

Tek Riafa is a fan dialect for Hymmnos/Ar Tonelico, but is also used in a modified way by the people of Ramaine. This page will deal primarily with the Hymmnos version, (though the core differences in the Ramaine version sill be covered.)


A great deal of Tek Riafa is pronounced in a similar rhythm to japanese, but with an english range of consonants. In other words, words tend to be broken quite sharply into sylables.


When used in an emotion word, the vowel sounds are as follows:

letter IPA
a æ (cat, hat)
e ɛ (bed, wed)
i iː (see, fee)
o ɒ (hot, not)
u uː (boo, too)
y aɪ (my, why)

Y can be treated as either a vowel or a consonant.

Outside of emotion sounds, for the most part things are similar but there are occasional exceptions:

When followed by a consonant, i is often pronounced ɪ as in 'six' syllables. Eg: 'Hear' would be pronounced 'heh-ar' rather than 'heer'.

At the end of words, o is often pronounced as əʊ, as in 'no'.


Letter IPA
b b
c s
d d
f f
g g
h k
k l
l l
m m
n n
p p

kj (used with u as in english)

v v
w w
x z or kʃ
y j
Z z

C is always soft, G is always hard. J is generally hard.

At the beginning of words, X is pronounced the same as Z, otherwise is is used as in 'six'. eg: 'xix' would be said 'zix'. When placed next to a number or symbol, it is pronouced 'ku' (see below).

When Y follows another consonant, they flow quickly together, so 'dya' would be pronouced very similiarly to 'ja'.

Merged sounds[]

When followed by a noun, 'Ci' is occasionally shifted into a 'sh'. This is most often seen in pronouns such as 'cienna' (us)', which can be said either as 'see-eh-na' or 'sheh-na' depending upon speed/rhythm.

At the end of words, 'ae' is often merged to may an a sound as in 'hay'. eg: Sukae (soul) would be said 'soo-kay' .


In the Hymmnos variant, these are generally the same as in Hymmnos. The Ramaine dialect does not use symbols for the most part.

//, = and : are ignored. Words joined by _ or . are spoken as if there is a space between them.

>> trass
x ku
0 oh
1 ee
=> tab

Letter Significance[]

While these do not apply completely across the board, certain letters or letter combinations have implications they add to the word they're put into

The letter 'i' is one of the most used, and tends to carry a sense of importance, power, size or signifcance. These are often inserted into the middle of words for emphisis or praise (the most key use being in the pronouns to make the formal tenses). 'Y' can carry a similar sense, but tends to be more relaxed. It is less common but seems to have arisen from the words becoming slurred over time.

The letter 'i' as significant also comes into play where Tek Riafa forms nouns from verbs for those involved in the verb ('one who x', 'one who is x') as when prefixed with an i, the meaning is shifted to imply this is their only purpose: 'adorran' being 'singer' and 'iadorran' being 'one who's sole purpose is to sing'. (This method of forming nouns from verbs will be covered in more detail later.)

You also use 'i' to create the plural forms of nouns (which is done by doubling the last sound and adding i if it ends in a consonant, or si if it ends in a vowel).

Anything prefixed with a x- sound tends to be a negative or a reversal of something.

Emotion Language[]

An emotion word can be easily identified by the fact it ends in //

They are effectively a matrix, and formed of a number of stages, and consequently able to express complex concepts in a very short period of time.

Stage 1- Emotion[]

This step contains one or two concepts. They can be split into 2 types: The first, if included, is written as a vowel and contains a general tone. They rarely appear on their own. The second type is more specific and is written as either a single consonant or a collection that makes a particular sound. One special stage one element is xix-, which reverses the meaning of the rest of stage 1.

Letter/Sound Meaning
a- General driven/encouraging action or change/"Go!"
b- Ammused
bw- Selfish/jealous/holding close/'this is MINE'
ch- Disgust
d- Anger
e- General distaste/dislike of things as they are)
f- Hoping/wishing
g- Bitterness/frustration
h- Despair/regret
i- General helplessness/fear/'Help me!'
j- Excited/confident
k- Fear
l- Happy/enthusiastic
m- Wanting to encourage/nurture/create/instigate
n- Acceptance
o- General affirmation of things
p- Obligation
qu- Curious
r- Passion/fervour/determined
s- Doubt
sh- Rejecting/defiant
sk- Betrayed/hope unfullfilled
st- Understanding
sw- Sympathy/connection/sync
sp- Questioning
t- Desperate
tw- Bored/uninterested
th- Concerned/Protective
u- General love/contentment/approval of things as they are
v- Trance/execution state
w- Desire/want/need
xix- Reverses the emotion of this stage
y- Pity
z- Desire to destroy/stop/end

