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Refer to Lāngārāndot for grammar rules. This is written in Porvojy dialect. Refer to Lāngārāndot Phonology and Orthography for conversion to Sadu.


Feminine Nouns[]

amount - oduntšna

anger - otjonotynō

area - okjopasna

attack - opyrana

aunt - otšjona

bag - ogabadnō

blouse - ofānsana

book - oljyna

breast - opakjukna

chemistry (concept, study, romantic) - okjāmtšatna


Gohjalna luju okjāmtšatna onumavy.

clothes - ohopana

code - ocodenō

company (friends, people) - okatšazna

completedness - ocompletena

cousin (female) - opromana

creator (female) - oguana

dance (party, number, type) - odiscotecānō

daughter - ofalona

day - otšjana

diagram - odagramagona

disappointment - odazadona

dog (female) - osobakanō

education - oladhukatna

flag, bandanna - obandarana

fox (female) - oljutāmāna

friend (female) - oamigona

gender - omāskfāmna

grandmother - oavona

group - ogrupunō

girl - ovatānjana

Dianne Lee

Dhopajna ga kofalovana.

headline - oljubavna

history - ohašatomnō

identification - ojkolnjymana

income, revenue - oavaškopnō

language - olāngāna

length - olangojnō

letter (of an alphabet) - oletrana

mother - opajna

method - ojukdana

name - onomna

Hi my name is ronnie i m an addict by shuffles101-d5nbwgo

Konomvana vuju Ronnie.

news - obordna

newspaper oydnō

niece - ohalkana

night - onojtna

number - onumryna

paper (report, research, written work) - opapernō

paper (material, sheet), page (number) - opacnō

part - ojosana

people - opasotōsna

person - opasotna

picture, photograph - ojustkopnō

piece - ojosana

place - ojadglana

point (idea) - ofanoxna

position - oposojna

princess - okjalatnjana

pressure, stress, tension (emotional or physical) - oprasnajna


Dhokjalatna ga dhokjalatnjana.

print (written) - osahytna

profile (online) - ogsanō

program - oprogramna

queen - okjalatna

question - okustanona

reality - orealidadenō

scene (situation, area, of a production) - oaratnō

school - onumanō

sentence - osentencenō

shirt - okamasnō

shorts - opatana

sign (readable) - osinalnō

sister - ofājna

skirt - osajanō

state - ostarnō

stone - oguratnō

story (fictional book) - omjutunō

student (female) - ohjalna

substance (idea) - olkjatšranō

substance (physical) - oastubstanzna

sun - olona

support - oputyna

swan (female) - osoana

sweater, sweatshirt - okamasjokjahagnō

telephone number - oaljalona

thing - oljudjana

time - otāmpōna

Day And Night for draw

Kovatna tojo koljāntšōvšy konojtvā, nkat kuvatna tojo koljāntšōvšy kotšjavā.

tree - oljāntšōvnō

truth - overdadena

t-shirt - otišōrtnō

water - ojagvatnō

week - ovoknō

wife - omārdona

woman - ovatna

work - otrabaljana

world - omondonō

year - olanyna

Masculine Nouns[]

advertisement - uadvertisementenō

accounting - ulkuntynō

address - uanoannō

algebra - ualgabrana

angle - udhyjxōjkna

apartment - ukazajušakrna

appearance - uapartšna

arm - umaornō

back (body part) - ulatanna

birth - upolkajanynō

body - ubodhatnō

boy - uvatānjana

brother - ufājna

butt - uasjanō

calf (body part) - ugalfatna

castle - ukazagrāna

category - ukamanna

chest - upakjukna

city - usadadna

coherence - unajašastna

color - ukornō


Kurašākjana vasaja kukornōsjutudonō.

company (business) - ucompānhjana

country - ujadna

cousin (male, general) - upromana

creator (male, general) - uguana

death - ukapatna

dress - udrasnō

dog (male, general) - usobakanō

ear - ukoptšjana

elbow - ukymtovālna

end, ending - umaznō

example - unanhutna

eye - uljynakana

family - ufamajana

father - upajna

foot - upana

forehead - ucabesasana

fox (male, general) - uljutāmāna

friend (male, general) - uamigona

SuperStock 1804R-2977

Dhuamigosna kujyvaltzvā.

