
The English shown should be assumed to be of the Inland Northern American dialect.


/b/ - b - bat

/d/ - d - door

/f/ - f - fan

/ɡ/ - g - get

/h/ - h - hand

/ç/ - h before j - human

/j/ - j - yarn

/k/ - k - kite

/l/ - l - land

/ɫ/ - l before consonant, ending l - full

/m/ - m - milk

/n/ - n - nail

/ŋ/ - ng - sing

/ŋk/ - nk -think

/p/ - p - poke

/ʀ/ - r before a vowel and not following one - no English equivalent, French carré

/s/ - s - sand

/t/ - t - town

/v/ - v - vest

/ʃ/ - sc - shine

/tʃ/ - tc - chip

Vowels and Diphthongs

/ə/ - ending e, consonants before l/m/n unless preceding e – about

/a/ - a - father

/u/ - u - food

/ɛ/ - short e, ë - ten

/ɪ/ - short i - kid

/ɔ/ - short o - fork

/eɪ/ - long e, ej – day

/i/ - long i, ie – see

/oʊ/ - long o, ow – boat

/aɪ/ - aj – high

/ɔɪ/ - oj – toy

/aʊ/ - aw – now

R Diphthongs

/ɑɚ/ - before consonant/ending ar - are

/eɚ/ - before consonant/ending ær - air

/ɚ/ - before consonant/ending er - fur

/iɚ/ - before consonant/ending ir - ear

/ɔɚ/ - before consonant/ending or - floor

/uɚ/ - before consonant/ending ur - newer

/aɾ/ - ar before vowel

/eɾ - ær before vowel /əɾ/ - er before vowel /iɾ/ - ir before vowel /ɔɾ/ - or before vowel /uɾ/ - ur before vowel

/ɾ/ - butter
