
La Langua Norelîenne


Spring tree



Norelian is a Romance language spoken on the island of Noreliand (English)-or Norelîa (Norelian) off the coast of Western Europe. Norelîa is the child of ancient Atlantis, as Italy is of Rome. Noreliand is not far away from France, so there are many cognates with French. They also have a few dreaded silent letters, the most obvious one is that many words have a silent 'e' on the end. If an 'e' at the end of a word isn't accented- é - then it simply isn't pronounced. Norelîenne, as native speakers call it, is based of Latin, French, English, Spanish, and some Italian. I'm hoping to make to make Norelian into a fully functional, modern language full of words that are aesthetically pleasing to both the eyes, and the ears. I also want to make the fictional island of Noreliand have a unique culture, and mindset which the language will reflect. Norelîenne isn't nessecarily meant to be an international language, but if anyone ever wanted to learn it or spread the language, they wouldn't start out without a base culture. Norelian isn't trying to be the next Esperanto or Volapük, though I definitely wouldn't mind!

Note that my conlang is still in its infancy, and that I will probably continue to develop and change it.

I also ask that no one edit my article in a drastic way, and to please ask for my permission before editing.

Basic Grammar[]

Here is a basic grammar:

l'Alphesse- the Alphabet[]

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Îî Jj Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Xx Yy Zz

Norelîenne also uses the following letters :

á é ï í ó ú



a as in saw

e as in lay; e as in let

i as in him

î as in sleep

o as in low

u as in fun

ou as in you

ai as in my

au as in cow

oy as in soy

eau as in go


b, d, f, h, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, x, y, z, similar to English; the rest:

c can sound hard- cat-, or soft- century-

g can also sound hard- grass-, or soft like 'j'

  • for both c and g, it really just depends on the word (I wanted it to be like many natural languages in this).*

j has a sound a sound similar to the 'z' in azure

q has the sound of 'cw' as in queen, though 'que' sounds like a hard 'c' at the end of words-musîque, or republîque.


Nouns do not have gender (masculine, feminine, or neuter) in Norelîenne, although there is evidence that they did at one time. There is one definite article:

la which corresponds to the English the

When la comes before a vowel sound, it condenses to the front of the word, and it is slurred together when pronounced: la + Alphesse = l'Alphesse

la + anîmale = l'anîmale

When la comes before a plural nouns such as chattes, it turns into les:

la + chattes = les chattes

la + maisones = les maisones

There is also one indefinite article, that takes two forms depending upon the following sound of the noun:

un or una which correspond to the English a

The form of a, un is used before vowel sounds:

un anîmale, never una anîmale

un apis, never una apis

The form of a, una is used before all consonant sounds:

una chîen, never un chîen

una boullen, never un boullen


Ja- I

moi- me

vou- you (informal)

anou- you (polite)

il- he

elle- she

zam- it

aullîe- we

vou'alles- you all

lemme- they

also pronouns, but not major ones with unique conjugations:

nérîe- one (as in: -One could go there, but I don't think its very safe.)

nérîmenne- oneself

Jaménne- myself

vourez- yourself (informal)

anouze- yourself (polite)

Possessive pronouns[]

Possessive pronouns used to refer to one object are:

mon- my

vour- your (informal)

anour- your (polite)

ilour- his

ellour- her, hers

aullîne- our, ours

vou'allemes- you all's

lemmure- their, theirs

Possessive pronouns used to refer to more than one object:

mes- my

tois- yourself (informal)

anois- yourself (polite)

illése- his

ellése- hers

aullése- our

vou'alleméne- you all's

lemmése- their


In Norelian, like in other Romance languages the adjective goes before the noun. For example it's not a blanque chîen, it is chîen blanque. This rule holds true- (la donna bella, la fleur amariss...) -until one uses numbers to describe a noun. What if you wanted to say two days? You would say: dua ares, not ares dua.

The same is true when using possessive pronouns: «Mon maison etenne...»- "My house is..." «Aullîne aré, etanne aresîe! »- "Our day is today!"

It's really not that difficult with adjectives, you just have to remember the rules. (Tré donnas, la ellîe papilîos.)

