
This appendix gives a list of the Kihā́mmic for numbers.


Cardinal numbers are used to denote quantity, they are counting numbers. Cardinals are treated as nouns and decline as such.


  • After articles the noun is in the nominative case.
  • After zero the genitive plural is used.
  • The genitive singular is used between one and nine.
  • From ten onwards the genitive plural is used again.


  • án knát (a nation)
  • anám knatám (some nations)
  • ikhá knatámī (zero nations)
  • zún knátī (one nation)
  • nóv knátī (nine nations)
  • ezá knatámī (ten nations)
  • khû́l knatámī (a/one hundred nations)
number Kihā́mmic
0 ikhá
1 zún
2 dočá
3 tṓk
4 kûrá
5 préik
6 šôná
7 zén
8 okdá
9 nóv
10 ezá
11 ezazún
12 ezadočá
18 ezokdá
20 dočezá
21 dočezazún
22 dočezadočá
30 tōkezá
40 kûrezá
50 preikezá
60 šônezá
70 zenezá
80 okdezá
90 novezá
100 khû́l
101 khûlzún
110 khûlezá
111 khûlezazún
200 dočákhû́l
300 tṓkhûl
400 kûrákhûl
500 préikhûl
600 šônákhûl
700 zénkhûl
800 okdákhûl
900 nóvkhûl
1,000 talá
1,001 talazún
1,010 talezá
1,011 talezazún
1,100 talákhûl
1,101 talakhûlzún
1,110 talakhûlezá
1,111 talakhûlezazún
2,000 dočatalá
3,000 tōktalá
10,000 ezatalá
20,000 dočezatalá
30,000 tōkezatalá
100,000 khûltalá
1,000,000 niklón
1,000,000,000 sátron
1,000,000,000,000 yitā́rən


Ordinal numbers expresses the relative position of an item in an ordered sequence. They are used adjectives and decline accordingly. All are type III adjectives with the exception of hundredth, which is type I.

In Kihā́mmic Latin ordinals are abbreviated by following the number with the case ending in super-script, however the pluralisation infix is ignored:

  • Nominative singular: Lố 1ô yégan (The first king)
  • Nominative plural: Lámô 1ô yeganám (The first kings)
  • Accusative singular: Lôá 1ôá yeganá
  • Genitive singular: Lī́ 1ī yéganī
  • Ablative singular: Lá 1á yeganá
  • Allative singular: Lố 1ô yéganô
  • Instrumental singular: Lû́ 1û yéganû
  • Prepositional singular: Lé 1e yégane
  • Terminative singular: Lə́ 1ə yéganə
  • Comparative singular: Lák 1ak yéganak
number Kihā́mmic
1st zúnamô
2nd dočámô
3rd tṓkamô
4th kûrámô
5th préikamô
6th šônámô
7th zénamô
8th okdámô
9th nóvamô
10th ezámô
11th ezazúnamô
12th ezadočámô
20th dočezámô
100th khû́lnômô
1,000th talámô
10,000th ezatalámô
100,000th khûltalámô
1,000,000th niklónamô
1,000,000,000th sátronamô
1,000,000,000,000th yitā́rənamô
nth čégkhamô


Adverbial numbers are used to show the repetition of a certain event or to expresses a countable number of times. Since they are (type III) adverbs they do not decline.

number Kihā́mmic
never ikhā́
once zúnā
twice dočā́
thrice tṓkā
four times kûrā́
five times préikā
six times šôná ōkûlám
infinitely čégkhā


A multiplier number indicates the number of times something is to be multiplied. As with ordinal numbers, multiplier numbers are used adjectives and decline accordingly. They are all type II adjectives

number Kihā́mmic
single zúnôvan
double dočákôvan
treble tṓkôvan
quadruple kûrákôvan
quintuple préikôvan
sextuple šônákôvan
septuple zénôvan


A distributive number is an adverb that answers "how many times each?" or "how many at a time?".

number Kihā́mmic
singly zúnôvā
doubly dočákôvā
"trebly" tṓkôvā
"quadruply" kûrákôvā
"quintuply" préikôvā
"sextuply" šônákôvā
"septuply" zénôvā


Fractional numbers (such as a third, a quarter and a fifth) are formed simply by preceding the numerator as a cardinal number followed by the denominator as an ordinal number in the plural. For example "two fifths" translates as "dočá preikámamô". The only exception to this rule is "half" which is "gû́l" (or the more literary "gát").