Stage 2- Intensity/Attitude[]

Another 2 part step. The optional first part expresses what the singer feels about the emotion:

-r- I want this to be fullfilled
-l- I want this to be cut off

The second part is essential and expresses the strength of the feeling

a (ah) Fairly/Generally
e (eh) Not at all
i (ee) More than anything else
o (oh) Uncertainly
u (oo) Slightly
y (eye) Deeply

Stage 3- Subject/Subject Modifier[]

These can be layered up quite a way, but generally it's best to make sure it's something pronounceable. r and ch behave differently if there is an r or l in stage two— they will refer to how soon you want the feeling to be fulfilled/end. If you need them twice (you want something to be fulfilled quickly, but only be short lived, you would use a y as well (this is optional if there is no l or r in stage 2.)

(blank) Myself/this (general)/the subject
z Negative modifier (i.e: zim = things not my world)
i my (always means the singer, even if there is another subject using it)
y my (refers to the one speaking in the song)
e your
o our
a everything/everyone's
u object of the action being performed
t this/of this thing (what the emote itself is attached to)
n self/person/people
m world
sh future
tz death/end/finish
ll start/birth/begining
g past
c actions
ss situation
y duration
ff wishes/desires/feelings
zz nothingness/lack
r to go on forever/last a long time
ch to be short lived/just now/quickly


ary// deeply, actively determined (ah-rye)

ikien// more than anything else, helplessly afraid of you (ee-kee-en)

xixunaotz// Not lovingly accepting the death of everything (zix-u-nah-ots)

General Grammar[]

The majority of Tek Riafa sentences are in SVO form, and for anything not in simple present tense, with a tense code formed much in the same way as the emotion words appended to the front.


A tense code can be recognised in the Hymmnos version of the language by its ending in '://'. They are made up of up 3 components, arranged in various orders. The three elements signify the time being spoken about, the permenance/duration of it and finally the nature of the statement, which included commands, potential and obligation.
Often this last type is the first to appear in the tense code.

Time Tense Elements[]

a- always have
e- never before
o- past
i- future

Duraration Tense Elements[]

ki- This state will continue forever
ke- This state will not continue forever/will change soon.
ka- This state will not continue beyond the now
ko- This state has ceased in the past
(blank)- This state goes on an unspecified time

Note: These refer to the time tense elements in their meaning, particularly with a- and e-. In otherwords, while 'aki://' means 'Always have and always will', 'eki://' means 'Never have and never will'.

Statement Type Tense Elements[]

rha- order/request

xarha - forbidding

tra- would/conditional

xatra - would not

twef - want/desirative

xatwef - do not want

shra- might

dan - possible

xadan - impossible

din - required/must

xadin - not required

(blank) - simple statement


cer.adorra (You sing)

o://cer.adorra (You sang)

ka://cer.adorra (You won't sing any more)

ko://cer.adorra (You stopped singing before now)

eki://cer.adorra (You never sang before and you still won't.)

eka://cer.adorra (You never sang before but now you will)

rhaki://cer.adorra (keep singing!)

adin://cer.adorra (You have always been required to sing)

dani://cer.adorra (You can sing in the future)

Passive and reflexive statements[]

These are rendered by using a 're:' for passive statments or a 'me:' for reflexive, placed before the pronoun but after the tense code (if there is one)


cen.alidya (I help)

re:cen.alidya (I am helped)

me:cen.alidya (I help myself)

aki://me:cen.alidya (I have always helped my self and I will continue to do so)

It should be noted that some verbs are effectively already passive or reflexive when translated, particularly in 'state' words. This will be covered in more detail later.

Pronouns, Possessives and Articles[]


Tek Riafa pronouns have both a 'formal' and 'informal' case, though this refers more to power, importace and significance to the speaker rather than to social status. Whether they are subject or object is infered from word order.

Singular Informal Plural Informal Singular Formal Plural Formal
I - First Person cen cenna cien cienna
You - Second Person cer cerra cier cierra
He/It - Masculine 3rd Person cet cetta ciet cietta
She/It - Feminine 3rd Person ces cessa cies ciessa
It - Neuter 3rd Person ced cedda cied


There is also a form for places, which translates a little differently:

Cel (Here)

Cella (All around here)

Ciel (The World)

Ciella (Absolutely everywhere)

Which gender of 3rd person pronoun you use for a particular word can vary: There is a hirachy of things to decide which should be used. In order of imporance, it goes:

1) The actual gender of the thing in question. e.g. a girl would take 'ces' or 'cies'.

