li].

In many areas, Alegna is more conservative the other romance languages (e.g. it kept octo [okto] < OCTŌ), but Alegna was innovative in other areas (e.g. chadoi [ʃadoj] < QUATTOR].

It is the official language of Saldrena (Alegna: Saldrêna [saldʁɛna]) and the lingua franca of the planet Niovis (Alegna: Niovis [njovis]).



There are 21 consonants in Aleña.

Bilabial Labio-dental Dental Alveolar Post-alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular
Nasal m n ɲ ŋ
Plosive p b t d k g
Fricative f v s z ʃ ʒ x ʁ
Approximant j w
Lateral app. l


Front Back
Close i u
Close-mid e o
Open-mid ɛ
Open a

Alegna makes no phonemic distinction for vowel length


Alegna has the following dipthings: /aj, oj, aʊ, jV, wV/


The spelling of Alegna is mostly regular. There is an almost one-to-one correspondence between sounds and letters and almost every letter written is actally pronounced (exceptions include <x> and <gn> see below).

Letter Sound Letter Sound
A a [a] B b [b]
C c [k], [s] before [e, i] Ch ch [ʃ]
D d [d] Ê/È ê/è [ɛ]
E e [e] F f [f]
G g [g], [x] before [e, i] I i [i], [j] in dipthongs
J j [ʒ] L l [l]
M m [m] n [n]
gn [ɲ], silent at the end of words ng [ŋ]
O o [o] P p [p]
R r [ʁ] S s [s]
T t [t] U u [u], [w] in dipthongs
V v [v] X x [x], silent at the end of words
Z z [z] Ai ai [aj]
Au au [aʊ] Oi oi [oj]

The use of accents

Alegna has two types of accents: the grave (è) and the circumflex (ê). Both represent the same sound, but are used in different places. È is used at the beginning of a word (exept êt - and, ês - is), at the end of a word (unless the preceding letter is j), in the cluster mèn, in the infinitives of -ièr and -uèr verbs, and in many three letter words such as pèr, pèd, sèp, and sèx. Ê is used in all other contexts. The rules are not completely strict though, so spelling should me memorized.

The accent used throughout a word a is consistant, so if the word contains è, è is used throughout the word.


Stress in Alegna has become very regular. If the word ends in a vowel, the stress falls on the antepenultimate syllable. If the word ends in a consonant (except <x> or <gn>), the stress is on the ultimate syllable.


Syllables in Alegna are relatively simple. The are consist of at most (C)V(C)(C). Examples V - ugn [u] VC - ês [ɛs] CV - li [li] CVC - frazes [faʁ.'zes] VCC - ils [ils] CVCC - èxeste (when followed by a word starting with a vowel) [ɛ.'xest]


In order to prevent hiatus, and ensure a smoother connection between words, Alegna has developed a system of morphophonology called li sacrefezo (literally "sacrifice"). In certain environemtns, certain sounds will change or reappear. The rules are summarized below

1. <x> and <gn> are silent at the end of a word unless the following word ends in a vowel. Then they become [x] and [ɲ] (gn becomes [n] when the next word starts with [i]).

2. When a word ends with the same consonant as the following word, the last consonant is dropped. 3. /i V/ > [ø‿jV] when V isn't [i] 4. /u v/ > [ø‿wV] when V is't [u]

5. When a word ends in any other vowel and the next word starts with a vowel, the lower and/or more back vowel is dropped (e.g. Alegna ês /aleɲa ɛs/ > aleɲɛs). If the two vowels are the same, then the word final vowel is dropped and the word initial vowel is kept.

6. /n/ > [ɲ] and the end of a word when the next word starts with a vowel that isn't [i].

The rules don't apply across punctuation marks.



No se daice "trên" mazex "mêtro" - We don't use the word "train," we say "metro"

Nouns in Alegna are split into two genders: masculine and feminine, and two numbers: singular and plural. Unlike Latin, nouns in Alegna only decline for two cases: nominative and oblique. There are also only 3 declensions in Alegna. Due to sound changes, many declensions differ only in the written form and sound identicaly

Declension I

Declension I nouns have a nominative singular form that ends in -a or -e. They are almost always feminine (-ma nouns are often masculine).

fameza - family Singular Plural
NOM fameza famezax
OBL fameza famezix

Declension II

Declension II nouns have a nominative singular form that ends in -o, -oi, or, -e. They are almost always masculine.

