Cape Speech
Type Synthetic
Alignment Nominative-Accusative
Head direction Initial
Tonal No
Declensions Yes
Conjugations Yes
Genders two
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Progress 1%
Nouns 3%
Verbs 2%
Adjectives 2%
Syntax 0%
Words of 1500
Creator gergogarami

Classification and Dialects

Cape Speech or Capàyec is a Romance Language with a vocabulary borrowed from Spanish, Arabic, Romanian, and French. There is only one main dialect. The language is synthetic, with some agglutinative tendencies.



Bilabial Labio-dental Dental Alveolar Post-alveolar Retroflex Palatal Velar Uvular Pharyngeal Epiglottal Glottal
Nasal m n ɲ ŋ
Plosive p, b t, d c k, g
Fricative f, v θ s, z ʃ, ʒ
Affricate ts, dz t͡ʃ, d͡ʒ
Approximant w j
Trill r
Flap or tap
Lateral fric.
Lateral app. l ʎ
Lateral flap


Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
High i ɨ, ʉ u
Near-high ɪ ʊ
High-mid e o
Mid ə
Low-mid ɛ ɔ
Near-low æ
Low a ɒ



Writing System

Letter A À Ã B C D E È F G H I
Sound a æ ɒ a: ɒ ə b k ts s d ə e ɛ e: f d͡ʒ g h ɪ i ɨ
Letter Ì J K L M N O Ò Õ P Q R
Sound i: ʒ k l m n o ɒ o: ʊ ʉ ɯ ɔ p k r h
Letter S T U Ù V X Y Z
Sound s t u u: v s ʃ z gz j z s θ
  • ai - e
  • ãi - ɛ
  • oi - i
  • õi - wi
  • ei - e:
  • tr - t͡ʃ
  • dr - d͡ʒ
  • pre - pʒə
  • rr - ʒ
  • mh - w
  • c before o, u, a - k
  • c before e, I - s, ts
  • g before o, u, a - g
  • g before e, I - d͡ʒ
  • tã - tsə
  • que, qui, gue, gui - ke, ki, ge, gi
  • qmhe, qmhi, gmhe, gmhi - kew, kwi, gwe, gwi
  • ig - iʒ (at the end of words)

vowels with grave accents get nasalized when at the end of a word, for example: Texà = Texan, jardì = garden



Plural Forms

In Capàyec, nouns have different endings for every case, number, and gender. The four noun cases are Nominative, Genitive, Accusative, and Vocative. Masculine nouns typically end with a consonant or long vowel, in which case an "n" is added between the noun stem and the plural marker "s"

jardì - garden --> jardins - gardens

campeyò - champion --> campeyons - champions

Most indefinite feminine nouns end with "ã", and exceptions are very rare. The plural form of feminine nouns in created by adding an "i" to the end of the word, thus changing its sound as well.

cartã - card --> cartãi - cards


Nouns can either be definite or indefinite. The masculine definitiveness marker in the singular form is "õ", and in the plural, it's "i"

õ jardì - the garden --> i jardins - the gardens

The feminine nouns' definitiveness marker in the singular form is an "ã" in front of, and an "a" attached to the noun.

cartã - card --> carta - the card

The plural form is created by changing the "ã" in front of the noun into an "e", and adding an "i" to the end of the word.

carta - the card --> e cartai - the cards

If a noun is definite and starts with a vowel, an "h" with a hyphen is added to the beginning of it.

õ h-om - the man , ã h-autua - the car

​The Genitive case

The Genitive case is used only when the speaker desires to signify posession, applying one of the Genitive markers -on, -ion, -an, -ian to the end of the noun marking the posessor, that is, if the noun is definite.

ã langa - the language --> ã langan

e langai - the languages --> e languian (the "u" is inserted to de-palatalize the "g")

Indefinite nouns get the Genitive prefixes "ta" (for singular) and "ti" (for plural), similar to Spanish "de"

langã - (a) language --> ta langã - of (a) language

langãi - languages --> ti langãi - of languages

​The Accusative case

The Accusative case is used to mark the object of the sentence. The Accusative case markers are -m for singular, and -ms for plural nouns. The /m/ sounnd is usually not pronounced, however it might affect the preceeding vowel's sound.

