
This small Ged¨hi dictionary contains now about 250 words. It contains nearly all PSem. roots mentioned by John Huehnergard in Proto-Semitic Language and Culture. (This page, as well as all links to Semitic and Indo-Evropean roots at, is no more available.) 411 of Proto-Semitic roots were able to be found in Semitic Roots Index of The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language.


Logographic reading: ¨lp "ox, bull". Numeric value: 1.

Hebr. א named ?>a:lef; Arab. ء أ إ ؤ ئ named hamza (alif became the name of the carrier); transcribed as ' or ’ or ? or 3; Greeks reused this glyph as Α under the name alpha for the vowel [a].

¨ebeb "sire"
¨ebebu "paternity" (OBab. abbu:tum)
¨ebu "father" (√?b S0; PSem. ?ab-; OBab. abum; Hebr. ?a:v; Arab. ?ab)
¨ebnu "stone" (OBab. abnum; Hebr. ?>even)
¨eger "hire" (ja¨ger "he hired"; Arab. ?agara)
¨egeru "hiring, employment" (OBab. aga:rum a/u)
¨egru "who hires, employer" (OBab. a:girum)
nu¨egru pas. "hired, employee" (OBab. agrum)
¨ednu "master" (Hebr. ?a:ðUo:n)
¨edru "poplar" (OBab. adarum)
¨edrimu "February, *Dodecember" (OBab. addarum)
¨eðnu "ear" (√?ðn S5; OBab. uznum; Hebr. ?>o:zen)
¨ewlu "freeman" (OBab. awi:lum)
¨eªhdu "one" (Hebr. ?eªhað)
¨eju "what, which" (OBab. ajjum)
¨eji "where" (OBab. ajjiki:?am; Hebr. ?ajje:H)
¨ejo "to where" (OBab. ajjiš(am), aji:š)
¨ejbu "enemy" (OBab. ajja:bum; Hebr. ?u:je:v)
¨ejru "bloom" (OBab. ajjarum);
¨ejrimu "April, 2nd month" (OBab. ajjarum);
¨ekel "eat"(ja¨kel "he ate"; Hebr. ?a:kal; Arab. ?akala)
¨ekelu "eating"(OBab. aka:lum a/u)
nu¨eklu "food"(OBab. akalum, aklum "bread, food")
¨exexu "fraternity, brothehood" (OBab. axxu:tum)
¨exu "brother" (√?ðn S7; PSem. ?ax-; OBab. axum; Hebr. ?a:ªh; Arab. ?ax)
¨exatu "sister" (PSem. ?axa:t-; OBab. axa:tum; Hebr. ?a:ªhUo:t)
¨exeð "seize, take, acquire" (ja¨xeð "he seized"; Hebr. ?a:ªhaz; Arab. ?axaða)
¨exeðu "taking" (OBab. axa:zum)
na¨exeðu recipr. "marriage"
¨exðu "who takes" (OBab. a:xizum)
nu¨exðu pas. "taken" (OBab. axzum)
¨exer "fall behind" (ja¨xer he fell behind; Arab. ?xr)
¨exeru "having fallen behind" (OBab. axa:rum u/u)
¨exru "rear, late" (OBab. axre:m; Arab. ?xr)
¨elu "god" (PSem. ?il-; Hebr. ?e:l)
¨el¨hu "God" (Hebr. ?/elo:hiJm)
¨elemnatu "widow" (PSem. *almanat)
¨elpu "ox" (√?ðn S10; OBab. alpum "bull, ox"; Hebr. ?>a:lef)
¨elpu "thousand" (Hebr. ?>elef)
¨emu "mother" (PSem. ?imm-; Hebr. ?e:m)
¨emer "command" (ja¨mer "he commanded"; Hebr. ?a:mar "he sayd")
¨emeru "command"
¨emru "commander" (Hebr. ?e:m)
¨en "so, yes" adv., part. (OBab. anna)
¨enu "this" pron. (OBab. annu::m)
¨enju "I" (OBab. ana:ku; Hebr. ?/aniJ, a:no:kiJ)
¨entu "thou" (OBab. atta:, f. atti:; Hebr. ?ata:H)
¨entanu "ye" (OBab. attunu:, f. attina)
¨cr "captive" (OBAb. asi:rum; Arab. ?sr)
¨erer "curse, damn" ("he will curse" ja¨erer; Hebr. ja:?o:r)
¨ereru "curse" (OBab. ara:rum a/u, arratum)
¨erç'u "earth" (Hebr. ?>ereç; Arab. ?rd¸)
¨esdu "lion"


Logographic reading: bjt "house". Numeric value: 2.

bi prep. "in"
be¨lu "huge"
bebu "gate"
bejtu "house" (PSem. bajt-)
bejç'u "white"
benu "son"
benatu "daughter" (PSem. bint-)
benej "build"
beºhlu "lord" (PSem. ba¿l-)
beºhlatu "lady"
berdu "cold"


Logographic reading: gml "goad". Numeric value: 3.

geblu "mountain"
gedu "grandfather"
gedlu "heavy"
geðru "root" (Arab. gaðr pl. guðu|r)
geªhmu "hell"
gemlu "camel" (Hebr. ga:ma:l)



Logographic reading: dl "door". Numeric value: 4.

dejen "judge"
delu "door"
demqu "good"
denu "mighty"
deres "study"


ðu "this"
ðebªeh "sacrifice"
ðenbu "tail" (Arab. d_anab-)
ðenbu-¨esdi "Deneb"


Logographic reading: ¨h¨ " ". Numeric value: 5.