clo - sky Singular Plural
NOM clo clox
OBL clo clix

Declension III

Declension III nouns have a nominative singular form that ends in a consonant and may be masculine or feminine.


avoin - airplane Singular Plural
NOM avoin avoinox
OBL avoino avoinix


pon - gate Singular Plural
NOM pon ponex
OBL poni ponex

Irregular nouns

Nouns that end in -g or -c have spelling changes, g --> gu, c --> qu

pesc - fish Singular Plural
NOM pesc pescox
OBL pesco pesquix
amigo/a - friend Singular Plural
NOM amigo/a amigox
OBL amigo/a amiguix

Case Usage

The nominative case is used when the noun is the subject, in comparisons, some compound noun constructions, and as the object of some prepositional phrases. The oblique case is used in all other contexts. Certain prepositions change meaning with a change in case, for example di + nominative translates as "of;" di + oblique translates as "from."

Posessive Constructions

Possesive constructions are formed using di + a definite article and noun in the nominative case (note that the definite article combines with di).


The child's father - Li patre dil negno [li patʁe dil neɲo] or Li patre dila negna [li patʁe dila neɲa]

The dogs' water - L'aga dils chagnox [laga dils ʃaŋo]

The women's coats - Los apregox dilas mozax [los apʁego dilas moza]


Nox nos amamox moltox - We love each other very much

Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns in Alegna are much more inflected than nouns. They have retained infletions for the nominative, accusative, dative, genitive, and reflective case. When two pronouns are listed, they are listed in the order of masculine, feminine. Strictly speaking, Alegna is not a pro-drop language; however; it is common to drop pronouns in informal speech and writing.

Singular 1st me mi jo, ja me
2nd tu te te tu te
3rd il, ila lo, la ili suox, suoxa se
Plural 1st nox nox noix nostro, nostra nos
2nd vox vox voix vostro, vostra vos
3rd ils, ilas los, las lis suox, suoxa se
T-V Distinction

Alegna has a T-V distinction.

tu, vos and the 2nd person form of the verb are used in informal situations (when addressing friends, children, family members of the same or younger age, coworkers, religious deities in some religions, and people you wish to insult).

il, ils and the 3rd person form of the verb are used in formal situations (when addressing older family members, teachers, teachers, bosses, religious deities in some religions, royalty, scientisits, etc.)

Demonstrative Pronouns and Adjectives

Demonstrative pronouns and adjectives are the same in Alegna. Demonstrative adjectives agree in number, gender, and case with with the noun they modify. They also contain the last vestiges of Latin's neuter gender.

ces - this
singular plural
NOM ces ceso cesa cex cesax
OBL ceso cesi cex cesix
ês - that
NOM ès èspo èspa èsox èspax
OBL èso èsix èspix


Vace clen - It's hot

Adjectives in Alegna must agree in number and case with the noun they modiy. If they end in -o, or -oi, they must also agree in gender with the noun they modify.

Adjectives that end in -o, -oi

rozo - red Singular Plural
NOM rozo rozos
OBL rozo rozis
NOM roza rozas
OBL roza rozis

Other Adjectives

Adjectives that end in a vowel

êcle - equal Singular Plural
NOM ècle ècles
OBL ècle èclis

Adjectives that end in a consonant

clen - hot Singular Plural
NOM clen clenes
OBL clene clenis

Adjective Placement

Most adjectives follow the noun they modify However, adjectives relating to "goodness," age, size, and determiners precede the noun they modify. Adjectives may also be placed before the noun to emphasize a certain quality of a noun, especially when there is more than one adjective. In addition, some adjectives change meaning depending on whether they precede or follow the noun.

Adjective Following Preceding
novo Brand new New to owner
pab Poor (little money) Poor (unfornuate)
grandi Large Great
antigo Old Ancient
rix Rich Sweet
mêzmo Itself Same
ugnegox Unique Only


Most comparatives are formed using maz/megnox (more/less) adjective jed + a noun in the nominative case.

Most superlatives are formed using the definite article + mez/megnox (most/least) adjective + a noun in the appropriate case.

