Name: Elihi

Type: Agglutinative

Alignment: Nominative-Accusative

Head Direction:

Number of genders: 1

Declensions: No

Conjugations: No

Nouns declined
according to
Case Number
Definitiveness Gender
Verbs conjugated
according to
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect


Setting (Falarza)[]

Elihi (Elihi) is an Elihic language belonging to the Patero-Elihic Language Family along with Paterin(Fatel).

Elihi is the language of the 4th dimensional beings and is rarely heard in this world. It has two known speakers in this dimension, Sedis Seditharithra (Sedis) and Efazu Seditharithra (Realm). It has several sentence forms with one not being present in any other language known, which is the summoning form, and is used to summon creatures or substances from the 4th dimension into the world the speaker is currently in. Although the language maybe learned by non fourth dimensional beings; the Summoning Form can only be used by those with perfect pronunciation, timing and positioning of all the articulating points of pronunciation. Basically, only native speakers are able to use this form. There was however an exception, Vohn Sorarti, the last guardian of the Earth Sword in the world was able to use two Elihi words in the Summoning Form to banish Realm into the null dimension, thereby imprisoning him forever.


Map of Yupit

When non 4th dimensional beings speak Elihi, they also tend to use the High Honorific form rather than the Venerative form when using personal pronouns. Although it is a very archaic language brought into the world by Sedis and Efazu, there are still two kingdoms that speak the language and are descendants from Sedis, who impregnated many men and women with his seed while he was in the world. The name of the world is Yupit as it is called by the Tanimiz (Teranian), who were the original inhabitants of the world. Although the Elihi word for world is Amolo, the descendents of Sedis who broke up into the Eastern and Western kingdoms, highlighted yellow and red respectively on the map, have become used to Yupit as the name of the world. The capital of the Eastern Kingdom is Majorlinor and the capital of the Western Kingdom is Isyuda Kestrejo.

Isyuda Kestrejo is one of the lesser powerful city of the twin cities located on the Estrovohestrejo Strait. The other city is Injor Sinda (Frieirs: Dzors Ens [say: dzoh' zɛ̃'] Elihi: Isyuda Injor), located in Orifel Territory (Saja: Kanam Orifel Frieirs: Tsors Orfs (say: tsoh' zohf') Elihi: Orifeldin). Historically, the city was a major cultural hub for the Orifelion but massive immigration of the Frieirs has shifted the racial majority in favor of the Frieirs (say: fxi - ay'). Citizens of Isyuda Kestrejo fear the same will happen to their city and have set into place very stringent laws and ordinances to keep immigration down. Paterin

Basic Grammar (Ensavrahero)[]

Although Elihi has no set sentence word order, the preferred word order is SOV. Usually, sentences occur as OV because the subject is always implied and understood by all who speak it. The only ones who need clarification are the non-native speakers of Elihi or simply, those not from the 4th dimension. There are also a lot of occurrences of verb only sentences as sentence objects become implied over time as well as the conversion continues.

Here is an example of this subject-object drop in sentences (the subject is bolded and the object is underlined).

Ankei: A illavrarkava kido se?
(Did you want to see the blue boat?)

Kerin: Ebo kido se.
(I wanted to see [the blue boat])

Ankei: Kido ambise.
([I] wanted to see [the blue boat] as well)

Kerin: Atohido, azoais
([I] know who built [the blue boat])

Ankei: Oxi yita, pansais
([I] think [I] heard [of him] before)

Kerin: Ilpazarkava atohido yi [notice the subject change here is still understood]
([He] is the one who built the red boat)

Vocabulary Used

A - You (Neutral Honorific)
Ebo - I (Neutral Honorific)
Lavr - Blue
Arkava - Boat
Kido - Saw from ki (see) + ido (Past Tense)
Se - Want
Ambise - Also want from ambi (Inclusion Prefix: also, too, as well) + se (want)
Atohido - Built from atohi (build) + ido (Past Tense)
Azoais - Know from azo (know) + ais (Present Progressive)
Oxi - Hear, Find out about someone or something
Yita - Before
Pansais - Think from pans (think) + ais (Present Progressive)
Paz - Red
Yi - to Be, am, is, are

Independent and Dependent Clauses[]

Independent clauses usually consist of a subject and verb expressing a complete thought. In Elihi, however, a verb alone may suffice as an independent clause. Here are two examples of independent clauses - one with a subject and verb and one with just a verb.


Umbro ilando kiais ------- The man sees the woman

Ajaido ------- I ate

Dependent clauses are usually formed exactly the same way as independent clauses except that they are preceded by a dependent marker word such as when, because or since.