2) If there is a strong mood you wish to invoke by it, inanimate objects may be personified with a gender.

3) The gender of the owner of the thing in question. e.g. a book belonging to a boy would take 'cet', but if it belonged to a girl it would take 'ces'.

4) If known, the creator of the object's gender.

5) If none of the above are applicable, it will take the neuter 3rd person.


There are a number of ways to form a possessive.

The Hymmnos only way is to join the words with a '_' such as 'cen_adra' (my song). The owner preceeds the thing owned.

In a similar format, when the owner is expressed with a pronoun, you can omit the _, but swap the 'e' in the pronoun for an 'a', e.g. 'can adra' (my song).

You can also use the words 'ar' and 'aro' to express ownership, placed between the two words. With ar, the first word owns the second, with aro the first word belongs to the second, i.e.:

Cesren ar rion (girl's star)

Cesren aro rion (girl belonging to star)

Using a possessive with a verb transforms it into a gerund, in other words 'nouning' it, e.g.

Cer adorra (You sing)

Car adorra (Your singing)


Used on it's own, the informal case is neutral, however if a formal pronoun or article is used in the same statement as an informal, it strongly implies the informal is either worth less, weaker, subjegated or somehow inferior to the formal. ie:

Cen enviyaci car logia (I witness your actions)

Cen enviyaci ciar logia (I witness your actions, precious one)(More accurately/literally, 'unimportant me witnesses the actions of precious you')

Cien enviyaci car logia (I witness your actions, worthless one)(More accurately/literally, 'Precious me witnesses the actions of unimportant you')

Insult Case[]

There is also a much less common pair of cases which are actively insulting and regarded as rather course and unsubtle, reserved for objects of utmost contempt and where appropriate, implies that the speaker has set themselves in opposition to the thing in question and intends to fight. It is formed by replacing the 'c-' with 'zux-'. This can be used 'formally' or 'informally', the informal implying general hate and worthlessness, and the formal implying a personal significance to the hatred. These can be translated as colourfully and obscenely as you like, but a clean example for clarity's sake could be:

Zuxer! (You worthless peice of trash, you're going down!)

Zuxier! (You worthless peice of trash, you're the bane of my existance, bring it on!)


Articles may be omitted in Tek Riafa, and simply infered by context. However, they do exist and carry an implication of how common the thing in question is, as well as the formality level, and are often used to voice the tone from a pronoun with a noun. They may be used with both nouns and propper nouns, and with a verb it creates a gerund in the same way using a possessive will.

Articles are formed using an appropriate pronoun, prefixed with a letter. The prefix meanings are as follows:

i - The/THIS ONE HERE, with an added implication of that thing being absolutely unique.
y - (said 'ay') The/THIS ONE HERE
(no article at all) - Inferred from context, no feelings given
a - a/some of something not that common, or where not many are relevant to the situation
u - a/some of something quite common
e - one of something incredibly common


Can iciet fillyasur (My unique and precious beloved)

Ycies cesren (This important girl)

Acied avirenje en yced kajo (A precious little bird in the cage, of the few we're talking about)

Ucied falfolin (A precious flower, one of the various flowers there are)

Ecedda falfolinini (Some common flowers, out of the many other flowers)

Icies Asterikos (Asterikos and nobody else, precious and unique)



Word Types[]

In general, the borders between nouns, verbs and adjectives are often a little blurry in Tek Riafa, and there are various ways of transforming words from one type to another.

State Words[]

A number of words in Tek Riafa are flexible as to whether they are a verb, noun or adjective. These words are refered to as states and include things such as 'nefesti' (manifested), 'logia' (action), 'tensei' (intent or plan), 'wendan' (change), 'takya' (taken) and 'xatae' (lacked). Their exact translation varies depending on how they are used.

As well as being able to be used as nouns, all state words can be used as verbs, translating roughly in for form of 'be in the state of <word>', though this may not always make grammatical sense in english. Such verbs might not always make sense for a person to perform. eg:

Cen.wendan ('I change' or more directly 'I am in the state of change')

Can_tensei.logia ('My plan is in action' or 'my plan is in the state of action')

A state word (and indeed almost all verbs) may also be prefixed with 'en', changing the meaning into 'Put into a state of <word>'. eg:

Cen.takya ('I am taken')

Cen.entakya ('I take')

It should be noted that while in a lot of cases the base and en form may be translated as passive and active forms of a verb, the meanings are not always exactly so. The en- form may be used with the passive modifier, and when this is done there is the explicity implication that the the subject has been put into the state by somebody else, which is not neccisarily the case simply by using the base state word. eg:

Cen.wendan ('I change/I am in a state of change')

Cen.enwendan ('I change something/I put something into a state of change')

Re:cen.enwendan ('I am changed/I am put into a state of change')

Me:cen.enwendan ('I change myself/I put myself into a state of change')

Rha://cer.percea ('Be shown!/Be in a state of being shown!')

