Please do not edit this page without permission from Tomeko's creator, User:Fruitycheerios. Thank you!
Type Fusional
Alignment Nominative-Accusative
Head direction First
Tonal Yes
Declensions Yes
Conjugations Yes
Genders 2
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Words 51 of 5000
Creator fruitycheerios



There are a total of 30 consonant sounds in Tomeko. 3 are nasals, 9 are stop consonants, 11 are fricatives, 3 are affricates, and finally, there are 3 approximates.

Bilabial Labio-dental Dental Alveolar Post-alveolar Retroflex Palatal Velar Uvular Pharyngeal Epiglottal Glottal
Nasal m n ŋ
Plosive p b t d c k g q ʔ
Fricative f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ x ɣ h
Affricate ts dz tʃ dʒ
Approximant ɹ l j


There are ten vowel sounds in Tomeko. Half are rounded, half are not. Also, each vowel can have two pitches: high and low. Generally, stressed syllables will have the high tone in their first (or main) vowel, while unstressed syllables' main vowels will have the low tone.

Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
High i y ɯ u
Mid ə ɵ
Low a œ ɑ ɒ


The syllable structure in Tomeko is as follows:

(C)(q, h)V(V)(V)(C)(b, p, t, d, k, g),

where C is a consonant, V is a vowel, and lowercase letters refer to those sounds in Tomeko. In addition, as mentioned above, the main vowel of a syllable is the first, required vowel, while the side vowels of a syllable are the other two, optional vowels.

Writing System[]


IPA symbol Orthographic Symbol
m m
n n
ŋ ń
p p
b p* b
t t
d t* d
k k
g k* g
c c
q ć
ʔ q
f f
v v
θ ð** ź
s s
z z
ʃ ʒ** ś
x x
ɣ y
h h
ɹ r
l l
j j
i i í***
a a á***
ɯ u ú***
ɑ o ó***
ə e é***
y ī î***
œ ā â***
u ū û***
ɒ ō ô***
ɵ ē ê***

* left sound is produced unless it comes after another consonant

** right sound is produced when the first vowel in the syllable is a back vowel, left sound is produced otherwise

*** left symbol corresponds to the low tone; right symbol corresponds to the high tone

Native Writing System[]

Orthographic Symbol m n ń p b t d k g
Native Symbol
Tomeko m
Tomeko n
Tomeko ń
Tomeko p
Tomeko b
Tomeko t
Tomeko d
Tomeko k
Tomeko g
Orthographic Symbol c ć q f v ź s z ś
Native Symbol
Tomeko c
Tomeko ć
Tomeko q
Tomeko f
Tomeko v
Tomeko ź
Tomeko s
Tomeko z
Tomeko ś
Orthographic Symbol x y h r l j
Native Symbol
Tomeko x
Tomeko y
Tomeko h
Tomeko r
Tomeko l
Tomeko j
Orthographic Symbol a e i o u ā ē ī ō ū
Native Symbol
Tomeko a
Tomeko e
Tomeko i
Tomeko o
Tomeko u
Tomeko ā
Tomeko ē
Tomeko ī
Tomeko ō
Tomeko ū
Orthographic Symbol á é í ó ú â ê î ô û
Native Symbol
Tomeko á
Tomeko é
Tomeko í
Tomeko ó
Tomeko ú
Tomeko â
Tomeko ê
Tomeko î
Tomeko ô
Tomeko û


Parts of Speech[]

In Tomeko, there are only four parts of speech: nouns, verbs, prepositions, and conjuctions. Nouns are either objects or ideas, verbs are declarative relationships between two nouns, preopositions are imperative relationships between two nouns and/or verbs, and conjunctions combine two nouns, two verbs, or two prepositions so that they're treated as one. Because Tomeko is a head-first language, the verb comes before the subject, which comes before the object. So, the sentence

"The boy ate his ice cream quickly."

would become

"Ate with quickness the of boy ice cream of him."

Declension and Conjuagtion[]

Tomeko declines nouns based on case (nominative vs. accusative), definiteness (indefinite vs. definite), number (singular vs. plural), and gender (masculine vs. feminine). Declining is done by adding a suffix to the end of a noun, as follows:

Masculine Feminine
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative Indefinite -e -eś -o -oś
Definite -ex -exp -ox -oxp
Accusative Indefinite -i -iś -a -aś
Definite -ix -ixp -ax -axp

Verbs are conjugated based on person (1st, 2nd, 3rd), tense, and aspect (past, present, future, negative, inceptive, terminative, continuous). Conjugating verbs is done in a similar way to declining nouns: by adding a suffix:

1st 2nd 3rd
Past -ent -ene -eni
Present -en -eń -eńi
Future -eqe -eqa -er
Negative -ey -eye -i
Inceptive -ont -ono -ona
Terminative -oqo -oqi -or
Continuous -oy -oyo -a



Peonouns are considered a type of noun in Tomeko. They are differentiated based on gender (masculine vs. feminine), person (1st, 2nd, 3rd), and case (nominative, accusative, genitive):

Masculine Feminine
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
Nominative ke te pe ko to po
Accusative ki ti pi ka ta pa
Genitive keś teś peś koź toź poź

Note: Genitive pronouns act like a prepositional phrase.

Note: To combine pronouns, simply put one after the other. For example, you and I in Tomeko is teke.


Articles are considered a type of noun in Tomeko. These are the Tomekan articles:

Indefinite Definite Partitive Negative
Close to speaker śu śi tīs nīs
Far away from speaker śu źon tīxe nīs


For the list of nouns, see this page.

Example text[]