Ilando kireis afreka, ilhelo avraireis ------- When I see the woman, i'll say hello

Abei ilember alempala erida apulke, aheis enorxa ------- She is angry because I wrote her name on the wall

Conjunctions (Yihavra)[]

"And" in Elihi is 'i' if it stands alone and 'y' if it is incorporated in a word. Usually, 'i' is used when connecting more than one sentence and 'y' when connecting more than one noun or adjective. When using 'y', the nouns or adjectives are connected and form one long word. Here is an example.


Dogs and bears ------- Akainyursa

Cats and dogs ------- Efusyakain

"Or" in Elihi is 'sos'. If the end or beginning of the words connected by 'sos' end or begin in 's', only one 's' is used and the other is taken out when spelt. Here is an example:

Dogs or bears ------ Akainsosursa

Cats or dogs ----- Efusosakain (Efus + sos = Efusos...)

This or others ------ Yosostor

Alphabet (Ibilhim)[]

The Ibilhim is composed of six vowels and sixteen consonants. All the vowels are pronounced clearly as in Spanish or Italian and all the consonants are pronounce softly.

A E I / Y O U / W B K D F G H J L M N R S T V X Z
a ɛ i o u β k d / ɾ ɸ ɡ h / x tsch l m n ɾ / r s / ç t v x θ

Special considerations:

H - this letter's sound is somewhere in between 'H' and 'CH' (as in German "bach" or Scottish "loch") or the initial 'H' in the English word "hue"

J - this letter's sound is somewhere between 'CH' (as in English "church" or "chip") and "J" (as in English "jog" or "jail") but closer to 'CH'

S - this letter's sound is in between the sibilant 'S' and 'SH'

X - this is guttural such as the 'CH' in German "bach", or Scottish "loch"

W - this letter is rarely used but has the same sound as 'U' but has a shorter duration compared to 'U', which has a longer duration

D - this letter is pronounced softly, slightly resembling the 'TH' in English words like 'this' or 'then' but closer to 'D'. It is a product of barely touching the teeth with the tip of the tongue

Z - this letter is pronounced like the Castillian 'Z' or the 'TH' in English words like 'thin' or 'thick'

Special Notes:

If two vowels come together due to a grammatical necessity, such as when being modified by a demonstrative adjective (this, these, that, those) or a normal adjective, the letter h is placed between the two vowels. In the case of normal adjectives, which depending on the noun being described, take on as a last letter the first letter of the noun, you also must put an h in between the two identical vowels. This is called Aluminaro.


Ais ilenjibahabal kido

"They saw the ugly boy"

(that = yo; ugly = enjib*)

Ilyohavro seais

"I want that book"

(boy = abal; book = avro)

Here is an example where the rule is applied more than once in a sentence:

Yohefei ilyohautrihipos arakireis

"That girl is going to hunt those intelligent horses"

(that = yo; efei = girl; autr* = intelligent; horse = ipos)

When adjectives are used as stand alone words, the default vowel ending is '-a'.


Hoye arkinda exeibais

"I'm acting kingly today"

(today = hoye; arkind* = kingly)

Stress Pattern[]

Word Stress Pattern[]

Elihi has a penultimate stress pattern and the stressed syllable usually is spoken slightly longer than the rest of the syllables, which are stressed equally and have the same spoken length.


Abeis elexido ------- You chose

Sentence Stress Pattern[]

Usually, Elihi does not include a subject or topic in a sentence if it is already mentioned. When a subject is included however, it is spoken as if it were a separate sentence followed by a pause, then the rest of the sentence.


Arkin (pause) azre kabei yi ------- The king is my father

Appositives usually follow the main subject's pause, then are followed by another pause before the rest of the sentence continues.


Arkin (pause) azre kabei (pause) ilipos enerido ------- The king, my father, owned a horse

Elihi Script (Elihihero)[]

Elihi letters are written to mimic the flow of sound coming out of the speaker's mouth. When written in words, they are connected at the top and bottom of each letter base. Separate words are not connected.

A E I / Y O U / W B K D F G H
a e i o u β k d / ɾ ɸ ɡ h / x
tsch l m n p ɾ / r s / ç t v x θ


Here is a prototype letter with the red areas showing where the letter aligns with the baseline and/or may connect with other letters.

Prototype Prototype Baseline
Proto-Letter Baseline Example "Avragadavra"
Red areas are the baselines. Here is an example of how the proto-letter sets the baseline, which the words are written upon. Any other extensions extend above or below the baselines.

Personal Pronouns (Pahatavra)[]

These personal pronouns are usually omitted in speech but must be used at the introduction of a topic. There are different forms depending on the status of the speaker. In general, the most honorific forms are always used when 4th dimensional beings are speaking to each other or when spoken to. It also must be used if the Summoning Form of the language is used. The following is listed from the least respectful (Execrative Form) to the highest possible respect (Venerative Form).