Rha://re:cer.enpercea ('Be shown!/Be put into a state of being shown!')

Rha://me:cer.entenira ('Show yourself!/Put yourself into a state of being shown')

Compared to the 're:' version, a base state word effectively comes somewhere between the passive and reflexive, and in some cases can subtly imply a degree of complicity or the subject actively placing themselves in the state compared to the 're: + en' form where all agency has been removed from them (rather than the more obvious implication by using the reflexive form). In other words, the 'passive/reflexive + en' forms explicitly state the subject's part in entering the state, whereas the base state verb keeps it open.

'Verbing' adjectives[]

Prefixing 'en' may be done to a great deal of words, where the resulting meaning makes sense. In particular, most adjectives can be used like this, rendering as a verb meaning 'Cause to be <adjective>'. To get something meaning simply 'To be <adjective>' you would either preceed it by the word 'es' (which exclusively used for verbing things), or use one of the 'to be' verbs such as 'is', 'dya' or 'idya' . eg:

Cen.froi ('cold me')

Cen.enfroi ('I make something cold')

Re:cen.enfroi ('I am made cold')

Cen es froi ('I'm cold') froi ('I'm cold')

Cen.dya froi ('I am being cold')

Cen.idya froi ('I am made to be cold/I am made into cold')

Nouns from Verbs and Adjectives[]

As well as transforming a verb into a noun using an article, we can also form nouns for the things involved in that action, or indeed in an adjective. This is done by suffixing -n (where the word ends with a vowel, -un where it ends with a consonant), -na, -nu, -ne or -nae.

How these translate can vary from word to word, and not all of them can be used in every case, but in general:

-n/-un is primarily used for the result, or thing/person used by the action, or if there is not one of these, for the recipient or target of the action. It can refer to any of these, unless -ne or -nae can also be used (see below).

-na is used for the instigator of the action.

-nu is used for the cause, or what the action is 'about'.

-ne is used when there is both a result and something/someone that is used in the process of the action (and these are separate things) to mean the thing/person used in the process.

-nae is used where there is a result and a recipient/target, and refers to the recipient/target of the action.

You can also prefix the word with an 'i' to add 'One who exists only as/for' to its meaning.


Adorra ('To sing')

Adorran ('Song')

Adorrana ('Singer')

Iadorrana ('One who exists only to sing')

Adorranae ('One sung to')

Adorranu ('Thing that moves one to sing')'

Koimao ('To kill/silence')

Koimaon ('One killed/Silenced')

Koimaona ('Killer')

Ikoimaona ('One who exists only to kill')

Koimaone ('Method of killing')

Koimaonu ('Thing that moves one to kill')

Seolta ('Wise')

Seoltan ('Wisdom')

Seoltana ('Wise person')

Tenira ('Given (state)')

Teniran ('Something given')

Tenirana ('Something which gives')

Teniranae ('Something given to')

Tenirane ('Way of being given')

Teniranu ('What moves one to be given')


Tek Riafa uses a Hexidecimal (Base 16) counting system.


Numbering system glyph

Functions and Server Commands[]


The pronunciation is as follows:


To repeat a digit a larger number of times, you can follow it with the amount of occurances, suffixed with -la. ie: '56FFFFFF' can be said as either 'RessZeuChirChirChirChirChirChir' or 'RessZeuChirZeula'

To avoid confusion when writing in roman letters, numbers are proceded with a #.

If a 0 or 1 occur with no #, this is binary and will be pronounced as in Hymmnos, ie 'Oh' for 0 and 'ee' for 1.

As well as for counting, in the Hymmnos version the numbers may be used in a further code where each digit has a meaning, reffered to a 'hexmatrix'. Hexmatrix numbers always end with a /.


A hexmatrix code is a set of numbers use in Tek Riafa Hymmnos that carry a meaning. They come in 2 forms: command and statement. They are differentiated from normal numbers by ending with a '/.' and do not use the repeating form when spoken. They are formed of 4 or 5 components, each of which must have the same number of digits.

