
Elbris is a fictional language for the fantasy stories of the guy writing this article. It is the ancient tongue of the Elbrim people, who inhabit the land of Elbra in the conworld Amitar; it also serves as the "formal" tongue of many of Amitar's other inhabitants, often used in royal decrees, formal writing, etc.

The current rules of the language are below; note, however, that they are constantly changing based on the writer's whims, as he can never decide what would make the langauge absolutely perfect.

Grammar of Elbris


Elbris has three noun classes: masculine, feminine and neuter. It also has four cases: nominitive/accusative, dative, instrumental and, sometimes, vocative.

Grammatical genders

Masculine nouns usually end in either -o, -i or -r, though in some rare cases, such as in some names, other phonemes may end them. Masculine nouns generally take -i in the plural, or, if the singular ends in -i, then -m is added to make -im.

Feminine nouns generally end in -a, -e or -l. It takes -at in the plural.

Neuter nouns have various endings; if a word does not end in any of the letters cited above, it is likely neuter. Plural neuter nouns generally end in -im.

Grammatical cases

Subjects and direct objects are put in the nominitive case, with no special ending other than the gender markers cited above. Indirect objects take the dative ending, which adds -(i)n.

When describing the use of a noun---for example, "I write with a pen"---the instrumental case is used. It usually adds -(i)s to a word. The -s often becomes -t in the plural.

The vocative case is not generally used, and is often thought of as being fairly formal. It takes various endings.


In the singular, almo ("boy") becomes almon ("to the boy") in the dative, and almos ("using the boy") in the instrumental. In the plural, almi ("boys") can become almoni in the dative or the instrumental almoti.