Nominative (Avatavra)[]

Execrative Diminutive Neutral Benevolent Low Honorific Honorific High Honorific Venerative
I - - Ebo Elo Exei Atari E Abei
You Eyi Eyey A Aba Exiba Efaru As Abeis
S/he Tahi Tayi Tai Tal Exeit Sedi A Aheis
It / One Ta Tali Tai Tal Ext Sed A Ahei
We (inclusive) - - Abo Elohi Exeihi Ataruhei Ebei Abameis
We (exclusive) - - Ibo Elohe Exeihe Ataruxe Erei Arameis
You Ehi Eli Amo Abahi Exeiba Efaruhei Asei Abais
They Taxsi Tasi Atai Talhi Exeiti Sedihei Sei Ais

Personal Pronoun Table: Red (least respectful) to Blue (most respectful)


Execrative Diminutive Neutral Benevolent Low Honorific Honorific High Honorific Venerative
I - - ilebo ilelo ilexei ilatari ile ilabei
You ilyi ileyey ila ilaba ilexiba ilefaru ilas ilabeis
S/he iltahi iltayi iltai iltal ilexeit ilsedi ila ilaheis
It / One ilta iltali iltai iltal ilext ilsed ila ilahei
We (inclusive) - - ilabo ilelohi ilexeihi ilataruhei ilebei ilabameis
We (exclusive) - - ilibo ilelohe ilexeihe ilataruxe ilerei ilarameis
You ilehi ileli ilamo ilabahi ilexeiba ilefaruhei ilasei ilabais
They iltaxsi iltasi ilatai iltalhi ilexeiti ilsedihei ilsei ilais


Execrative Diminutive Neutral Benevolent Low Honorific Honorific High Honorific Venerative
I - - alebo alelo alexei alatari ale alabei
You aleyi aleyey ala alaba alexiba alefaru alas alabeis
S/he altahi altayi altai altal alexeit alsedi ala alaheis
It / One alta altali altai altal alext alsed ala alahei
We (inclusive) - - alabo alelohi alexeihi alataruhei alebei alabameis
We (exclusive) - - alibo alelohe alexeihe alataruxe alerei alarameis
You alehi aleli alamo alabahi alexeiba alefaruhei alasei alabais
They altaxsi altasi alatai altalhi alexeiti alsedihei alsei alais


Execrative Diminutive Neutral Benevolent Low Honorific Honorific High Honorific Venerative
I - - kebo kelo kexei katari ke kabei
You keyi keyey ka kaba kexiba kefaru kas kabeis
S/he katahi katayi katai katal kexeit kasedi ka kaheis
It / One kata katali katai katal kext kased ka kahei
We (inclusive) - - kabo kelohi kexeihi kataruhei kebei kabameis
We (exclusive) - - kibo kelohe kexeihe kataruxe kerei karameis
You kehi keli kamo kabahi kexeiba kefaruhei kasei kabais
They kataxsi katasi katai katalhi kexeiti kasedihei kasei kais

Honorific System Usage[]

Honorific Directions

With such a complex system of personal pronouns, there are rules that guide who can use which pronouns and at what time. When talking from a lower to a higher status, for example, a worker to a boss or a subject to a king, the speaker needs to use a personal pronoun for himself that is at least one honorific level lower than the person of higher status being spoken to. When talking from higher to lower status, for example, a boss to an employee or a king to a subject, the speaker can use any honorific form above the neutral form. The addressees are typically addressed with the neutral form or at least two honorific levels below the speakers' honorific level if the speaker thinks of the listener as honorable enough. When speaking to someone of similar status, the same honorific form must be used for the speaker and listener.


[King to prince] I need to speak with you tomorrow -----> E, komefaru uma avra neyis

[Child to mother] Can I get some money from you? -----> Daba alebo ildehepreix hur ne

Status and Honorific "Castes"

Also, different statuses tend to use a certain honorific level when describing themselves. For example, kings tend to be addressed with the high honorific form while merchants are addressed with the benevolent form. Here is a chart with the different occupations with the trends of honorific forms that address them and are used by them.

Low Status Execrative

(These pronouns are not used to address oneself. Used to address others. )
Heinous criminals (Murderers), Villains, Outcasts

Diminutive (These pronouns are not used to address oneself. Used to address others. )

Petty criminals (Pickpockets), Misbehaving children/juveniles, Subjects (as address by royalty), Enemies

Neutral Status Neutral Everyone
Middle Status Benevolent Working Class

Business Owners
Upper-Level Employees
Service Workers

Non-Working Class

New Acquaintances

Medical Aides
Military Foot Soldiers
Low Honorific Government Officials
Medical Doctors


Education Professors, Teachers
Military Enemies
Honorific High Status Aristocrats, Diplomats, Commanders
Highest Status High Honorific Royalty
Venerative Gods, Guardians

Diminutive and Execrative

This is only used when speaking to someone that is of lower status than you. It is usually used in insults but may be used by those of highest status to those of lowest status, with the risk of sounding arrogant and pretentious.