In all cases, the adjective needs to agree in number, case, and gender with the noun it modifies.


maz clen jed - hotter than

li/la/le mez clen(e) - the hottest

Vogno (good) and mal (bad) have irregular forms that combine with jed and the definite article to form comparative and superlative forms

mal -> joi

vogno -> mêzo

When used to form a comparative, joi combines with jed to form joid


mêzo jed - better than

joid - worse than

li/la/le mêzo - the best

li/la/le joi - the worst

li joid aza - the worst that there is


Alegna has separate indefinite and definite articles. They agree in number, gender, and case with the noun they modify. Except for certain cases (such as when one noun serves as the object of a prepsotional phrase that is the complement of a head noun and in gnomic clauses), an article (or some other determiner) is always required. Generally the definite article is used unless the speaker wishes to specify that a noun is indefinite.

Articles (and determiners in general) behave uniquely in that, in the oblique case for the definite article and all cases for the indefinite article, the vowel is always kept, and will replace the initial vowel of the following word (e.g. le istela /lestela/ not /listela/, ugna istela /uɲa‿stela/ not /uɲistela/). In the nominative case, the vowel on the definite article is always elided (e.g. li + amigo -> l'amigo /lamigo/, la + istela -> l'istela /listela/).

Definite Article

The definite article is formed as follows

Singular Plural
Masc Fem Masc Fem
NOM li la los las
OBL le les

Indefinite Article The indefinite article is formed as follows

Singular Plural
Masc Fem Masc Fem
NOM ugn ugna ugnos ugnas
OBL ugni


Jome tu maz rapidamèn! - Eat faster!

Most adjectives can be turned into an adverb by adding -mèn to the feminine nominatige singular form if the adjective ends in -o or -oi, and to the nominative singular form if it ends in any other vowel. -ên is added to the nominative singular form if it ends in a consonant. Occssionally, there is a meaning change in this process.


rapidoi - rapid --> rapidamèn - rapidly, ècle - equal --> èclemèn - equally, clen - hot --> clenên  - hotly, heatedly


Pèr favo, credieme tu - Please, believe me

As with most languages, verbs are the most complicated part of Alegna's morphology. Verbs in Alegna conjugate for person (1st, 2nd, 3rd), number (singular, plural), tense (present, past, imperfect, and future), and mood (indicative, subjunctive, imperative, and conditional). Alegna developed its future and conditional tenses like most other Romance languages did by using a form of HABĒRE + the infinive. It developed its forms for the future subjunctive by combining the infinitive with the present subjunctive of ESSE. The subjunctive and imperative moods have an expanded role compared to other Romance languages. The subjunctive mood can be found in the main independent clause, where it often translates as may/might ___ and the imperative has a few roles outside of pure commands (though these roles are still commands in a certain sense). Periphrastic Forms Alegna uses periphrastic forms to form the perfect and continuous tenses. The perfect tense is formed using aver + the past participle. In this case, the participle agrees in number and gender with the subject. The continuous tense is formed using  estar + the gerund/present participle. 

Regular Verbs

Regular verbs fall into one of 3 conjungation patterns.

1st Conjugation

1st conjugation verbs end in -ar or -air

crêmar - to burn tu il/ila  nox vox ils/ilas
Infinitive crêmar
Past Participle crêmadoi
Present Participle crêmandoi
IND Pres crêmo crêmax crêma crêmamox crêmaix crêman
Pret crêmavi crêmavesti crêmave crêmavemox crêmavestox crêmaven
Imp crêmava crêmavax crêmava crêmavamox crêmavaix crêmavan
Fut crêmara crêmarex crèmarè crêmaremox crêmarix crêmarên
SUBJ Pres crêm crêmex crèmè crêmemox crêmoix crèmèn
Past crêmavez crêmavezex crèmavezè crêmavezemox crêmavezoix crêmavzên
Fut crêmare crêmarsix crêmare crêmarimox crêmarsix crêmaren
COND crêmaria crêmariax crêmaria crêmariamox crêmariaix crêmarian
IMP Aff crêma crèmè crêmemox crêmade crèmèn
Neg no crêmex no crèmè no crêmemox no crêmoix no cèmèn
Perfect Tenses - aver + past participle
Continuous Tenses - estar + present participle

2nd Conjugation

2nd conjugation verbs end in -er or -èr

esper - to hope for tu il/ila nox vox ils/ilas
Infinitive esper
Past Pariticple espedoi
Present Participle espêndoi
IND Pres espè espex espè espemox espoix espên
Pret espi espesti espe espemox espestex esperon
Imp espia espiax espia espiamox espiaix espian
Fut espera esperai epserè esperemox esperix esperên
SUBJ Pres espa espax espa espamox espaix espan
Past esperez esperezex esperezè esperezemox esperezoix esperezên
Fut espere espersix espere esperimox espersix esperen
COND esperia esperiax esperia esperiamox esperiaix esperian
IMP AFF espe espa espamox espede espan
NEG no espax no espa no espamox no espaix no espan
Perfect Tenses - aver + past participle
Continuous Tenses - estar + present participle