Giu veig e montanyams. /d͡ʒu ve:ʒ e montaɲə̃s/ - I see the mountains.

A h-eit as demandet ã questam? /æhe:t͡ʃ as dəmandet ə ke:stɨ̃/ - Have you asked the question? or Did you ask the question?

The Vocative case

The rarely used Vocative case is used for exclamations and calls. The Vocative markers are -eu, -ebi, -ea, and -eba.

ligã - girl --> Ligea! - Guuuurl!

leg - kid --> Yaltã, leguebi! - Hey, kids!

The following table sums up all the case endings for regular nouns. m-masculine f-feminine s-singular p-plural i-indefinite d-definite

Case endings for regular nouns
msi msd mpi mpd fsi fsd fpi fpd
N - õ -s i -s ã -a -ãi e -ai
G ta õ -on ti i -ion ta ã -an ti e -ian
A -em õ -em -ems i -ems -ãm ã -am -ãms e -ams
V -eu -eu -ebi -ebi -ea -ea -eba -eba

​Other nouns, like the ones that end with -ciò, -iò or -aa have different endings in different cases.

Nous ending with -ciò, -siò, and -tiò can only be feminine.

The ones ending in -taa, -daa, and -aa can only feminine too.

Case endings of nouns that end with -ciò, -siò, -tiò
fsi fsd fpi fpd
N -iò ã -iò -iãi e -iai
G ta ã -iòn ti e  -iònan
A -iòm ã -iònãm -iãim e -iaim
V -iea -iea -iebe -iebe
Case endings of nouns that end with -taa, -daa, -aa
fsi fsd fpi fpd
N -taã ã -taa -taãi e -taai
G ta ã -taon ti e -taan
A -taãm ã -taam -taãim e -taaim
V -teba -teba -tebe -tebe

​Stress in Words

Normally, (when the word ends with a vowel or any consonant, except n or m) the stress falls on the penultimate syllable. Grave accents modify the length of the vowel they are assigned to, and also change the stress of the word.


Verbs in Capàyec come in three tenses: past, present, and future,

two numbers: singular and plural,

three persons: first, second, and third,

three moods: indicative, subjunctive, and impperative,

two aspects: perfective and imperfective,

and two vioces: active and passive.

Verbs have four endings in their infinitive form: -ar, -re, -er, and -ir. The four endings are categorized into three groups based on conjugation, they are: -ar, -re, and -er+-ir.



In Capàyec Indicative Present verbs may indicate an action that is happening right now and probably with continue, a verb that is happening right now, or an action that goes on regularly.

Conjugationn of verbs ending in -ar
s p
1st -u -am
2nd -as -apt
3rd -ant
Conjugation of verbs ending in -re
s p
1st -∅ -ãm
2nd -ãs -ãpt
3rd -∅ -ãnt
Conjugation of verbs ending in -er and -ir
s p
1st -∅ -em/ -im
2nd -es -ept
3rd -∅ -ent
Past Perfect (Pasatã Compossã)

This past form is used to signify situations, that:

  • have just happened, not long ago
  • have happened and still go on
  • are linked some way to the present

Formation: conjugate the auxiliary verb aure (meaning to have) in the present tense according to the subject, and link the past participle of the desired verb after it.

Conjugation of the verb aure
s p
1st au am
2nd as apt
3rd ha ant

The past participle is formed by dropping the infinitive endings, -ar, -re, -er, -ir and replacing them with -at, -et, -it, -it for singular subjects, and -ats, -ets -its, -its for plural subjects.