Verbs (Arkavra)[]

Verbs are possibly the most important thing in Elihi sentences. Whole sentences can consist of just one word and that is the verb. This is because the verb has many endings that can accurately express the meaning the speaker is trying to get across. One ending that is listed now is the ending for negation (-ba). This is important because both positive and negative forms of the sentences will be used in these examples.

The basic order in which the verbs are morphed is ROOT+[negation]+[past tense/ future tense]+[perfect / imperfect]+[progressive]+[conditional]+[subjunctive]+[emphasis]+[command]+[summoning]

An example of this would be with the word choose (elexi):

1. not choose = elexiba

2. could have chosen = elexidotaka

3. choose! = elexiga

Verb Suffixes (Arkavrahafuravra)[]

All verbal suffixes are added to the verb ROOT in this precise order. Obviously, not all suffixes will be used at once but in the absence of the unused suffixes, the order still remains.

Negation (Bahavra)[]

The first verbal suffix the negation suffix. Simply add -ba to the first position after the ROOT

i.e.: I read books ------- (Abei) ilavro ex

i.e.: I don't read books ------- (Abei) ilavro exba

Past/Future (Idohavra / Ireisavra)[]

The second verbal suffix is the past tense or future tense suffix.

1. To form the past, simply add -ido to the ROOT+(neg)+. It takes the second position after the negative, if present.

i.e.: I was reading books ------- (Abei) ilavro exido

i.e.: I was not reading books ------- (Abei) ilavro exbaido

2. To form the future, simply add -ireis to the ROOT+(neg)+. It takes the second position after the negative, if present.

i.e.: I will read that book ------- (Abei) ilyohavro exireis

i.e.: I will not read that book ------- (Abei) ilyohavro exbaireis

Perfect/Imperfect (Tahavra / Mahavra) []

The third verbal suffix is the perfect or imperfect tense suffix.

1. To form the perfect, simply add -ta to the ROOT+(neg)+(p/f)+. It takes the third position after the past/present, if present.

i.e.: I have read the books ------- (Abei) ilavrohe exidota

i.e.: I have not read that book ------- (Abei) ilyohavro exbaidota

This form is also used to make participles (nominalized verbs in the past tense). You need to stress the -ta ending.

i.e.: Spoken ------- Avrata

i.e.: Murdered ------- Falta

2. To form the imperfect, simply add -ma to the ROOT+(neg)+(p/f)+. It takes the third position after the past/present, if present.

i.e.: I used to read books ------- (Abei) ilavro exidoma

i.e.: I did not read books usually ------- (Abei) ilavro exbaidoma

i.e.: I was used to reading books ------- (Abei) ilavro exidoma

i.e.: I was not used to reading books ------- (Abei) ilavro exbaidoma

i.e.: I am used to reading books ------- (Abei) ilavro exma

i.e.: I am not used to reading books ------- (Abei) ilavro exbama

Progressive (Aisavra) []

The fourth verbal suffix is the progressive tense. To form the progressive, simply add -ais to the ROOT+(neg)+(p/f)+(pp/ip)+. It takes the fourth position after the perfect/imperfect, if present.

i.e.: I am reading the book ------- (Abei) ilavro exais

i.e.: I was reading the book ------- (Abei) ilavro exidoais

Conditional (Kahavra) []

The fifth verbal suffix is the conditional tense. To form the conditional, simply add -ka to the ROOT +(neg)+(p/f)+(pp/ip)+(prog)+. It takes the fifth position after the progressive, if present.

i.e.: If I read the book, I won't eat ------- (Abei) ilavro exka, ajaba

i.e.: I will go out, if it doesn't rain ------- Evabaka, alsireis

Subjunctive (Kabahavra) []

The sixth verbal suffix is the subjunctive tense. To form the subjunctive, simply add -kaba to the ROOT+(neg)+(p/f)+(pp/ip)+(prog)+(cond)+. It takes the sixth position after the conditional, if present. Conditional is usually not present when forming the subjunctive.

i.e.: I wish I was reading ------- Se, exkaba

i.e.: I want that you speak to me ------- Se, abeis alabei avrakaba

Emphasis (Dahavra) []