government - uhaltusnō

grandfather - uavona

grape - urušosjuxalna

gym (physical education, structure, area, room) - ujyvaltzna

hair - ucabelonō

hand - umaonō

head - ucabesana

health - uhālxnō

hip - ujukynō

home - ukazajna

house - ukazana

husband - umārdona

information - ugohotnō

jaw - ugatunō

jealousy - ualfadōtšna

jeans - utafajudenimna

knee - ukymparna

leg - uparna

life - uvidanō

magazine - urādhona

mail - umakalna

man - uvatna

mansion - ukazagrānna


Dhopasotna kjō vasaja udanmannō posaja kompru gukazagrānna.

money - udannō

morning - umanjana

mouth - umytna

neck - utšugatnō

nephew - uhalkana

nose - ubokanō

pants - utafana

paragraph - upārāgrāfna

pencil - upaltzāna

point (physical) - upuntona

prime minister - uprimona

print (computer) - ukōlratnō

room - ukunopna

sauna - usaona

section - usadvabnō

shoulder - udaltna

sign (with hands) - ubusona

signature - usignaturana

situation - usituasaona

sock - umkabnahnō

son - ufalona

sport - usportna

sports coat - uvyadstšarna

student (male) - uhjalna

style - ustylena

suit - uhyjšadna

swan (male, general) - usoana

Sophie Monk Australian model Sophie Monk goes g7oZoDM7DI8l

Kovatna lamkaja dhotišōrtjovranō ga utafajukjahagna.

sweatpants - utafajukjahagna

sympathy - usodadōsnō

system - usystāmnō

table - utušanō

tank top, wifebeater - uklopranō

teenager - ukopolana

terrorist - utarotna

thigh - utšrajanō

tongue - ubojsna

tooth - udantšana

torso - ukōpgašnō

tuxedo - uhyjšadana

uncle - utšjona

unicorn - unicornō

uniform - unaformnō

unit - uunitnō

unity - ujunkuna

vest - ukōlātana

waist - unyhakna

writing - uvutōnāna

Proper Nouns[]

These are always regarded as masculine but left plain, and case genders corresponding with "nō" are to be used, except for nominative, which is left plain. The adjective is identical to the noun. Language names, when it is the majority language of the country it is primarily spoken in (i.e. Finnish, Swedish, Macedonian), are formed by adding "Lāngā" as a prefix to the country name (i.e. Lāngāfransat, Lāngātysk). Languages that are not the majority language of the country it is primarily spoken in, such as Hindi, Sami, Romani, are always made with the "Lāngā" prefix and the name of the language in English (i.e. Lāngāhindi, Lāngāsami, Lāngāromani). Ethnicities are written the same way, but the prefix is "Pasot" (Pasotsuom, Pasotmakādonsk, Pasotkosovar)

August - Agvast

Albania - Štjip

America - Amerika

Argentina - Arcentšin

Bosnia - Bosni

Brazil - Brasiw

Canada - Kanada

China - Tšjan

Croatia - Hārvātsk

December - Dasramb

Denmark - Dansōk

Europe - Kbarat

Estonia - Jeesti

Finland - Suom/Syom (Sadu)

France - Fransat

Germany - Tysk

February - Fobrō

India - India

Italy - Italia

January - Janut

Japan - Capona

Flag map

Komondonō obandarasjā. Urōna posaja vo kobandarasna Indiavy, Tšjanavy, Kanadavy, Amerikavy, ga Brasiwvy.

June - Jyto

July - Jylo

Korea - Hanjulbāj (ROK), Hanjulnord (DPRK)

Latvia - Latvenš

Lithuania - Litvanš

(Former Yugoslav Republic of) Macedonia - (Korepybjojugoslāvjo)Makādonsk

March - Marso

May - Māj

Mexico - Mešik

Netherlands - Knedherlanden

Norway - Norsk

November - Novramb

October - Otramb

Portugal - Portugjali

Romania - Latnōšjā

Russia - Rosja

September - Satramb

Spain - Spanja

Sweden - Svansk

United Kingdom - Irengvalzsco (colloquially Engla)

Numbers and Ordinals[]

zero - šero

one - 

two - na

three - xa

four - ba

five - da

six - ty

seven - tša

eight - lo

nine - ju

ten - nōšero

eleven - nōnō

twelve - nōna

thirteen - nōxa

fourteen - nōba

fifteen - nōda

sixteen - nōty


Dak fala uvana, dhopasotna posaja fala "xadufadba" o "dottšada".

seventeen - nōtša

eighteen - nōlo

nineteen - nōju

twenty - našero

one-half - nōdufadna

one-quarter - nōdufadba

eight-seventeenths - lodufadnōtša

1.314 - nōdotxanōba

negative one - nō negat

-1.314 - nōdotxanōba negat

Interjections, Expressions, and Greetings[]

Goodbye - Saluta

Good morning - Kumanajajubatana

Good day - Koavalānjobatana

Good evening - Oterejotyvatana (very archaic)

Hello - Tere

Hi - Haj, Te, Jo, Jyj, Hei

How are you? - Komo vuju/vumon orōna/urōna/orōsna/urōsna?

