parlotia astroktia
Type synthetic
Alignment SVO
Head direction
Tonal No
Declensions Yes
Conjugations Yes
Genders 2
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Progress 0%
Nouns 0%
Verbs 0%
Adjectives 0%
Syntax 0%
Words 100 of 1500
Creator Relox84

(please note that this page is still being worked on)

Classification and Dialects


Astroxian (paroltia astroktia [pɑr.lo.t͡sja as.tɾɔk.t͡sja]) is a romance language widely spoken in the astrasian continent. It derives from latin, but throughout the middle ages was heavily influenced by the gu'gaθi language spoken before the roman invasion of the continent.Today astroxian is considered a macro-language made out of many different dialects, and is used as a lingua franca along the nations of the astrasian continent.



Bilabial Labio-dental Dental Alveolar Post-alveolar Retroflex Palatal Velar Uvular Pharyngeal Epiglottal Glottal
Nasal m n ɳ*
Stop p/b (allophones) t  d ɖ*  ʈ* k  g q  ɢ* ʔ
Affricate t͡s* q͡χ
Fricative f v θ  ð s  z ʃ*  ʒ* ç  ʝ* h
Approximant j
Flap or tap ɾ
Trill r
  • rare/dialectal sound


Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
High i    u
High-mid e  ø ɘ    o
Low-mid ɛ ʌ  ɔ
Low a ɑ


Writing System

THe astroxian language is written with the kjenvari alphabet, which is a variant of the latin alphabet that have been heavily influenced by gu'gaθi writing systems. Hereafter is the official transcription of this alphabet in latin (the kjessel is used after a letter to indicate that it is doubled, except when that letter is at the end of the word, in which case it will be simply written twice):



a b c d e


ë f g h i j
Sound(s) a-ɑ b θ-ð d-ɖ e-ɛ e ø-ɘ  f-v g-ɢ h-ç i-j x
Letter k l m n o p r s t u ü* v
Sound(s) k-q l m







ʌ ɥ v
Letter/grapheme an* on* -kjessel- ou au eu* ae* kj ◌h rr
Sound(s) ɑ̃ ɔ̃ none u ɔː ʊ q͡χ ʰ r
  • rare/archaic letters



Astroxian nouns are very easy to understand. In standardised modern astroxian they are indeclinable and the only inflexion most of them may get is the plural form which most of the time is done by adding a "t" at the end of the noun (not that the t can be preceded by a vowel -either a or e for female and male nouns respectively- if the word ends with a "t", a "d" or a consonant cluster that would have become too big to ensure an easy pronounciation). Of course they are bunch of exeptions which may be found in the Lexicon:

Des apel = the apple / Des apelt = the apples

However the astroxian language also has a remnant of the high-astroxian dual, which is used to describe pairs of objects. In theory, any regular noun could become dual by adding an "h" (or "eh" if it ends with a consonant), but in practice only words that can be expected to come in pairs are accepted in their dual form, and pointing at two cars and saying "Liont sent net Autoh" would sound unnatural to any native speaker.

Here are some exemples of how and when dual may be used:

"Liont sent kalokah" = Thoses are shoes (a pair of shoes) / "Liont sent kalokat" = Those are shoes (a bunch of shoes)

"Vē eto jumeh" = You are twins (you were born the same day from the same mother) /

"Vē eto jumet" = You are twins (you are twins by yourselves but you do not necessarily have the same mother)

Also note that dual may sometimes apply to nouns that typically form a group of more than two entities:

"Mas mana at thenka sagej" = My hand has five fingers / "Liont et gejet" = Those are fingers.

As you will see below, verbs don't conjugate according to dual, but rather consider it as plural. This is also true for adjectives, pronouns and determiners.


In astroxian, much like in most romance languages, verbs experience conjugation.

There are two main types of verbs and three auxiliaries.

Tense Person Oskiret Tevennet Etnet Asset Viarnet
Present oskiro tevenno sio asso vasso
oskiras tevennas es as vassas
Li/Lea/Lot oskirat tevennat et at vat
oskihilas tevennitas etas assas viatias
oskihilo tevennito eto asto viasito
Liant/Liont oskirent tevennont sent astant vassant
Past oskital tevental fao abal alto
oskitas teventas fas abas altas
Li/Lea/Lot oskitat teventat vat abat altat
oskitiras teventinas famas avetas altiras
oskitiro teventino famato avito altiro
Liant/Liont oskitirent teventinent vanent abent alitent
Future oksiril tevennil serel aural irril
oskiris tevennis seres auras irris
Li/Lea/Lot oskirit tevennit seret aurat irrit
oskiriras tevenniras seriras auriras irriras
oskiriro tevenniro serero auriro irriro
Liant/liont oskirirent tevennirent serent aurent irrent
Imperative (tē) oskio teveno sao aio valo
(nē) oskiruns tevennuns sauns aiuns valuns
(vē) oskirito tevennito saito aito valito
Participle - oskirik tevennok etek abek vialak

Verbial suffixes & prefixes

-ga- (just before the verbial conjugation suffix)

turns an active verb into a passive verb (the verb will be in the -net class, even if the original verb belonged to the -ret class)

-re- used for an usual/repeated action:

iē fetal = i did ; iē feretal = i was doing

Examples: oskiret = to kill ; oskiganet = to be killed


Definite articles:

Usage Male noun Female noun Proper noun
Nominative des den Ø
Accusative det den Ø
Nom. possessive des dēel de
Acc. possessive det del de
Vocative os ol to
"from the" daot daol dao
"to the" sedot sed sedo
"at the" olt oln o
"over the" suros suron suro
"under the" supos supon supo
"in front of the" tavnos tavnon tavno
"behind the" ternos ternon terno
"next to the" klossos klosson klosso
"by the" perot perol pero

Indefinite articles:

Usage Male noun Female noun
Singular en an
Plural net nat
Sin. possessive dēen dēan
Plu. possessive dēet dēat
"from a" dae daa
(plural) daet daat
"to a" sede seda
(plural) sedet sedat
"at a" ole ona
(plural) olet onat
"over a" sure sura
(plural) suret surat
"under a" supe supa
(plural) supet supat
"in front of a" tavne tavna
(plural) tavnet tavnat
"behind a" terne terna
(plural) ternet ternat
"next to a" klosse klossa
(plural) klosset klossat
"by a" pere pera
(plural) peret perat


There are two main ways of negating a sentence in astroxian:

*the dis- prefix:

"ji" = happy, "disji" = sad.

*the "nant" word, equivalent of the english "not". It's always place just before the verb:

Iē nant sio ji = I am not happy.


In a basic sentence, the syntax is subject-verb-object

In a basic interrogative sentence, it is verb-subject-object-?


Astroxian dictionary

Example text