The seventh verbal suffix is the emphatic tense. To form the emphatic, simply add -da to the ROOT+(neg)+(p/f)+(pp/ip)+(prog)+(cond)+(sub)+. It takes the seventh position after the subjunctive, if present. This form is required for the Summon form.

i.e.: I do read all the time, I promise! ------- Omen exda, om

i.e.: You ARE a part of this ------- (Abeis) aka yo yida

Command (Gahavra) []

The eighth verbal suffix is the command. To form the command, simply add -ga to the ROOT only. This form is required for the Summon form.

i.e.: Read those books! ------- (Abeis) ilyohavro exga

i.e.: Speak! ------- (Abeis) avraga

Summon (Gadavra) []

The ninth and final suffix is the Summon. To form the Summon Form, you must use the command and emphatic tenses. Switch them and then add the Summon Form to complete this form.

Step 1: Use the command and emphatic tense

i.e.: Come forth! ------- aredaga

Step 2: Switch the position of the emphatic and command suffixes.

i.e.: Come forth! ------- aregada

Step 3: Add the Summon Suffix, -vra

Final: Come forth! ------- aregadavra

  • In addition to being correctly pronounced, the Summon Form only works if the points of articulation are perfectly met. There is also a mental aspect to this Summon Form. Experienced Summon Form users (usually native speakers of Elihi) do not even need to speak the Summon Form to get the same effects although the spoken form tends to have stronger consequences.
  • Also, there is a musical intonation that each vowel in the word follows. 'A' has a high flat tone. 'E' has a low flat tone. 'I' / 'Y' has a high to low drop. 'O' / 'U' has a high to mid drop.
  • In addition to getting the previous two points, the vocal chords must also be vibrating out of unison in such a way that it sounds like there are two voices emanating. This is why only native speakers are the only ones capable of speaking in the Summon Form because they are capable of this feat anatomically whereas other creatures are not.

Summon Form Examples:

Speak! ------- Avragadavra

Read! ------- Exgadavra

Arise! ------- Aldagadavra

Most Used Simple Summon Form Examples:

Vanish ------- Espegadavra -------> Causes desired object to disappear.

Speak ------- Avragadavra ------- > Forces desired object to speak

Lift ------- Ekagadavra ------- > Objects levitate on command

Move ------- Amuxgadavra ------- > Object moves on command

Stop ------- Aphagadavra ------- > Object stops on command

Most common Beast Summons:

Ifrigadavra -------> Summons the fire demon Ifri

Efrijagadavra -------> Summons the water demon Efri

Etrigadavra -------> Summons the earth demon Etri

Jegadavra -------> Summons the sky demon Je

Summoning People

The Summon Form may be used to summon people as well. They will simply be removed from their present location, wherever it may be, and translocated to where the Summoner is. To do this, simply think of the person's face while saying the name + gadavra.

i.e.: [summon] Jack ------- Jakgadavra

i.e.: [summon] Roma ------- Romagadavra

Summary Table of Verb Endings[]

Endings Root Verb Negation Past Future Perfect Imperfect Conditional Subjunctive Emphasis Command Summon
Root Verb + ba + ido + ireis + ta + ma + ka + kaba + da + ga + gadavra
English (noncomp.) Understand

Not understand

Understood Will understand Have understood Used to understand If _ understand Understood Do understand Understand! Understand!
Elihi (noncomp.) Azo Azoba Azoido Azoireis Azota Azoma Azoka Azokaba Azoda Azoga Azogadavra
English (comp.) Think Not think Did not think Will not think Not have thought Not used to think If _ have not thought Were not understood Didn't think Don't think! Don't Think!
Elihi (comp.) Apse Apseba Apsebaido Apsebaireis Apsebaidota Apsebaidoma Apsebaidotaka Apsebaidotakaba Apsebaidoda Apsebaga Apsebagadavra

Summary Table

Sentence Case Prefixes[]

In Elihi, there are sentence case prefixes that denote the object, indirect object, possessive and instrument of the sentence. They are all post-positional. Other prefixes can show moods and emotions and are usually written/spoken post-sentence. The basic order is as follows should there be more than one prefix modifying a word: [obj./ind.obj/poss./dir./origin./instr./] + [incl.] + [lim.]

Object Prefix (Ilpahavra)[]

The object denotes the object of the sentence or simple, the word or phrase being acted upon by the verb. To use this, simply say/write 'il' before the object phrase, which can consist of one word.


I am eating food ------- iluriga ajais

I will read the book ------- ilavro exireis

I ate the nasty food ------- ilagruhuriga ajaido

We read that book ------- Arameis ilyohavro exido

Indirect Prefix (Alpahavra)[]

The indirect denotes the direction to which the object going or being acted on by the verb. To use this, simply say/write 'al' before the indirect object phrase, which can consist of one word.