Please - marjy

Thank you - tak

You are welcome - zbazba

Welcome - pola

What's up? - Za?


Feminine personal pronouns[]

I - okynna

you - orōna

she, it (feminine objects) - ovana

we - okynōsna

you (plural) - orōsna

them (female) - ovasna

Masculine personal pronouns[]

I - ukynna

you - urōna

he, it (masculine and general objects) - uvana

we - ukynōsna

you (plural) - urōsna

them (male and general) - uvasna

Interrogative pronouns[]

what - ma

who - ut

when - nja

where - ljo

why - nkav

how - komo

Relative pronouns[]

what - kjō

who - kjō

when - kjō

where - kjō

why - kjō

how - kjō

Feminine reflexive pronouns[]

myself - okynlā

yourself - orōlā

herself, itself (feminine objects) - ovalā

ourselves - okynōslā

yourselves - orōslā

themselves (female) - ovaslā

Masculine reflexive pronouns[]

myself - ukynlā

yourself - urōlā

himself, itself (masculine and general objects) - uvalā

ourselves - ukynōslā

yourselves - urōslā

themselves (male and general) - uvaslā

Reciprocal pronouns[]

each other, one another

(referring to 1st person) - ukynōsvā

(referring to 2nd person) - urōsvā

(referring to 3rd person) - uvasvā


-a verbs[]

there is (like Portuguese "haver") - hava

to be able - posa

to be able (emotionally, physically) - tšyka

to cause - koza

to clarrify, to support a fact - verdadea

to define - defina

to do - faza

to finish - akaba

to go - a

to give - foda

to have - vasa

to investigate - hugartama

to kill - mata

to like - guvara

to live - haxna

to make - faza

to present, to show - apartša

to receive - receba

to share - šara

to shine - šuga

to sing - canta

to sleep - brāxa

to speak - fala

to take - ālava

to try - tenta

to understand - kompra

to use - usa

to wish - lvaga

to work - trabalja

-o verbs[]

to ask a question - roko

to be (like Spanish/Portuguese "estar") - to

to classify - galfado

to die - pako

to earn - hovro

to eat - kumo

to happen - akontaso

to help - yfōdo

to love - goromo

to read - valduzo

to say - disio

to see, to view - vo

to sign (with hands) - buso

to touch - sanjo

-u verbs[]

to be (like Spanish/Portuguese "ser") - vu

to buy - kompru

to continue - continu

to dance - mohu

to discover - daskybu

to enjoy - njetšu

to explore - ljamzōku

to feel - sentu

to hide - vāparanu

to jump - tadōvu

to learn, to study - lu

to print - sahynu

to put - tšoru

to request, to ask for something, to panhandle, to beg - pu

to spell - skoplu

to sign (a paper) - signatu

to sit - madu


also, and - ga

because - nkavat

but - nkat

for, so, in order to (before verbs) - dak

For example... - Prax,...

Once... - Noutš,...

or - o

Therefore... - Xab,...

than - dako

until (a time) - āta

with - gom

Adjectives and Adverbs[]

after - dapus

bad - mal

big - oa (this is one of five adjectives that does not require the adjective prefix)

black, dark (in color) - preto

blue - zul

bulky - kjahag

clear - claro

confined - šakr

cute - kut

different - kata

every, all - tudo

female, feminine - fām

few - hyna (this is one of five adjectives that does not require the adjective prefix)

giant, huge - grān

good - bata

green - zvra

grey - prblank

individual, single, only - single

in-law - kyt (this is one of five adjectives that does not require the adjective prefix)

last - sobr

male, masculine - māsk

many, much, very - man (this is one of five adjectives that does not require the adjective prefix)

married - mārdo

middle - medio

necessary - preciso

negative - negat

not - no

old - plak

orange - bovra

other - trono

pink - boblank

purple - zbodh

red - bodh

small - nja (this is one of five adjectives that does not require the adjective prefix)

smart - smart

turquoise - zuzvra

white, light (in color) - blank

yellow - vra