Statement codes are used to simply express things, where as command codes actually issue a direct command to the Tek Riafa server. A statement is denoted by having a preceding # as normal, whereas a command replaces the # with '0x'

By default there are 4 components in a hexmatrix, but if there are five the fifth section will be preceded by a single >. The meaning of these components varies depending on the direction of the power flow, which is defined in the power component. Under 50% of the maximum number possible for that number of digits refers to an inward flow, over 50% to an outward.

Command + Inward : (I-who/what the request is being made to)(II-Process)(III-Intent/Reason)(IV-Power)>(V-target)

Command + Outward : (I-target)(II-process)(III-intent/reason)(IV-power)>(V-for the sake of what)

Statement + Inward : As command

Statement + Outward : (I-subject)(II-process)(III-intent/reason)(IV-power)>(V-object)

The difference between inward statments and commands is that no power flow occurs in the statement, it is simply a request, whereas the command actively draws power from outside in order to execute the the process through the singer. And outward command draws on the power already built in the server to execute the process through the singer.

The meanings for each part are as follows

(I) and (V) (II) (III)


1-Transmit/Channel/Work through
2-Connect/Become open
3-Free/Remove restraints
5-Repair (if no target 'repair yourself')
9-Restrain (If no target 'be restrained')
A-Drain/Take power from/Consume (if no target, 'be drained')
B-Dominate/Hack (if no target, be dominated)
C-Halt/Stop (If no target, 'Halt yourself')
D-Crash/Break (if no target, 'Crash yourself')
E-Kill/Destroy (if no target, 'Die')
0-Trance/automatic/No emotions
1-Lost/Despair/Sorrow/'I feel empty'
2-Casually/For fun
4-Praise/Wanting to impress
5-Love/Expressing love
6-Concern/Wish to aid
8-Justice/Truth/Duty/'Because it is right'
C-Fear/Protecting against

in (IV), power level, weather it is an inwards or outwards powerflow is defined by if it is over or under 50% (Under for inwards, over for outwards) and how far from 50% it is defines the level of power or intensity of the statement.

When translating (I) and (V), a lot is open to interpretation. In general things get more specific the further along you go, eg

1 - person

18 - dangerous person

81 - danger to people

And repeating a digit emphasises:

88 - great danger.

In (II), functions are given in sequence but a repeat emphasises.

9A - Restrain and drain the power

9AA - Restrain and completely consume

In (III), the meanings are stacked up, with the first being the most important though again, with a repeat implying emphasis. They always refer to the speaker's feelings.

If you do not want to use every digit of the number, you can use 'x' to cut it short, with a preceding '-' for each digit missing after the first.

Commands are exectuted immediately following the '/.'. If you wish to chain up a set of commands to be exectuted in tandem, you can join them with a '.' in place of the '0x'.


'0x86CE/.' (Through this fear, create a barrier against danger)

'0xEC248526>0A/.' (Oh holy light, through this justice and love, connect and empower my power)

'#3B546x23>92/.' (In this desire to help, repair and empower the life of the planet for the sake of the people's wishes)

'#6889DxC11EEE>3-x/.' (In my fear and deep emptiness, The sea of death restrains and breaks the world)

'0xC4E1>0.F19D8AE9/.' (Oh light, through this need, empower me. Through this justice and punishment, restrain and break this evil one)

Language Functions[]

These are only really found in Hymmnos or 'magic' grammars, being similar to programming functions and providing ways to layer up meanings.[]

ARR, (or 'Array') commands are similar to setting variables in computer code, though with no difference being given between a string and an array. There are a few ways to interact with, call or modify an Arr:

  • ARR=NAME 1x-/ foo - bar - baz /-0x
  • NAME => foo | bar | baz ;

Array definitions. In the first case, ARR means 'define the Array' and is used to either create the array or fully replace it. NAME is whatever word will be used to call the array. 1x-/ opens the list of items for the array. foo, bar, and baz are the terms in the array here. There can be any number of them, and they use - as a separator. /-0x closes the function. In the second case => tells us it is a definition, and ; closes the definition, with | as term separators

  • ADD=NAME 1x-/ bash /-0x
  • NAME ++> bash ;

This adds a term to the end of the array after it has been defined.

  • NAME

To call the whole contents array, you use the name. So this would return foo, bar, baz and bash.

  • NAME-/0101/-

To call certain parts of the var, you can use binary, 0 for off and 1 for on. This example would return bar and bash.

  • NAME-/01x/-

The x ends the call, treating everything after it as 0. So this would return bar only.

  • STRIKE=NAME-/001x/-
  • NAME --> 001x ;

Removes the called term from the array. So this would remove baz, leaving foo, bar and bash.