Give the book to Jamal ------- aljamal ilavro ega

He handed her the flame ------- Aheis alaheis iluexo egido

They paid the greedy emperor his taxes ------- alsejaharaja ilarxo kaheis airido

Possessive Prefix (Kapahavra)[]

The possessive denotes possession between two nouns. To use this, simply say/write 'k(a)' before the possessing word being modified. If the possessing word begins with a vowel, then simply say/write 'k'.


My book ------- Avro kabei

That is our house ------- Axaras karameis yi

Show him your face ------- Alaheis ilarcaho kabeis enostraga

Directional Prefix (Ahapahavra)[]

The directional denotes a direction towards or location of a noun. To use this, simply say/write 'ah' or 'ax' before the noun or direction. 'Ah' is used before words beginning with a vowel and 'ax' is used before words beginning with a consonant.


Are you going home? ------- Abeis, ahaxaras evireis?

Jaral is at school ------- Jaral, ahespazlo yi

He already went there ------- Aheis, ahayo j'evido

The Father went to Je ------- Afale, axje evido

Origination Prefix (Dapahavra)[]

The origination denotes origin or derivation. To use this, simply say/write 'd(a)' before the noun. If the word begins with a vowel, 'da' becomes reduced to 'd-'.


I am from Yupit ------- Abei, dayupit yi

She took the book from the room ------- Aheis, ilavro dakar edido

The book came from China ------- Avro, dajaina yi

Instrumental Prefix (Depahavra)[]

The instrumental denotes a means of action that the subject uses to attain the object. To use this, simply say/write 'de' before the noun. If the noun begins with a vowel, insert an 'h' in between the prefix and word.


She wrote the book with the pen ------- Aheis, ilavro dehena erido

They came by horse ------- Ais, dehipos evido

Inclusion Prefix (Ambipahavra)[]

The inclusion denotes an inclusion of the subject of the sentence in whatever topic was previously discussed. It is like too or also in English. To use this, simply say/write 'ambi' before the subject being included. If the word begins with a vowel, insert an 'h' in between the and word.


I want to come too! ------- (Abei) ambihevi se ja

Xulo, as well, wanted her to come ------- Ambixulo seido, aheis evireis

Limitation Prefix (Azulpahavra)[]

The limitation places a limit on the word it is modifying. To use this, simply say/write 'azul' before the word being limited.


I just want to see it ------- (Abei) ilyo aver azulse

Jared spoke to just me ------- Jared alazulabei avraido

Locational Prefix (Tapahavra)[]

The locational denotes the location of the word. There are several locational prefixes. The most used locational prefix is 'ta' - meaning 'at', 'in', 'on' or 'to'. Although it's main meaning is 'at', it can be used to weakly denote 'in', 'on' or 'to'. If the word begins with a vowel, 'ta' becomes reduced to 't-'.


The king is at the castle ------- Arkin tastixo yi

The king is on the horse ------- Arkin tipos yi

Additional Prefix (Torpahavra)[]

The additional denotes the addition of the following noun (akin to the word other in English). If the word begins with a consonant, 'tor' takes on an '-a-' and becomes 'tora-'


Have you seen the other guy? ------ Abeis, torumbro kita

There's another moon in the sky ------ Torakastor taserebras yi

Table of Locational Prefixes

t(a)- at, in, on, to ser- near, proximate
siu(h)- on, over, top ad(e)- from
liu(h)- back, behind al- to, towards
kiu(h)- side, beside, next to kom- with, together
u(h)- under, underneath, below sim- without, separate
eter- through ag(u)- out, outside

Summary Table of the Prefixes[]

Prefix Pahavra King (Arkin) Translation language (Eleja) Translation Ranking order
il- ilarkin king (acc.) ileleja language (acc.) 1
al- alarkin to the king aleleja to the language
k(a)- karkin of the king / king's keleja of the language / language's
d(a)- darkin from the king / of the king deleja from the language / of the language
de(h)- deharkin by the king deheleja because of the language / due to the language
t(a)- tarkin at the king, in the king teleja at the language, in the language (i.e.: in English / French)
siu(h)- siuharkin on the king siuheleja on the language
liu(h)- liuharkin behind the king liuheleja behind the language
kiu(h)- kiuharkin beside the king kiuheleja besides the language
u(h)- uharkin under the king uheleja below the language
eter- eterarkin through the king etereleja through the language
ser- serarkin near the king sereleja near the language
ad(e)- adarkin from the king adeleja from the language
kom- komarkin with the king komeleja with the language
sim- simarkin without the king simeleja without the language
ag(u)- agarkin outside the king ageleja outside the language
ambi(h)- ambiharkin also the king ambiheleja also the language 2
azul- azularkin just the king azuleleja just the language
tor(a)- torarkin other kings / another king toreleja other languages / another language

