
Progress 48%
Topic prominent accusative
Head direction
right branching
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect

General information[]



Bilabial Labio-dental Dental Alveolar Post-alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n ŋ
Plosive p b t d k
Fricative f v θ s ʃ ʑ x h
Affricate ʥ
Approximant ɥ j w
flap tap ɾ
Lateral app. l


Front Central Back
Close i y u:
mid e: ɛ ə o: ɔ
Open a ɑ


Front Back
Close ia ie: iɛ 
mid ɛi ɔu
Open ai ɑu


IPA b ɣ ʥ d f x
KooXie b (b) j (ɠ) c (š) ç (ž) d (d) f (ƥ) g (g)
IPA h j k l m n p
KooXie h (q) i (ǐ) k (k) l (-) m (ŋ) n (n) p (p)
IPA ɾ s t v w ʃ ʑ
KooXie r (~) s (s) t (t) v (u) w (ư) x (x) z (z)
IPA ŋ ɥ θ ai a ɑ ɑu
KooXie ñ (ň) w' (ⱳ) t' (ƭ) ai (āi) aa (ā) a (à) au (á) (àō)
IPA e: ɛ ɛi ə o: ɔ ɔu
KooXie ee (ē) e (è) ei (èi) ue (ūà) oo (ō) o (ò) ou (ó) (òō)
IPA i ia ie: u: y ua
KooXie y (i) ii (ià) iee (iē) ie (iè) uu (ū) u (ù) ua (ūā)

within the brackets is an alternative system, more commonly used by the natives.


Most words in KooXie exist are monosyllable words, nearly all vowels are groupable, exept for ŋ, wich if it occurs, is always the last part of the syllable.

(C)(C)V(C) ŋ

C are all consonants exept /ŋ/

ŋ is /ŋ/

V are all possible vowels and diphthongs


The grammar of KooXie is mostly done via particles, this makes the word order of KooXie quite free, exept for the one rule that a sentence must always start with a verb.


The genders in KooXie don't effect a lot, but some particles conjugate/decline slightly different.

human animate inanimate
male female neutral/inverted animal divine natural artificial

Genders in KooXie are bound to their nouns, verbs do not have genders, but the verb-particle takes conjugates to the gender of the executer noun.


Verbs are the first thing in a KooXie sentence, after the verb comes a particle that includes all grammar of the verb, including tense, gender, probability, mood and aspect.

past gnomic future gnomic
pre-past past present future post-future
Probability / possibility (potentiality)
certain probable possible improbable very improbable impossible
100% 75-99% 35-75% 15-35% 1-15% 0%
imperative interrogative jussive optative conditional
commanding asking begging wishing requiering
Particle conjugation, initial constonants
tense indicative imperative interrogative Jussive optative conditional
Present ư ưǐ n ưq ƥ -
past t š tn xq ƭ ~
pre-past u uq ~
future ǐ ǐn ǐq ŋī -
post-future k ǐŋ ɠ -
gnomic s tx qn xq ƥt ⱳ-
past-gnomic z ž gn zq ƥ~ ⱳ~
future-gnomic x kx ɠn žq ƥɠ ⱳq
Particle conjugation, Vowel
gender (topic) Very polite Quite polite Polite impolite
human ài ā ā à
animal òō ō ò ò
divine ài ài ā
inanimate èi ē è
Particle conjugation, final consonant
2nd function certain probable possible improbable very improbable impossible
indicative ǐ ɠ ư ň
interrogative ŋ n ǐn q qn
exclaimation k ɠg kg kq p
explaination s š ǐt ƭ us ut


Particle conjugation
function particle
Topic ƥā
subject ǐù
object ŋàn
ind object ɠàn qān
place ǐā
manner ŋǐè dǐō
Particle conjugation
function particle
certain maybe not
equal ǐàƭ
ownership nèq nà~ qèǐ
quality è à nàǐ


Swadesh list
Number English KooXie
001 I tòkè, qǐà(n), bō(~è)
002 you kò, kīŋ
003 he òsò, òx, nèǐè, àsù
004 we ( I ) + ō
005 you ( you ) + ō
006 they ( he ) + ō
007 this àqn
008 that ùqn
0082 that further ā~àn
009 here nqùnù
010 there nànà
0102 there further nhā~à
011 who? òxǐù
012 what? nàxǐù
013 where? nòkù
014 when? tòkù
015 how? hòkù
016 not èǐè
017 all ǐītè, ǐōn
018 many ōte, ōne
019 some īkī, nī~ī
020 little / few nòkī
021 other àǐà~àn
022 one ù~èn
023 two nǐù~èn
024 three dùkèn
025 four ǐùkèn
026 five fjùhèn
027 big kò(r), gǐō
028 long ǐàl, àrǐā
029 wide xō dòq
030 thick dòqn, òrō
031 heavy òŋō, ŋòǐn
032 small xī, īqàn
033 short xīǐ, ǐīqàn
034 narrow ǐī~a~
035 thin ŋīx~àn, ŋǐā
036 woman ǐàŋ
037 man qɠù
038 person ɠàn
039 child kò~ō
040 wife nàiqù
041 husband ɠàqù
042 mother qàŋà
043 father àbŋà
044 animal nòkkò
045 fish ǐùnòk
046 bird ɠàǐk
047 dog ù~ī
048 louse nīqīǐī
049 snake s~àɠq
050 worm sàgn
051 tree
052 forest
053 stick
0532 branch
054 fruit
055 seed
056 leaf
057 root
058 bark
059 flower kƥònù
060 grass
061 rope
062 skin
063 meat
064 blood
065 bone
066 fat
067 egg
068 horn
069 tail
070 feather
071 hair
072 head
073 ear
074 eye
075 nose
076 mouth
077 tooth
078 tongue
079 fingernail
080 foot
081 leg
082 knee
083 hand
084 wing
085 belly
086 guts
087 neck
088 back
089 breats
090 heart
091 liver
092 drink
093 eat
094 bite
095 suck
096 spit
097 vomit
098 blow ū~ù
099 breath ūàn
0992 breath (verb) ū~àn
100 laugh

Example text[]