You can also remove specfic terms, as in NAME --> baz ; Example:

CELE => adorra | korros ; ( CELE is equal to 'sing' and 'dance')

Cen CELE yaz ciel. ('I sing about the world' and 'I dance about the world')

CELE ++> naofi ; (Add 'worship' to CELE)

Cen CELE yaz ciel. ('I sing about the world', 'I dance about the world' and 'I worship the world')


Server Commands[]



Tek Riafa Word Type Translation Notes
-aeru suffix gas
-darr suffix sound
-est suffix feeling
-flinnen suffix texture
-fola suffix wood
-folin suffix plant
-gal suffix size
-holst suffix structure, building, thing that does something passive
-hyla suffix flesh, living body
-hylo suffix meat, dead body
-je adjective small
-kawa suffix liquid Inorganic
-lawa suffix liquid Organic, but not water
-osmil suffix scent
-pal suffix temperament, disposition
-rak suffix artificial life also used for anyus
-ren suffix person
-russ suffix animal
-silen suffix sculpture, artwork, thing made for aesthetic purposes
-stya suffix frenzy of, festival of
-su suffix feeling
-sur modifier overwhelmingly, to death, be overtaken by eg, zangsur = bleed to death
-tek suffix machine, construction, thing that does something active
-tekra suffix Non-natural solid
-telra suffix natural solid, stone, glass
-tem suffix time
-tescra suffix metal
-tol suffix colour
-vinnal suffix taste
-vyass suffix appearance, look
adiorra verb to sing with power
adorra verb to sing
aera noun air
aeral noun wind
aeriasur verb be disconnected, lost, unreachable
aeyo noun mist
aichmalotoso noun prisoner
ainna bottom
aiyya top
aleifo verb to annoint
alesti adjective naked
alidya verb to help
alitru adjective selfless
alkya state initiated, begin
altru adjective kind, helpful
alyll adjective healthy, beneficial
ammara noun chains
an conjunction and
anna down
annen adjective below
ar modifier possessive A ar B = A's B
arda noun fire
ardo verb to burn like fire
arida noun consuming fire
aro modifier possessive A aro B = A belong to B
arr adjective hot
arte state owned
arwio verb to dissolve into nothingness
arwo verb to be dissolving in something
awaje noun droplet
awala noun pool
awi verb to flow like water
awia noun sea
awin noun river
aww adjective wet
awwa noun water
ayma verb to need something to live
ayman noun blood
aymmil noun veins
ayya up
ayyen adjective above
cadera verb to fall
carin adjective kind, warm, gentle
ced pronoun it (neuter 3rd person singular) low case
cedda pronoun them (neuter 3rd person pleural) low case
cel pronoun here
cella pronoun all around here
cen pronoun I low case
cenna pronoun us, we low case
cer pronoun you (singular) low case
cerra pronoun you (pleural) low case
ces pronoun she, it (feminine 3rd person singular) low case
cessa pronoun them (feminine 3rd person pleural) low case
cet pronoun he, it, (masculine 3rd person singular) low case
cetta pronoun them (masculine 3rd person pleural) low case
cied pronoun it (neuter 3rd person singular) high case
ciedda pronoun them (neuter 3rd person pleural) high case
ciel pronoun the world
ciella pronoun all of creation
cien pronoun I high case
cienna pronoun us, we high case
cier pronoun you (singular) high case
cierra pronoun you (pleural) high case
cies pronoun she, it (feminine 3rd person singular) high case
ciessa pronoun them (feminine 3rd person pleural) high case
ciet pronoun he, it, (masculine 3rd person singular) high case
cietta pronoun them (masculine 3rd person pleural) high case
derma noun skin
derra verb to say
dezae state desired, wanted
dierra verb to shout
diortho verb to fix, to heal
dira state said
donta noun teeth
duloso noun slave
dya state be as x
dyass adverb in the manner of, as if, as, in place of
dyawi verb to melt, to dissolve
dyoti state healed
ec conjunction so, then
en conjunction to, into, at, onto
en- prefix cause
enar verb to have
ennca adjective enclosing, surrounding
ennco verb to surround
ennica adjective enclosing completely
es verb to be Only used when verbing something
esei state attempted
esku noun hand
eskua noun hands all belonging to one thing
est verb to be feeling, to be in a state of Used when no // is being used
evne state named
ey conjunction by
fafolin noun flower
fajesia noun feasting
fayra noun fire
fel adjective gentle
fenya verb to pretend to be
fenyan noun a lie
fey verb to pretend something, to imagine something
fill adjective good, pleasant, agreeable
filla love
fillen adjective loving
fillya great love
fillyasur noun beloved
fiortza verb to irresistibly force
fira noun fire
folin noun plant
folincel noun garden, field