Nouns (Atavra)[]

Nouns in Elihi are quite simple in that they do not change depending on definitivity or non-definitivity, case or number. One thing peculiar about these nouns are, however, that they can take on a temporal form placing the noun in either the past (Idohatavra), future (Ireisatavra) or immortal case (Buhatalapatavra). The noun in the past case denotes that the noun is, well, in the past. The noun in the future case follows the same pattern. The noun in the immortal case denotes that the noun has and will always be that way. The immortal case is a sort of heavy, continual stress on the quality of the noun, which the noun alone does not convey. Nouns may function as stand alone sentences when put into any of these three cases. Usually, a Sentence Case Prefix is added to these forms.

Past Case (Idohatavra)[]

To form the Idohatavra, simply append the suffix -(d)arin to the noun. If the final letter of the previous noun ends in a vowel, a -d- filler is inserted. The meanings conveyed by putting the noun in Idohatavra is that of origin or previous state. It can also simply be a structure used to cut out the past tense of the 'to be' verb completely. For example:

Gold Orzo (from/used to be) gold Orzodarin
Hand Amo (was) a hand
Room Akar (was) a room
Seven (7) Ku (from) seven

Vara yida > Vararin (It was cold)

Vara yida > Vararin (It's from the cold)

These nouns can be combined with the Sentence Case Prefixes. This is one case when an entire sentence can be formed from just a noun without a verb required. For example:

t(a) + akararin = takararin
was in the room / in the previous room

d(a) + ibilhimarin = dibilhimarin
was from the alphabet / from the previous alphabet

tor(a) + laprasarin = toralaprasarin
there were other bodies / from the other previous bodies

azul + arkinarin = azularkinarin
was just a king / just from the previous king / from the only king

Future Case (Ireisatavra)[]

To form the Idohatavra, simply append the suffix -(h)aras to the noun. If the final letter of the previous noun ends in a vowel, the -h- is inserted. Meanings conveyed by the Ireisatavra are that of potential, whether it be a potential for change, for appearance or reoccurrence, or new future occurrence. For example:

Gold Orzo (will be/could be) gold Orzoharas
Hand Amo (will be) a hand
Room Akar (will be) a room
Seven (7) Ku (will be/could be) seven

These nouns can be combined with the Sentence Case Prefixes. This is one case when an entire sentence can be formed from just a noun without a verb required. For example:

t(a) + akararas = takararas
will be in the room

d(a) + ibilhimaras = dibilhimaras
will be from the/an alphabet

tor(a) + laprasaras = toralaprasaras
(there will be) other bodies

azul + arkinaras = azularkinaras
will just be the king

Immortal Case (Buhatalapatavra)[]

To form the Idohatavra, simply attach the prefix bu(h)- and the suffix -tal to the noun. [Meanings conveyed under construction] For example:

Gold Orzo (forever) gold Buhorzotal
Hand Amo (always) a hand
Room Akar (always) a room
Seven (7) Ku (eternal) seven


Numbers 0 - 10

All numbers end with a -u that gets an '-h-' when used to modify a word that begins with a vowel. Writing the actual numerals is simple. The pronunciation of numerals 1 - 10 correspond to the first 10 letters of the Elihiheriho.


1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a 8a 9a 10a
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Seru Au Eu Yu Ou U Bu Ku Du Fu Gu

Numbers 11 - 20

To make a number higher than 10, simply write the numeral for 10 and then 1 for 11, 2 for 12, 3 for 13, so on and so forth.

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Gu + Au Gu + Eu Gu + Yu Gu + Ou Gu + U Gu + Bu Gu + Ku Gu + Du Gu + Fu Eu + Gu
Gau Geu Giyu Gou Guhu Gubu Guku Gudu Gufu Egu

Numbers 21 - 30

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Eu + Gu + Au Eu + Gu + Eu Eu + Gu + Yu Eu + Gu + Ou Eu + Gu + U Eu + Gu + Bu Eu + Gu + Ku Eu + Gu + Du Eu + Gu + Fu Yu + Gu
Egau Egeu Egiyu Egou Eguhu Egubu Eguku Egudu Egufu Igu

Numbers 40 - 115

40 50 60 70 80 90 100 105 110 115
Ou + Gu U + Gu Bu + Gu Ku + Gu Du + Gu Fu + Gu Sen Sen + U Sen + Gu Sen + Gu + U
Ogu Ugu Bugu Kugu Dugu Fugu Sen Senu Sengu Senguhu