¨hu "The"
¨heger "depart"
¨hewej "be" (jahwej "he was"; Hebr. ha:ja:H)
¨heklu "palace" (< Sum. É.GAL; OBab. ekallum; Hebr. heJxa:l "temple, palace")
¨heru "mountain" (Hebr. har)
¨hero term. "to a mountain" (Hebr. h>era:H)


Logographic reading: ww " ". Numeric value: 6.

wi conj. "and"
webel "bring"
webelu "bringing" (OBab. waba:lum a/i)
webnu "finger"
weded "love"
wejnu "wine" (Hebr. j>ajin)
weled "give birth"
weledu "giving birth" (OBab. wala:dum)
weldu "parent" (OBab. wa:lidum)
wöldu "born, child, boy" (OBab. waldum, wildum; Hebr. j>eleð)
wöldatu "girl" (Hebr. jalda:H)
welek "go"
werdu "slave"
werew "guide"
werxu "moon, month" (√wrx S390; PSem. *warx-)
werxuþemenu "October" (Hebr h.ešwa:n < marh.ešwa:n < fAkk. waraxsamnu)
werqu "green"
weseb "sit"


Logographic reading: zjn " ". Numeric value: 7.

zebu "fly"
zejti "oil"
zeker "remember"
zemeru "music" (√zmr S408)
zenenu "rain"


Logographic reading: ªht " ". Numeric value: 8.

ªheklu "field" (PSem. h.akl-)
ªhekmu "wise"
ªhelu "pure"
ªhemu "husband’s father" (PSem.
ªhemdu "praise"
muªhemdu "praised"
ªhemru "red"
ªhenu "gracious"
ªhermu "ban, prohibite, forbid"
ªhesnu "handsome"
ªheþteratu see ºheþteratu "Venus" (PIE. H2ster "star")


Logographic reading: t¸t " ". Numeric value: 9.

t¸ewbu "good"
t¸ewlu "long"


(Arabic z.)


Logographic reading: jd "arm". Numeric value: 10.

jedu "arm" (PSem. jad-)
jewmu "day"
jewnu "dove"


Logographic reading: kp "hand". Numeric value: 20.

ki prep. "like"
kebru "great" (Arab. kabi:r)
ke¨hnu "priest"
kewen "be"
kejpu " " (Arab. ke:f)
kekbu "star"
keku "weapon"
kelu "whole"
kellatu "daughter-in-law" (PSem. *kallat)
kelbu "dog"
kelbatu "bitch"
kecpu "silver"
kepu "hand"
keteb "write"


xeç'ru "green"
xemsu "five"


Logographic reading: lmd " ". Numeric value: 30.

lo prep. "to"
li prep. "at"
le¨ "no"
le¨u "bovine" (PSem. li'-)
le¨atu "cow" (PSem. li'at-)
leªhru "ewe" (PSem. *laªhir-)


Logographic reading: "water". Numeric value: 40.

me¨u "water"
mewet "die"
mewetu "death"
melek "rule"
melku "ruler" (PSem. malk-)
meno prep. "from"
meno-ºhel adv. "from above" (Hebr. mil¿e:Jl)
meçru "Egypt"
meseªh "anoint"


Logographic reading: nwn " ". Numeric value: 50.

negru "herald"
nedru "rare" (Arab. na:dir-)
neºhru "riwer"
nepes "breathe"
nepesu "breath, breathing, soul"
nepsu "animal"
neten "give"


Logographic reading: smk "fish". Numeric value: 60.


Logographic reading: °hjn "eye". Numeric value: 70.

Transcribed as ‘ or ¿

ºhebdu "servant" (√¿bd S22)
ºhejnu "eye" (PSem. ¿ajn-)
ºheli prep., adv. "above"
ºhemu "uncle" (PSem. ¿amm-)
ºherbu "Arab"
ºhes'ru "ten"
ºheþteratu (or ªheþteratu ) "Venus" (PIE. H2ster "star")


Logographic reading: "mouth". Numeric value: 80.

pe¨ "mouth" (PSem. pi-|pa-)
pegru "body"
pe¨hem "understand"
pewqi "over"


fu "he"
fatu "she"
fotu "it"
< fuwu "they"


Logographic reading: ¨çd " ". Numeric value: 90.

çelmu "statue" (PSem. s.alm-)
çepru "yellow"


(Arabic d¸)

ç'e¨hbu "gold"


Logographic reading: qp " ". Numeric value: 100. Season: spring.

qedsu "holy"
qet¸el "kill"
qelu "light"
qerbu "near"
qernu "horn"


Logographic reading: r¨s "head". Numeric value: 200. Season: summer.

re¨su "head"
rebºhu "four"
reglu "leg"
reºh adv. "bellow" (Hebr. ra¿)
repesu "width"
repsu "wide"


Logographic reading: sjn "tooth". Numeric value: 300. Season: autumn.

su "the"
se¨wu "empty"
se¨ewatu "emptiness"
sebºhu "four"
sedsu "six"
sejnu "tooth" (4 minutes)
selem "be healthy"
selemu "health"
selmu "healthy"
sem¨u "heaven"
semer "keep"
senu "year" (Hebr. ša:na:H)


(Arab. š)

s'edatu "doubling" (Arab. šaddat-)
s'emlu "left"
s'emsu "sun"
s'eqru "blond"
s'eru "prince" (PSem. s'arre-)
s'eratu "princess"


Logographic reading: tw "mark". Numeric value: 400. Season: winter.

tewu "mark"
teªhti prep. "under"
tergem "translate" (Arab. targama "he translated")
tesºhu "nine"


þewru "bull" (PIE. tawr-o-z; Hebr. šUo:r; Arab. t_awr)
þemnu "eight"
þenu "two"
þelþu "three"