Pastt participle irregularities
p. p. sta-tu/s hap-t/s pu-t/ds hia-t/ts sau-t/tus drau-t/s brau-t/s creu-t/s au-t/tus ven-ut/us ten-ut/us pos-t/sãs joga-t/ts vivi-t/ts beu-t/ts ãscri-t/s argmhi-t/ts deb/p-t/s solu-t/s
p. p. conãsta-tu/s pinta-t/ts fa-st/ts di-t/s mos-t/ts mãnja-t/ts vis-t/ts ascãn-t/ts anda-t/ts entra-t/ts nas-t/ts mor-t/ts parti-t/ts cõri-t/ts dur-t/s sãj-t/its lu-t/ts du-t/ts (h-)i-t/s
Past Indefinite (Pasatã Foartã/Pasatã Indefinitã)

This type of past is used to signify situations, that:

  • happened a long time ago, or happened before a situation described with the Past Perfect tense
  • happened several times
  • are not linked to the present

Formation: verbs are conjugated differently according to their ending.

Conjugation of the verbs ending with -ar
s p
1st -àms
2nd -àte -àtes
3rd -àns
Conjugation of the verbs ending in -re
s p
1st -èms
2nd -ète -ètes
3rd -yo -èns
Conjugation of verbs ending in -er and -ir
s p
1st -ìms
2nd -ìte -ìtes
3rd -yo -ìns

Many irregularities occur.


The future tense is used to express situations that have not happened yet or will happen. Formation: conjugate the auxiliary verb yer (meaning to go) and add the infinitive form of the desired verb after.

Conjugation of the verb yer
s p
1st vuy vam
2nd vas vete
3rd va


The other way to express the future tense is by adding the words plhior or cãmtãm (meaning later) to the end of the sentence. Using these words imply that the speaker is not sure whether the situation will happen.

Joà va limpiar ã casam? - Is John going to clean the house?

En limpia cãmtãm. - He will clean it later.


The subjunctive mood is used to express a view, wish, emotion, possibility, obligation, or judgement.

Queres que giu prepare õ sõpãrem? - Do you want me to prepare the dinner?

Saya atihe! - Let it be that way!

Subjunctive is used with negative sentences too, unlike in Spanish.

Formation: the verbs ending in -ar recieve the "e" conjugation, and the ones ending in -re, -er, and -ir get the "a" conjugation.

Top: the "e" conjugation, bottom: the "a" conjugation
s p
1st -e -em
2nd -es -ept
3rd -i -ent
1st -a -am
2nd -as -apt
3rd -a -antt
Past Tense

Past Perfect: the verb aure is put in its present subjunctive form: aya, ayas, ai, ayam, ayat, ayant'​'

Past Indefinite: a different conjugation is used. One for the -ar ending, and an other one for the -re, -er, and -ir endings.

Top: -ar Bottom: -re, -er, -ir
s p
1st -ase -asem
2nd -aste -astes
3rd -ase -asent
1st -ese -esem
2nd -este -estes
3rd -ese -esent


The Conditional tense is used to express probability, possibility, or wonder.

Formation: a different cojugation is used or all verb endings.

All verbs' endings in the present conditional tense
s p
1st -ìa -ìem
2nd -ìes -ìete
3rd -ìa -ìent


In Capàyec, adjectives can act as masculine nouns, taking up their noun cases. Otherwise, they can only take up the endings of the noun they describe (no matter if the noun is in the Genitive, Accusative, or Vocative case) in the Nominative case.

Coca pomãm queres? Ã grandam. - Which apple do you want? The big one.

Õ xaqueid ã viyejdaman ver hua. - The jacket of the old lady is green.


Personal Pronouns

Personal Pronouns are used to identify people or things without saying their proper name. They typically mark the subject of a sentence.

Personal Pronouns
s p
1st giu noap
2nd eit voap
3rd hua/hia hic
inanimate õ / ã i / e
"one" un mhãs
  • õ and ã mean it, the plural form is i / e (masc. / fem.)
  • Un and its plural mhãs mean (some)one
  • eit is used as the informal singular "you", and voap is both the plural informal and the formal singular "you".
  • hic is also used as the formal plural "you"
  • giu is shortened to gi' when infront of a word that begins with a vowel

Direct Object Pronouns

Direct Object Pronouns mark the Direct Object of the sentence, as it is in its name.

