
Welcome the Community Portal


The community portal is where the Conlang community comes together to organize and discuss projects for the wiki.

You can find out more general information about the wiki on the Conlang:About page.

You can help by:
  • Creating a conlang and add it
  • Supply information about linguistics to our database
  • Assist new people
  • Mark old incompleted conlangs for deletion
  • Correct spelling mistakes
  • Organize things
Things to do

Want to create a lang? Great!

It is not an easy process and is quite a project to take on on your own and even more so with others. You'll have to decide many things about your conlang, make it all work together as a unit and describe it for others. The more experienced here will always help and hope you'll help future people as well.

What we do

Conlang Wiki is a wiki dedicated to help people develop conlangs and hopefully ultimately worlds and more.
Content Portals
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Ancient Qâêr

Ancient Qâêr was intended to be not only a beautiful sounding language but also an aesthetic one. Ancient Qâêr is, and is meant to be, a very free-flowing language. The idea was that Ancient Qâêr was to rely more on the different vowels to distinguish meaning instead of using complex foreign consonant clusters. Inspiration was taken from such languages as Elvish, Finnish, Icelandic and even Anglo Saxon though the main idea in its creation was to be very different to modern languages and to be unique.The main aim was to create a fluid, beautiful, unique and not complex though rather more fulfilling and creative language than those such as English and other IE languages which are, in relation to Ancient Qâêr and a few languages around the world, rather simple.