Here is a list of some common adjectives you'll be likely to come across (not in alphabetical order):

bella- pretty, beautiful

adorablé- adorable, cute

blonde- blonde (used for males, and females)

ruberése- red haired

brunette- brown-haired

noirése- black-haired

blanquerése- white-haired

grîsarése- gray-haired

féante- ugly

amusánte- fun, funny

intelligénte- smart, intelligent

bonne- good

mauvaiz- bad, incorrect

terrîblé- terrible

horeurmén- horrible

nouveau- new (used for inanimate objects- l'auto nouveau- the new car)

nouvelle- new (used for people and animals- «elle etanne una donna nouvelle »- "she is a new woman")

ancîen (this 'c' sounds like 'sh')- ancient, old- could be used as an insult

vîalle- old, out-of-date

bonnamuseé- wonderful, entertaining


Most verbs in Norelian conjugate according to a set pattern, these are called regular verbs.

A good exaple of a regular is: parler, which means to speak. (Nouns are always talked about in their infinitive form, which means they are unconjugated.)

Here is how it conjugates:

Ja parlé - add é

vou/anou parlé -add é

il parlene -add ene

elle parlene -add ene

aullîe parlese -add ese

vou'alles parlîe -add îe

lemme parlanne -add anne


(really more of an index of words)

Everyday Expressions[]


Felicîtachánne- greetings, or congratulations; considered polite and friendly.

Anjoure- hello, greetings; can be used in a formal or informal situation.

Jourre- hi, hey; informal.

Bonne'ouîe- welcome!

bonne azré- good morning

bonne aré- good day

bonne adune- good evening

bonne nuît- good night


Arvoir- goodbye; both polite and friendly

reprîs- goodbye; the most formal

adîu- bye

chîanne- goodbye; interchangable with arvoir

thinan azré- have a good morning

thinan aré- have a good day

thinan adune- have a good evening

thinan nuît- have a good night

bonne chance- good luck


A section of common foods and meals:

Juvandé- breakfast

Almersé- lunch

Dîsnerre- dinner

noitrîure- food

comîrre- meal


A Vintage Year?

les tomattes

legúme- vegetable

concombre- cucumber

tomatté- tomato

abolaza- pumpkin

brocalle- broccoli

choufleur- cauliflower

celsau- celery

aubergîne- eggplant

onîane- onion


Straw.. berry in straw....

les fraises

fruita- fruit

pomme- apple

cherîse- cherry

fraise- strawberry

péche- peach

pereau- pear

susîne- plum

pomme d'amour- pomegranate

cîtrone- lemon

cîtrone-vert- lime

raison- grape

melón- melon

melón-saffîre- watermelon

banane- banana

narange- orange

Meal Courses[]

Strawberry cake


The meal courses are listed in the order traditionally served in Norelîa.

soux et salade- soup and salad

entrée- main course

chalevón- dessert

frommage et vînne- lastly, the cheese and wine course

Les Entrées[]

boef- beef

cizé- chicken

porque- pork

stéque- steak

pîscarrde- fish

Aged Scotch Fillet, Banq, Yarra Valley



pastelle- cake

cîblerre- pie

pastellîna- cookie

pastellette- cupcake

parffé- parfait

Grande tu Frappuccino

la frappe bonne

créme glacée- ice cream

tiramîsoux- tiramisu

glacétte- ice pop

sundé- sundae

frappe- shake or malt

Days, Months, & Seasons[]

Even though the Norelians use the Western Gregorian calendar, they have retained their own unique names for the months of the year and the days of week.

Days of the Week[]

Elaré- Monday

Anaré- Tuesday

Île'aré- Wednesday

Aldaré- Thursday

Fraré- Friday

Venîaré- Saturday

Minelle'aré- Sunday

aré- day


Narvinîyé- January

Lárquella- February

Vîressé- March

Arquessé- April

Fleuressé- May Belorné- June

Thermîe- July

Urîmé- August

Yavé- September

Tuavré- October

Novasarré- November

Uîcharré- December

boullen- month

The Seasons[]

Reflecting on the change of seasons - NJ


Prîmavera- spring

Aistharé- summer

Yavaré- autumn

Hiver- winter

ou'îan- season


blanque- white

Having a Picnic...

una chîen blanque

noir- black

ruber- red

cairule- blue

amariss- yellow

vert- green

ajurre- purple

Flying Over Lavender

les fleurs ajurre

saffîre- pink

grîs- gray

brun- brown

tîlle- turqoise

argent- silver

mallorne- gold

orange- orange (colour only, not the fruit!)