Direct Object Pronouns
s p
1st em
2nd et
3rd hum hem
inanimate en ens
(some)one um mhãm

em, et, nõ and võ are applied a shorter form, m, t, n and v, if they are:

  • infront of a word beginning with a vowel.
  • behind of a word ending with a vowel.
  • infront of a word beginning with a vowel, and behind of a word ending with a vowel*

Indirect Object Pronouns

These Pronouns are also sometimes called Dative Pronouns, since they were formed by adding the now unused "prã" Dative prefix to the Direct Object Pronouns. Spoken language changed their pronunciation over the years, thus the spelling was changed as well.

Indirect Object Pronouns
s p
1st em en
2nd et eb(i)
3rd el/lay li/ lai
inanimate pãn pãns
(some)one phrù puas

El daig sãipem. - I give him a book. --> Po en daig - I give it to him

​Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive Pronouns are formed by adding the Adjectives mèm and mèms after the Indirect Object Pronouns.

Giu amu h-em mèm. - I love myself.

A voap amapt võ mèms? - Do you love yourselves?

Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative Pronouns clear up which object the speaker is talkinng about. If the Pronoun is followed by the corresponding noun, that noun must be in its definite form.

Xa dama. - That lady.

Demonstrative Pronouns
m. s. m. p. f. s. f. p.
close ix xi xa xe
far imex imis imiha imihe
further aquès aquèsts aquesa aquese

Interrogative Pronouns

Interrogative Pronouns
what? què/m?
who? quì?
whom? quìm?
why? perquè?


which? co/s/ca/que?
how many/ much? cambè?
where to? ahõnde?
when? cõnde?
how? còm?

Relative Pronouns

Relative Pronouns are used to refer to an antedecent that means it comes before the thing we want to refer to/ ask.

Relative Pronouns
what que/m
who qui
whom quim
why / because per que
where onde
which co/s/ca/que
as many/much cunte/cantu
where to a h-onde
when conde
how comu

Is this how you want to do it? - Ix comu en quers fair hua?

Is he whom we want? - Hua quem querem?

​Possessive Pronouns

Possessive Pronouns mark that the noun with the Pronoun is in the possession of someone or something. Keep in mind that these pronouns are modified or 'conjugated' according to the noun they are assigned to, not by the possessor.

Possessive Pronouns
m. s. m. p. f. s. f. p.
giu i me* ma* e me*
eit u* u* u* u*
hua/hia i se* sa* e se*
noap noi i noi noi e noi
voap voi i voi voi e voi
hic loi i loi loi e loi
  • If these forms stand before a noun that begins with a vowel, an "h" with a hyphen is added to the beginning of the noun.

om - man --> sò om - his/her man / u h-om - your man

The Pronouns may also appear after the corresponding noun, changing the meaning. This formula is more frequently used when the thing or person spoken of is not present.

Mò jefe. - My boss. --> Õ/Ix jefe mò. - The/this boss of mine.

Possessive Pronouns
m. s. m. p. f. s. f. p.
giu meyo meys maya maye
eit teyo teys taya taye
hua/hia seyo seys saya saye
noap neyo nõys noya noye
voap veyo võys voya voye
hic elio elis ilia ilie

à h-autua maya hia. - The car is mine.

à pleasura noya hia. - THe pleasure is ours.


! - The preposition "in" has various forms according to the number, definitiveness and gender of its corresponding noun.*