fortza verb to force
froi adjective cold
froiel noun snow
froio verb to freeze
glitchyin adjective malfunctioning, insane
grac adjective disagreeable, disgusting, bad
habri adjective delicate
halya verb to embrace
hei “hello”
helkema verb to sacrifice
heyerio verb to purify and prepare for sacrifice
heyero verb to make something into a gift
hiyeri verb to purify
holmo adjective foolish
hya state occur
hyla noun flesh
hyle state reality, to be
hylifa verb to defend
hylikya verb to fight off, to defend
iayman noun lifeblood
idya verb be made to be, be made into
idyo verb to make someone be used form 'idyo 1 en 2' for 'make 1 be 2'
ir conjunction or
ira noun sky
is verb to be, is, are, am
ivier birth, ultimate beginning
ixian death, ultimate end
iyss verb suffer
izdati verb to betray
jalku noun foot
jalkua noun feet all belonging to one thing
jatka state continue
jein adjective small
jero verb to sanctify
jula verb to celebrate
julan noun celebration
juxen adjective around by something
kajo noun cage
kaola noun neck
kaski state damage
kaskino adjective paralysed, unable to move
kassa verb to break things
kassor adjective broken, physically
katapolemo verb to fight, to resist
keffa noun head
kessa state divided
kesta verb to withstand
kez is it true or false
kiec what action, what way
kiel where
kien who
kies why
kiet what thing
kiey when
kinawi verb to wash away
kino verb to move
kiredo noun most important belief
kodi state responded to en form: to be a response
kodi verb respond
kodya verb react
koimao verb to kill, to silence, to make sleep
korros verb to dance
koten noun reward
kotia adjective covered by
kotyo verb to cover, to hold down
kovra verb exchange, replace
kovria verb replace utterly
kredo noun belief
kurir verb to run
kuvaren noun reflection (of a person)
kuvasti verb to reflect (as a mirror)
kuvastin noun reflection (of things)
kya verb to fight, to resist
kynae state position
lal adjective all, completely
lemi verb to cry
liba adjective free
lion state filled
liri verb to smile
logia state action
luo state creation
luota verb to trust
lya verb be complete, be whole, be all
lyan adjective complete, whole
lyzir verb to shine, to transmit
lyzira noun light
megla adjective big
min less than
morfae state known, understood
my more than
naofa adjective holy, to be worshipped
naofi verb to worship, to praise
naoha adjective ribbon
nefesti state manifested, real
o conjunction that, which, who pronounced like omega
okk noun eye
okka noun eyes all belonging to one thing
oniro verb to dream
onirosur verb to be dreaming
onro verb to dream
paya adjective holy, for use in sacred ritual
pera state adjust
percea state shown, revealed, shared
pitvat verb to examine, to question, to experiment on
pitviat verb to dissect, cold violence
praja noun leg
prioxa adjective right close to here
prioxen adjective right next to something
proxa adjective close to here
proxen adjective close to something
rafolin noun crop
rajja noun limb
rava state drain
ravawi verb to erode away
ravi verb eat
ravin noun food
ravwi verb to drink
ravwin noun drink
redae verb to be saved
redya verb to save
redyan noun something saved
rekass adjective self-destructive
remor state remembered
rentan adjective vulnerable
resem verb to resemble
rion noun star
riri verb to laugh
rya state alive
saliya verb to allow
sam adjective single, one
saro verb to tear off, to move violently away
seiva adjective pretty
seolta adjective wise, smart
seren noun star
sharae state closed
sim only, nothing but this
sima adjective unique
sirriku adjective in pieces
siru noun fragment, shard
skade verb suffer
skaja noun arm
skepa verb to coat
skiade verb suffer unbearably
skotien adjective dark, out of action
skrac adjective unhealthy, dangerous
skyoda verb to eat, to consume
skyolazir verb to put out the light, to darken, to silence
sol adjective only, just
sol merely
sola adjective alone
sor adjective on
stomma noun mouth
sudel verb to kiss
sukae state feeling, soul
sulla noun lips
supa verb to ask
supan noun request
suplica “I beg you”
suplya verb to plead
suplyan noun plea
surra adjective amongst
surria adjective surrounded, completely surrounded
takya state taken
talo noun house
talti verb to enslave, to put on a leash
taltin noun leash
taltinae noun prisoner
tappla verb to fight unarmed, to brawl, to scrap
tarata verb to stain, to mark This has a negative tone
taya state charge
tekes noun ritual
tel verb use
teleta verb to conduct a ceremony
temo noun time
tenira state given
tensei state intent, plan
tenya verb to hold
