
== Dscript - A new take on cursive writing==

What is Dscript

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The Basic Dscript Alphabet 1.0 Beta

Dscript is a new way of writing alphabetcial words. Simply put, do you remember when you were young, bored in class, and tried squeezing all the letters of a word together into a single "glyph" or "symbol". Didn't work very well did it?

Dscript is a way to accomplish this initial goal. By using a new set of symbols specifically designed to be "basic or fundamental pen strokes" or "universally recognizable strokes". Dscript letters are designed so they can be rotated, twisted, stretched, and contorted, while avoiding ambiguity between each-other. Letters can even be placed inside one another.

The Dscript alphabet can be expanded or contracted to fit virtually any alphabet. The letters can be shuffled around and switched out as desired, but the official layout works best to learn the basics, develop the motor skills for writing, and move on to more advanced applications.

Using the "Beta Dscript Alphabet", or "Dscript Alphabet 1.0.0", letter are simply connected, combined and merged as follows :

Dscript - The Word "Reason"
Dscript - The Words "Draw" and "Said"
Dscript - The Word "Control"
Dscript - "see" and "choose"

Dscript - The Word "Reason"

Drawing the word "reason" in Dscript.

Dscript - The Words "Draw" and "Said"

Draw and Said in Dscript

Dscript - The Word "Control"

Basic forms of the word "control" in Dscript.

Dscript - "see" and "choose"

See and Choose in Dscript

Dscript - The Word "Reason"
Dscript - The Words "Draw" and "Said"
Dscript - The Word "Control"
Dscript - "see" and "choose"

Letters of a word can be grouped into clusters , "solid strings." A full example of a finished product using the basic system is below. The following text reads as the bard wrote "Shall I compare thee to a summers day?...":

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Dscript can also allow letters to be inserted inside of one another. The string of letters can also be forked and/or split.

Forking has many useful side effects, but the simplest and most important result of forking is allowing words to efficiently occupy a two-dimensional space. This signifies words do not have to be written as a long string of letters, and


The Symbol for Cold - Dscript Chinese English Characters - Dscript 2012 video lessons

A video demonstrating the aforementioned forking.

can instead become monolithic glyphs. Long words can also be "wrapped up" into virtually any arbitrary shape. Some include circles, squares and triangles.

More audiovisual ressources on DScript can be found at the Dscript Video School.

Below is a Dscript Gallery with sample artworks.

The Dscript artwork here, like Dscript itself, is licensed under Creative Commons.