  • no - masculine singular definite and indefinite
  • nã - feminine singular indefinite
  • na - feminine singular definite
  • ne - all plurals, definite
  1. no, nã, na, ne - in ~Quì hua na noi casa? - Who is in our house?
  2. a h-ã dereita (ta) - to/on the right (of) ~Pricinqued a h-ã dereita hua. - The police precinct is on the right
  3. a h-ã sìnstãra (ta) - to/on the left (of) ~A h-ã sìnstãra s pud veir famosã pinadãm. - To the left we can see a famous painting.
  4. abex - under ~Apa deijã que mònstãrus abex mò payc hoc. - Dad says there are monsters under my bed.
  5. derer / tarrer - behind ~Vey a derer teig! - Look behind you.
  6. enter - between ~Uraye nu-nà hia enter noap. - There isn't anything between us ("going on") right now.
  7. arõtant (ta) - around ~Yarbã nu cres arõtant ta h-õ fainãu. - Grass doesn't grow around the spruce tree.
  8. zintru (ta) - inside (of) ~Làhia plena! Nà-lahoc zintru h-ã. - It's not full! There isn't anything in it.
  9. lìo (ta) - far (from) ~A vius lìo ta u h-ãscoala? - Do you live far from your school?
  10. circa (a) - close (to) ~Nu, giu vivu bèm circa a h-ã. - No, I live pretty close to it.
  11. sper - on / over / upon ~Suneyx saltò sper trongaãtes - The fox jumped over the logs.
  12. sur - about ~Què saps eit sur ix? - What do you know about this?
  13. ante (ta) - before ~Lavay t e màns ante ta sõpar! - Wash your hands before dinner.
  14. durant (ta) - during ~Hem pladãm etre libades durant ta proyeciò filmon. - We ask you to be quiet during the showing of the movie.
  15. a - to / at / by ~A casã. - At home.
  16. cãmb - with CAMBEIG - with me CANTEIG - with you CANTSEIG - with him/her
  17. no frint (ta) - infront (of) ~Parov pedde zuldem no frint ta h-õ magacin. - A homeless man begs for money infront of the store.
  18. a còsta (ta) - beside / to  the side (of) ~Hia a ma còsta! - She's on my side!
  19. dèzus - above ~Absentã hia dèzus ã loap. - No-one is above the law.
  20. na medina (ta/G) - in the middle (of) ~Danzu na medina bosgayon. - I dance in the middle of the forest.
  21. joint(s) (a / cãmb) - together (with) ~Joints sãmb invenciules. - Together we are invincible.
  22. forr / taura (ta) - outside (of) ~Vay forr! - Get out!
  23. dãpa (ta) - after ~U dãpa què fam? - And what are we going to do after that?
  24. ta - of / from  / by ~Ix xaifre ta mò h-ãscripãõr favorit hua. - This book is by my favorite author.
  25. din - without ~Què pù fair din i me h-ames? - What can I do without my friends?
  • There is no way of saying "in a [indefinite masculine, singular or plural] by using the preposition no or ne by themselves. The words ì and è, meaning a or certain, are used.

no parc - in the park --> ne parques - in the parks --> ne parques ì - in parks / in certain parks

no parc - in the park --> no parc è - in a park / in a (certain) park


Though Capàyec, like most of the other Romance Languages, is SVO, other patterns do exist as well. The following sentence carries the SVO pattern.

Joà manj pomãm​- John eats an apple.

Sentences that describe existence using the verb hiare, haipre, or the 3rd person singular of etre (hia, hua) , including sentences that used the passive voice, may have a modified structure in the present tense. In these cases verbs go to the end of the sentence, so they become SOV.

Õ cadeu recipet hua. - The present is recieved.

Õ cadeu fos recipet. / Õ cadeu ha statu recipet. - The present was recieved. / The present has been recieved.

Nõ parc molts càns hoc. - There are a lot of dogs in the park.

The SOV structure is also sometimes used at sentences with a typical subjunctive structure if the object is definite.

Giu quer que Joà mange pomãm. --> Giu quer que Joà ã pomam mange.

​M entristeit que nu t playta manjer pomãms. --> M entristeit que manjer e pomams nu t playta.