3rd Conjugation

mordir - to die tu il/ila nox vox ils/ilas
Infinitive mordir
Past Participle moridoi
Present Participle moirêndoi
IND Pres mordo mordix morde mordimox mordoix mordon
Pret mordi mordesti morde mordemox mordestex morderon
Imp mordia mordiax mordia mordiamox mordiaix mordian
Fut mordira mordirai mordirè mordiremox mordirix mordirên
SUBJ Pres morda mordax morda mordamox mordaix mordan
Past morderez morderezex morderezè morderezmox morderezoix mordezên
Fut mordire mordirsix mordire mordirimox mordirsix mordiren
COND mordiria mordiriax mordiria mordiriamox mordiaix mordian
IMP AFF mordi morda mordamox mordidè mordan
NEG no mordax no morda no mordamox no mordaix no mordan
Perfect Tenses - aver + past participle
Continuous Tenses - estar + presnt participle

3rd conjugation verbs in in -ir

Irregular Verbs

Irregular forms are italicized Èzer - to be

èzer -to be tu il/ila nox vox ils/ilas
Infinitive èzer
Past Participle sedoi
Present Participle sendoi
IND Pres su èx ès somox èstox son
Pret fui fuesti fue fuemox fuestox fuer
Imp èra èx è èmox èix èn
Fut èzera èzerai èzerè èzeremox èzerix èzerèn
SUBJ Pres se six se simox six sen
Past fuerezên fuerezex fuerezè fuerezemox fuerezedix fuerezên
Fut èzere èzrsix èzere èzerimox èzersix èzeren
COND èzeria èzeriax èzeria èzeriamox èzeriax èzerian
IMP AFF èx se simox ès sen
NEG no six no se no simox no ès no sen
Perfect Tenses - aver + past participle
Continuous Tenses - estar + present participle

Note: the forms èx follows irregular li sacrefezo rules. When èx is preceded, but not followed, by a follow, it is pronounced as /xɛ/ (Di doinde èx tu [di dojnde‿xɛ tu])

Estar - to be

estar - to be tu il/ila nox vox ils/ilas
Infinitive estar
Past Prarticiple estadoi
Present Participle estandoi
IND Pres estu estax esta estamox estaix estan
Pret estai estêdisti estêdi estêdimox estêdistox estêdin
Imp estava estavax estava estavamox estavaix estavan
Fut estara estarai estarè estaremox estarix estarên
SUBJ Pres est estex estè estemox estoix estên
Past estêdezên estêdezex estèdezè estêdezemox estêdezedix estêdezen
Fut estar estarsix estare estarimox estarsix estaren
COND estaria estariax estaria estariamox estariaix estarian
IMP AFF esta estè estemox estade estên
NEG no estex no estè no estemox no estoix no estên
Perfect Tenses - aver + past participle
Continuous Tense - estar + present partiiciple

Aver - axuliliary verb

aver - to have tu il/ila nox vox ils/ilas
Infinitive aver
Past Participle avedoi
Present Participle avendoi
IND Pres a ai vè, aie1 avemox avix èn
Pret avui avuesti avue avuemox avuestox avuen
Imp avia aviax avia aviamox aviaix avian
Fut avra avrai avrè avremox avrix avrèn
SUBJ Past aza avêx aza avêmox avex azan
Pres avuezên avuezex avuezè avuezemox avuezedix avuezên
Fut avre avsix avre avrimox avsix avren
COND avria avriax avria avriamox avriaix avrian
IMP AFF ave aza avêmox avede azan
NEG no avêx no aza no avêmox no avex no azan
Perfect Tenses - aver + past participle
Continuous Tenses - estar + present participle

1is used as an axuiliary verb in the perfect tense, aie translates as "there is/are" Ir - to go

ir - to go tu il/ila nox vox ils/ilas

Vacer - to make

vacer - to make, do tu il/ila nox vox ils/ilas

Voler - to want

voler - to want tu il/ila nox vox ils/ilas

Podir - to be able to

podir - to be able to tu il/ila nox vox ils/ilas

Air - to hear

air - to hear tu il/ila nox vox ils/ilas

Passive Voice

There ae two ways to form the passive voice in Alegna. In informal speech and writing, the passive voice is formed using the reflexive pronoun, se when the agent is noun mentioned (e.g. La cradai se me da - The tie is given to me).