corella- colour


0- voiché 1- una 2- dua 3- tré 4- quatra 5- quînqua 6- saïse 7- septîa 8- ellîe 9- nover 10- desse 11- undanesse 12- duanîs 13- tredesse 14- quatradesse 15- quînquadesse 16- sadesse 17- septadesse 18- elîdesse 19- noveradesse 20- vigintîe 21- vigintîe-una 22- vigintîe-dua 30- tragentîe 40- quatragentîe 50- quagentîe 60- saigentîe 70- septegentîe 80- ellagentîe 90- novagentîe 100- sîenna

noumra- number


Here is a very short list of some common animals:


la chat adorablé

chat- cat

Not just an ugly duckling...

la quasana bella


chîen- dog

abris- bird

apis- bee

papilîo- butterfly

pîscarre- fish

ursra- bear

gallîna- chicken

vaca- cow

balerge- rabbit

froppe- frog

quasana- swan

anîmale- animal

Countries and Nationalities[]

A list of some major countries in Europe, and around the world

Norelîa- Noreliand

Norelîenne- Norelian language or people

France- France

Francésse- French language or people

Éspagna- Spain

Blue Marble (Planet Earth)

Aullîne Éa bella!

Éspanîenne- Spanish language or people

Italîa- Italy

Italîenne- Italian language or people

Alemanîa- Germany

Alemánne- German language or people

Ellénîa- Greece

Ellanîenne- Greek language or people

Mascovîe- Russia

Mascovîte- Russian language or people

Anatolîa- Turkey

Anatolîenne- Turkish language or people

Îsrelle- Israel

Îsrellîenne- used for both the Hebrew language and the citizens of Israel

Arabîya- Saudi Arabia, or the Arabian Peninsula

Arabîe- Arabic language or Arab people

Indîya- India

Indîenne- Hindi language or Indian people

Cathé- China

Cathanîenne- Mandarin Chinese language, or Chinese people

Coréa- Korea

Corîenne- Korean language or people

Chapón- Japan

Chaponîenne- Japanese language or people

Amérîca- America

Les Estates Unîté- The United States (official name)

Amérîcanne- American English, or American citizens

Britannîa- Britain

La Royamé Unîté- The United Kingdom (Britain's official name)

Anglése- the English language or British people

Mesîqué- Mexico

Mesîcanne- Mexican Spanish or Mexican people

Brasîlle- Brazil

Brasilîenne- Brazilian Portuguese or Brazilian people

Portugalle- Portugal

Portugesanne- Portuguese language or people

Canîda- Canada

Canadîenne- Canadian English or Canadian people

Quebéque- Quebec

Quebécois- Quebec French or people from Quebec

la Boté- the world seen from a human point of view

la Éa- the Earth

Îurope- Europe

Afrîque- Africa

Agîa- Asia

America-Boréale- North America

America-Austurale- South America

Australîa- Australia

Antarde- Antartica

Boréa- north

Austra- south

Orîente- east

Ocîdente- west

la terra- a country or land

una nationalîté- a nationality

langua- language

una dorîende- a people

Norelian Customs[]

Though it may not be that important, the imaginary island of Noreliand has its own unique customs and way of looking at the world. I will put here whatever I feel is important (most of it made up as I go along!), from ancient folk customs to the modern-day government.

Government and Quick Facts[]

Official Name: The Kingdom of Noreliand, and the United Norelian Empire

Capital City: Navarra

Population: about 183 million (183,000,000)

Size: about 3 and a half million sq. kilometers

Official language: Norelian (Portuguese is also widely used in the immigrant communities from Portugal and Brazil)

Type of Government: a hereditary monarchy

Head of State and Government: the Monarch (king or queen)

Branches of Government:

1. The Monarchy- makes laws, judgements, and executive decisions.

2. The Parliament- makes laws, decides some judgements; members of Parliament elected from the common class of citizens and helps the monarch govern fairly; the leader of the Parliament is called the Premier, and works closely as an advisor to the monarch.

3. The High Court- makes judgements about how laws are to be interpreted, and helps to decide difficult cases.

Divisions of Noreliand[]

Though the overseas territories may look somewhat independent, they all recognize Noreliand's authority, and influence over them. Noreliand has more power than the other 5 kingdoms. Noreliand is first divided into 6 major divisions or kingdoms (royamés)

1. Norelîa

2. Quellanés

3. Afrîque-Ocîdentale

4. Genesáu

5. Hivernîa

6. Catheranîs

Example texts[]

" La Torre de Babélle " or The Tower of Babel text will go here soon...

Tower of Babel

la Torre de Babélle

Chat-noir178 01:38, 27 March 2009 (UTC)