  • You - eit (sing.) voap (plur.)
  • I - giu
  • we - noap
  • this - ix, xa
  • that - aquès, aquesa
  • who? - Quì?
  • what? - Què?
  • not - nu
  • all - tò
  • many - molt
  • one - õn
  • two - bes
  • big - thrai
  • long - long
  • small - poic
  • woman - damã
  • man - om
  • person - personã
  • child - leg
  • girl - ligã
  • boy - leõg /jo:g/
  • son - fil
  • daughter - filhã
  • fish - pesc
  • bird - piasã
  • snake - serpà
  • worm - guilhetã / anguilhetã
  • spider - aranyã
  • bug - cebut
  • insect - inseit
  • bee - abeijã
  • wasp - amheispã
  • frog - frõc
  • eel - guilhã / anguilhã
  • pelican - albatrõz / pelicà
  • seagull - feilhã
  • cat - gãit
  • dog - cà
  • horse - capamhl
  • louse - budò
  • tree - arblã
  • seed - pep
  • leaf - hij
  • root - rayez (pl. rayes)
  • bark - cortetã
  • skin - pel
  • flesh - carnã
  • blood - sang
  • bone - hos (pl. hoses)
  • grease - grasã
  • egg - hou
  • horn - cùrn
  • tail - farã
  • feather - plumã
  • hair - cap
  • head - queplã
  • face - fai
  • lip - layb
  • ear - orã
  • eye - oig
  • nose - nayez (fem., pl. nayes)
  • mouth - bùc
  • tooth - dent
  • tongue - langã
  • claw - pansã
  • foot - pè
  • leg - piderã
  • knee - rudlã
  • hand - mà (fem., grammatically masc.)
  • belly - ãstùmayec
  • neck - nacã
  • breasts - mãmã
  • heart - cor
  • liver - hìgat
  • lung - pulmò
  • drink (verb)
  • eat (verb) - beoare
  • bite (verb) - mordre
  • see (verb) - veir
  • hear (verb) - oir
  • know (facts) - saipre
  • sleep (verb) - dormir
  • die (verb) - mourir
  • kill (verb) - õcidre
  • swim (verb) - nadre
  • fly (verb) - volar
  • walk (verb) - andre
  • come (verb) - veer
  • lie (on side, recline) - s excendre
  • sit (verb) - s sentir
  • stand (verb) - pè(y)etre
  • give (verb) - dair
  • call self (verb) - s aplar
  • call (verb) - apãler
  • say (verb) - deir
  • talk (verb) - parlar
  • sun - sõl, Xaàx
  • moon - Lõnã
  • star - ãstlailã
  • water (noun) - auig
  • river - rimh
  • lake - laig
  • sea - marã
  • ocean - oceà
  • current - couriè
  • rain (noun) - plobedã
  • air - airã
  • stone - pedãr
  • sand - arainã
  • earth (=soil) - suyel
  • cloud (not fog) - nubã
  • smoke (noun, of fire) - fõm
  • fire - foic
  • ash(es) - zanzã
  • burn (verb) - bruire
  • path - gatmhã
  • mountain (not hill) - montanyã
  • red (colour) - roig
  • green (colour) - ver
  • yellow (colour) - guiamhù
  • blue (colour) - blamh
  • white (colour) - blà
  • black (colour) - neir
  • brown (colour) - parr / marò
  • purple (colour) - lilag / violèt
  • gold - òr
  • silver - platã
  • bronze - bruntã
  • night - noic (pl. nosãi, nosai)
  • day - deig
  • hot (adjective) - calè
  • cold (of weather) - frisc
  • lukewarm - lãumìd
  • full - plè
  • empty - vatãy
  • new - nomh
  • old - viyeig / viyejã
  • good - bò
  • bad - mamh / mal / mamhã
  • round - rodond
  • dry - seic
  • humid - humid
  • name - namã, imã
  • surname - apleit

Example text

Tòs etres omàns sãnt nasets libãrs u h-eguaus na dignidaa hu dereitãi. Sãnt donats cãmb raisò hu conscienciã hu deunent actre fai ta on à h-alteron n'ãspìreit fraternitàayec.

/toʷ:s ɛt͡ʃəs omã:s sən nasæts libᵊrs u hegwaws na dinida: hu deretsɛ:/ /sən doʷnats kəmb rezõ: hu konseʲnsə hu deunɜn akt͡ʃə faj ta on a haltæron nəspi:he:t͡ʃ fratærnitɒʔaʲik/

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