In formal contexts or if the agent is mentioned, the passive voice is formed using a form of èzer + the passive particple. The agnet is introduced with pèr.  The passive participle agrees in number and gender with the patient (e.g. La cradai me ês daida pèr jo patre - The tie is given to me by my father).


Alegna's verbs show a T-V distinction in forming commands. There are 3 ways to form commands. Informal commands are formed using the tu or vox form of the imperative mood. Formal commands are formed using the il/ila or ils/ilas form of the imperative mood. Polite commands (extremely formal) commands are formed using the conditional of podir jed + the il/ila or ils/ilas form of the imperative mood

Pronoun Placement

Pronoun placement follows this order for verbs not in the imperative tense

Pronoun Placement - Conjugated Verb
Personal Pronoun Reflexive Pronoun Indiret Object (Dative) Pronoun Direct Object Pronoun (Accusative) Verb

For infintives, all pronouns except for personal pronouns are also attaced to the end of the verb

Pronoun Placement
Personal Pronoun Verb Reflexive Pronoun Indirect Object (Dative) Pronoun Direct Object (Accusative) Pronoun

For affirmative commands, all pronouns except for personal pronouns are also attached to the end of the verb

Pronoun Placement - Affirmative Commands
Verb Reflexive Pronoun Indiret Object (Dative) Pronoun Direct Object Pronoun (Accusative) Personal Pronoun

Note that nox becomes -gnox when attached to the end of an affirmative command

For negative commands, all pronouns go between no and the verb

Pronoun Placement - Negative Commands
no Personal Pronoun Reflexive Pronoun Indiret Object (Dative) Pronoun Direct Object Pronoun (Accusative) Verb


Jed daice-il? - What is he saying

Prepositional Phrases

In prepositional phrases, the prepsotion is placed before the noun. The noun may take on the nominative or the oblique case depending on the preposition. In addition, some prepositions change meaning depending on the case of its complemenet.

Relative Clauses

Relative clauses are a speical kind of subordinate clause that is always introduced with jed - that or je - who. Although je translates as who, it is only used in adjectival clauses and with a preposition. Jed and je form contractions with certain words, listed in the table below.

Word Contraction


li/la/los/las/le/les j'il/j'al/jos/jas/j'el/jes
ugn/ugna/ugnus/ugnas/ugni j'ugn/j'agn/jugnos/jagnos/j'in
ês/êspo/... j'ès/j'èspo/...
joi joid
êt j'êt
piec piej

Relative clauses often require that the main verb(s) in the clause be in the subjunctive mood (or rarely in the imperative mood). Unlike English, the relative pronoun is never omitted.

Note that if the subject is the same in the relative clause as the main clause, the pronoun can optionally be obmitted.

In informal contexts, jed is often used in contexts that call for je.

Verb Use

Subjunctive vs Indicative

The indicative mood is used to indicate facts, and certaintaties. The subjunctive mood is used to express emotions, wishes, doubts, hypotheticals, and possibilities. Like other Romance languages, Alegna uses the subjunctive frequently, more frequently than languages like English. However, Alegna uses the subjunctive even more frequently than other romance languages.

Preterit vs Imperfect

Conditional Clauses

Conditional clauses in Alegna are introduced with si. There are many combination of moods and tenses.

1. Indicative Present + Indicative Future - If a happens b will happen

2. Indicative Present + Subjunctive Future - If a happens b might happen

3. Subjunctive Present + Subjunctive Future - If a happens, b (might) happen

4. Subjunctive Future + Indicative Future - If a might happen, b will happen

5. Subjunctive Past + Conditional Present - If a were true, b would be true

6. Subjunctive Pluperfect + Conditional Perfect - If a had been true, b would have been true

7. Indicative Present + Subjunctive Present - If a happens, b happens

si forms contractions with the pronouns il/ila/ils/ilas and ugn/ugna/ugnos/ugnas

si + il -> s'il

si + ila -> s'al

si + ils -> s'ils

si + ilas -> s'als

si + ugn -> sign

si+ ugna -> sagn

si + ugns -> signos

si + ugnas -> sagnas

In all other cases, si overrides the rules of of li sacrefezo, the i sound is always kept.