terra noun earth
thysia verb to sacrifice
thysian noun sacrificed victim
tif adjective enough
tikua verb to permeate
to subject definer
tomo verb to share
tomyo verb to divide up and share
tovra verb be a friend to
tovran noun friend
tripo verb to pierce
tso this, what is being talked about
tsoc this action
tsof this feeling
tsol this place
tson this person
tsos this situation
tsot this thing
tuo state destruction
turmela verb to corrupt
tydan noun something that sates or fulfils
tydya verb to sate, to fulfil, to satisfy, to repair negative state
tyf state enough
tystella verb to fight with weapons drawn, to fight hard, to fight with intent
uhri verb to overwhelm, to use, to make a victim
uhrin noun victim
ulta verb to reach, to extend to
umma noun waist
un modifier in the way of adverbs a feeling where no // is used
unnesa verb to sleep
vafo verb to paint, to apply
valmsta state ready
vastra noun stomach
vate verb to wear
vaten noun clothes
vazae state open
ver yes, true, positive
vier definitely, strong positive
vina verb to taste
viyaci state witnessed
vyal verb to be worth
vyla verb to value
wendan state change
xadya state to not be en form: to remove
xakaso adjective unbroken
xan no, stop, halt, false, general negative
xaravin adjective hungry
xarya state dead
xatae state lacked en form: to lack
xatif adjective insufficient
xatyf state insufficient
xatyn state lost en form: to lose
xian never, destroy, strong general negative
xio conjunction that which is not
xiseolta adjective foolish
xix state reversed
xon state stopped before it is time
xyass state end in its own way
ya joining clause if if A, B
yad joining clause while A while B
yadda joining clause while while A, B
yadde joining clause while A while B
yaf joining clause until A until B
yaffa joining clause until to the point of A, B
yaffe joining clause until A to the point of B
yakka joining clause if, then not if A, not B
yakke joining clause if, then not not A if B
yalla joining clause else A, else B
yalle joining clause else A if not B
yan joining clause despite A, but B
yan joining clause but
yanna joining clause despite despite A, B
yanne joining clause despite A despite B
yar joining clause because A because B
yarra joining clause because because of A, B
yarre joining clause because A because B
yas joining clause for A for B
yask joining clause none the less
yaska joining clause regardless of regardless of A, B
yaske joining clause regardless of A regardless of B
yassa joining clause for for A, B
yasse joining clause for A for B
yat joining clause using by doing/using A, B
yatta joining clause using A by doing/using B
yatte joining clause using by doing/using A, B
yav joining clause instead A instead of B
yavva joining clause instead instead of A, B
yavve joining clause instead A instead of B
yaw joining clause alongside, with A along with B
yawwa joining clause alongside, with along with A, B
yawwe joining clause alongside, with A along with B
yax joining clause without A without B
yaxxa joining clause without without A, B
yaxxe joining clause without A without B
yaz joining clause about A about B
yazza joining clause about about A, B
yazze joining clause about A about B
ye joining clause if A if B
zang verb to bleed
zangin noun blood
zerstor adjective broken, will
zoi noun life
zrakt verb to be brutal
zriact verb to be in a frenzy of violence
zuxed pronoun it (neuter 3rd person singular) low opposing case
zuxedda pronoun them (neuter 3rd person pleural) low opposing case
zuxen pronoun I low opposing case
zuxenna pronoun us, we low opposing case
zuxer pronoun you (singular) low opposing case
zuxerra pronoun you (pleural) low opposing case
zuxes pronoun she, it (feminine 3rd person singular) low opposing case
zuxessa pronoun them (feminine 3rd person pleural) low opposing case
zuxet pronoun he, it, (masculine 3rd person singular) low opposing case
zuxetta pronoun them (masculine 3rd person pleural) low opposing case
zuxied pronoun it (neuter 3rd person singular) high opposing case
zuxiedda pronoun them (neuter 3rd person pleural) high opposing case
zuxien pronoun I high opposing case
zuxienna pronoun us, we high opposing case
zuxier pronoun you (singular) high opposing case
zuxierra pronoun you (pleural) high opposing case
zuxies pronoun she, it (feminine 3rd person singular) high opposing case
zuxiessa pronoun them (feminine 3rd person pleural) high opposing case
zuxiet pronoun he, it, (masculine 3rd person singular) high opposing case
zuxietta pronoun them (masculine 3rd person pleural) high opposing case