Numbers 1000 -

1000 10.000 100.000 1.000.000
Mil Gu + Mil Sen + Mil Mijas Mil + Mijas Mijax Mil + Mijax Arafax Mil + Arafax Buhaphaho
Mil Gumil Senmil Mijas Milmijas Mijax Milmijax Arafax Milarafax Buhaphaho

Ordinal Numbers[]

To make any number into an ordinal number, simply add the suffix -hero to any number ending with a digit ranging 5 or less and -xer to any number from 6 - 10's.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Au + hero Eu + hero Yu + hero

Ou + hero

U + hero Bu + xer Ku + xer Du + xer Fu + xer Gu + xer
Auhero Euhero Yuhero Ouhero Uhero Buxer Kuxer Duxer Fuxer Guxer

Ordinal Numbers 20 - 100

20th 21st 53rd 77th 88th 90th 95th 99th 94th 100th
Egu + xer Egau + hero Ugiyu + hero

Kuguku + xer

Dugudu + xer Fu gu + hero Fuguhu + hero Fugufu + xer Fugou + hero Sen + xer
Eguxer Egauhero Ugiyuhero Kugukuxer Duguduxer Fuguhero fuguhuhero Fugufuxer Fugouhero Senxer

Culture (Kadarin)[]

Greetings (Elohero)[]

Elihi has various greetings for almost every situation from waking in the morning to greet the sun, to greeting friends before starting a game of Hojixo. Here are a few examples of when greetings are to be used.

Daily Greetings

1. Binamor (good morning) : Used whenever someone wakes up/sees someone for the first time anytime before midday

2. Binutro (good midday) : Used during a roughly one hour window before and after midday (utro)

3. Binposutro (good afternoon) : Used during the afternoon (posutro) from midday (utro) till about six o'clock

4. Binagabe (good night) : Used anytime from six o'clock till the speaker sleeps. Don't use this greeting to denote that you are going to sleep!

5. Tiyuron (good night) : Used when the speaker desires to sleep at night. Don't use this greeting to denote that you are going to nap!

6. Tayo (good sleep) : Used when the speaker desires to nap


1. Eiden (hello) : Used to greet someone. Common connotation. Don't use with superiors

2. Ajidivra (hello) : Used to greet someone. Neutral connotation

3. Eloh (hello) : Used to greet someone of higher status. Used sometimes to people of lower status to mock them

4. Alabeis rohi doxan (how do you do) : Used to greet someone. "Abeis" in alabeis is substituted depending on the social context and politeness


1. Axtuhya, ehuxe? (how old are you?  lit:How much is the age?) : This is the neutral form of asking this question. Avoid using this to address the elderly adults (those over 1,000 years old)

2. Ilyohaxtuhya ganhido doxan? (how old are you?   lit: How have you earned this age?) : This is the neutral form of asking for an age in the elderly adult (those over 1,000 years old)

3. Axtuhya fesibada? (how old are you!?  lit: The age doesn't fit!) : This is an insulting way of asking for someones age. Usually done among speakers with similar age, rank or status as an insult implying the an act were inappropriate

4. Yo yi? (What's this/that?) : Can be used anytime

5. Yo? (What's this/that?) : More casual than yo yi

6. Dobi? (Where are you?  also  Where is?) : Neutral connotation. Add proper honorific pronoun to address person with corresponding status. To ask for the location, say, "______ dobi?"

7. Dobiyida? (Where are you!?) : Frustrated voice. Considered rude/excited

8. Yohumbro yiha (yi + iha) (Who's that?) : Can be used anytime

9. Yiha? (Who's that?   also  Who?) : More casual than yohumbro yiha

10. Ilyo eblix doxan (How do you say that?)

11. Il____ eblix doxan (How do you say ____'?)

Example text[]

Excerpt from Shakespeare's The Seven Ages of Man.

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players,
They have their exits and entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages.

Indohamolo buhezpazotal yi,
I indohumbroyando buhexegolortal yi,
Ais, ilasiryoyangenyo ener,
I, teyenyo kahei, auhumbro ilmohakadarin exego,
Aximyo kahei, kuhepox yi


Simple Poem

Left here undiscovered
I want to share this gold
With people of the world
Abundantly filling
Every single heart
And heres the best part
You know that love never brings you down Let it all out, and shout it all around that

Tare buscrata keida, Abei,
komajenda kamolo, ilyohozorsos etun se
Akdahekasin dehanzun apnoais
I, apekembohaka, Abeis aberireis
Ayur ilabeis amun ahostra
Arambe yiga i adyo ezinga


Excerpt from Albert Einstein.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning.

Dexeidu antaga, ilhoye abuxga, ilamanya esijaga. Eprei aphaba, ambis yi