Si li chagn jomè, il sovridirè - If the dog eats, it will smile

Si li chagn jomè, il sovridire - If the dog eats, it might smile

Si li chagn joma, il sovridire - If the dog eats (and it might not), it might smile

Si li chagn jomere, il sovridirè - If the dog eats in the future, it will smile

Si li chagn jomezè, il sovridiria - If the dog ate, it would smile.

Si li chagn avuezè jomedoi, il avria sovrididoi - If the dog had eaten, it would have smilled

Si li chagn jomè, il sovrida - If the dog eats, it smiles.

Interrogative Constructions

Alegna has two types of interrogative constructions: one introduced by an interrogative pronoun and one that is not (equivalent to English's "do" questions). In both cases, there is an inversion of the normal subject-verb order; the subject ocurrs immediately after the verb. In interrogative sentences, the pronoun is not omitted even in casual speech. In interrogative consturctions, a pronoun can separate a main verb and an infinitive or relative clause.


Vi tu jomer acra? [vi tu ʒomeʁ akʁa]- Do you want to eat now?

Je amax tu? [ʒema tu]- Who do you love?

Crediè il j'ila se rix? [kʁedil ʒila se ʁi]- Does he think (that) she is rich?


Negation in Alegna is achieved by simple putting no before the verb. However, to add emphasis, another negation word may be placed immediately after the verb. Alegna also uses a double negative. Jê no lo volo [ʒɛ no volo]- - I don't want it

Jê lo no volo nojên! [ʒɛ no volo noʒɛn]- I really don't want it! (May also be translated as an expletive)

Tu no sabex nojên di lo jed (tu) daicex! [tu no sabe noʒɛn di lo ʒe dajse] - (Forcefully) You don't know what you're talking about!


Example text

Pèr favo, no il podrian jed no lo cran (il)

[pɛʁ favo no podʁian ʒe no lo kʁan (il)]

Please don't do it

UDHR Article 1

Todo los humagnox se nacên lives êt ecles pèr le daigneda êt les dictoxix. Ils son daidas le ratzo êt le chosêntza êt se diven portar jo ugn sênidoi di fradiêrnedai


[todo los umaɲo se nasɛn lives ɛt ekles pɛʁ la dajɲed‿ɛ les diktoxi il‿son dajdas la ʁatzo‿t le ʃosɛntz‿ɛ il‿se diven poʁtaʁ ʒ‿u sɛntidoj di fʁatjɛʁnedaj]

Literal Translation

All the humans are born free and equal by the dignity and the rights. The are given the reason and the conscience and they should behave themselves with a spirit of brotherhood.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood

Lord's Prayer

Nostro patre je esta dentox le clo

Jed se ladadoj suox nomè

Jed vêgna suox regno

Jed se vacto suox volontade

Chomo ila ês vacto ex le têra

Podria jed dêgnox il ces de nostro pagno dazo

Êt podria jed pêrdoignêgnox il pêr nostrox pêgadix

Chomo nox pêrdoignamox los jed pêgadên jontra noix

Êt no podria jed no nox juedè il ad le têntatzo

Mazex podria jed salvêgnox il jontra le maloxo



[nostʁo patʁe ʒ‿esta dento le clo]

[ʒe se ladadoj swo nomɛ]

[ʒe vɛɲa swo reɲo]

[ʒe se vakto volontade]

[ʃom‿ila‿s vakto‿x le tɛra]

[podʁja ʒe dɛɲox il ses de nostʁo paɲo dazo]

[ɛ podʁja ʒe pɛʁdojɲɛɲox il pɛʁ nostʁo pɛgadi]

[ʃomo no pɛʁdojɲamo los ʒe pɛgadɛn ʒontʁa noj]

[ɛ no podʁja ʒe no no ʒwed‿il a le tɛntatzo]

[maze podʁia ʒe salvɛɲox il ʒontʁa le maloxo]


Literal Translation

Our father who is in the sky

May be praised your name

May come your kingdom

May be done your will

Like it is done on the Earth

You could that you give us this day our daily bread.

And you could that you forgive us for our sins

Like we forgive those who sin against us

And you couldn't that you not lead us to temptation

But save us against evil.



Our father, who art in heaven

Hallowed by thy name

Thy kingdom come

Thy will be done on Earth

As it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our trespasses

As we forgive those who trespass against us

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from evil

