
The Chungganese numbering system is unique from other Romance and Indo-European languages. Its most notable future is the usage of the old British numbering system and the way of separating large numbers based on millions instead of thousands.

Basic numbers[]

Chungganese Chunggul English
tun one
dor two
ter three
cur four
cin five
sir six
fen seven
çor eight
nan nine
dir ten

The numbers 11 to 99 are expressed by the tens digit, dir and the units digit. If the number is a multiple of ten, end with -dir. An exception is when the number one is the tens digit, in which tun will not be added before the units digit.


  • 25 - dordircin
  • 37 - terdirfen
  • 50 - cind'ir
  • 69 - sirdirnan
  • 73 -  fendirter

The numbers 100 to 999 follow the same principle. Add the hundreds digit (except 1), then add dan-. Apply next the tens system.

  • 123 - dandordirter
  • 256 - dordancindirsir
  • 420 - curdandordir
  • 666 - sirdansirdirsir
  • 911 - nandandirtun

All the principles above apply to numbers 1000 and above. The first digits before the thousand are translated and added -mil, then the rest of the digits are translated.

  • 1738 - milfendanterdirçor
  • 16384 - dirsirmilterdirçordircur
  • 65536 - sirdircinmilcindanterdirsir
  • 131072 - danterdirtunmilfendirdor

The "lon" system[]

The word lon translates to million. The lon system justifies the use of old British numbers by grouping digits into groups of six. It also uses powers of one million as a basis of writing big numbers rather than using thousands.

# leading x1 x10 x100 x1000 x10000 x100000
1 y none yus yop yib yam yac
2 d dar dus dop dib dam dac
3 t tar tus top tib tam tac
4 c car cus cop cib cam cac
5 l lar lus lop lib lam lac
6 n nar nus nop nib nam nac
7 p par pus pop pib pam pac
8 f far fus fop fib fam fac
9 ç çar çus çop çib çam çac

See also[]

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