

So, under the influence of certain dialects of Limburgish, Idoburgish has acquired a simple tone system. The tones can occur only in stressed long syllables.
V:[+high] V:[-high] > V:˦˨ V:˦˨˧ (u:ntʃ > u:˦˨ntʃ; e:ç > e:˦˨˧ç)


Pretty much the same with this - acquired from Limburgish and Ripuarian. (here O is an obstruent, i.e. plosive, fricative, affricate)
I may as well incorporate it into a present version, even earlier than hj > h(h)i /_# to justify all killings.
t tj d dj > 0 /O_# (lagiþi > legiþi > legidi > legʲdʲ > )lehdj /leçc/ > *lehj > lehi)
{t d} tj dj > p pe be /m_# (quemtj > quemp; !quemdj > quembe)
t d tj dj > {k g} hi /n_# (kind > kink)

F**king s**t up[]

- Weird umlaut in plurals which otherwise would be the same -
ēldj (modern: eeldj) < ailidaz
ēldj (modern: eeëldj) < ailidōz
or should I leave the umlaut and base the earlier plural on *ailidōs?

Inflection (pertains to the previous lesser section as well)[]


Nouns have irregularities. In fact, nouns are irregularities.
If the nominative plural is identical to the nominative singular (very, very frequent in a-stems), the root vowel is modified, e.g. *wulfaz > ölfi; *wulfōz > öölfi. This will be tentatively
denoted by +W, with +Wd denoting short diphthongization and +WD denoting long diphthongization in case with a matching plural. If the root vowel is initially long, it becomes a long diphthong in nominative plural (e.g. peetj > peeëtj) but a short i-diphthong in other plural cases. In the dative plural, the root vowel is reduced if it's long. If there's an irregular form, it's indicated by * after that form.
                          Hard             Soft/palatalized           Endings for hard          Endings for soft
a-stem: Sg.  Nom.   *wulfaz   > ölfi       *baitaz   > peetj               -0?, -i                      -j
             Acc.   *wulfą    > ölp        *baitą    > peet                 -0***                       -0
             Gen.   *wulfis   > ölfis      *baitis   > peesj*                 -is                       -is*
        Ins./Dat.   *wulfai   > ölfi       *baitai   > peeti                  -i                        -i

        Pl.  Nom.   *wulfōz   > öölfi      *baitōz   > peeëtj                 -i+W                      -j+W
             Acc.   *wulfanz  > öölfą      *baitanz  > peitą                  -ą+W+Wd
             Gen.   *wulfǫ̂    > öölfen     *baitǫ̂    > peiten                 -en+W                     -en+Wd
        Ins./Dat.   *wulfimaz > ölfimi     *baitimaz > peitimi**             -imi                      -imi+Wd

*Result of a long sound change: peetis > peetsj > peestj > peesc > peesj. All nouns with root ending in -t get -sj-0 as a genitive singular ending, and yes that's a rule in Idoburgish which doesn't
have exceptions. **Doesn't shorten the root vowel if it's -ee-; irregularity (or my bad memory for relevant things :o) in sound change - no palatalization applied. ***If the root ends in -f- or a -LF- sequence, the fricative becomes a corresponding plosive.
                         Soft                  Hard*             Endings for soft     Endings for hard
C-stem: Sg.  Nom.   *aiks     > eek        *durz    > tur               -0                   -0
             Acc.   *aikų     > eeke       *durų    > ture              -e                   -e
             Gen.   *aikiz    > eehi       *duriz   > töri              -i                   -i
        Ins./Dat.   *aikē     > eeki       *duri    > töri              -i**                 -i

        Pl.  Nom.   *aikiz    > eeëhi      *duriz   > tööri            -i+WD                  -i+W
             Acc.   *aikunz   > eike       *durunz  > tuure            -e+Wd                  -e+W
             Gen.   *aikǫ̂     > eiken      *durǫ̂    > tuuren          -en+Wd                 -en+W
        Ins./Dat.   *aikumaz  > eikumi     *durumaz > turumi          -umi+Wd                -umi
*There seems to be only one hard consonant stem, tur-.
**Doesn't employ palatalization of the preceding sound.
Note to self: i-umlaut is applied before w-umlaut.