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Progress 0%

Name: Langi


Alignment: Direct

Head Direction: Mixed

Number of genders: 1

Declensions: Yes

Conjugations: Yes

Nouns declined
according to
Case Number
Definitiveness Gender
Verbs conjugated
according to
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Gender Cases Numbers Tenses Persons Moods Voices Aspects
Verb No No No Yes No No No Yes
Nouns No Yes Yes No No No No No
Adjectives No No No No No No No No
Numbers No No No No No No No No
Participles No No No No No No No No
Adverb No No No No No No No No
Pronouns Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No
Adpositions No No No No No No No No
Article No No No No No No No No
Particle No No No No No Yes Yes No


Letter Sound in English
Aa Ah
Ää Eye
Bb B
Cc Ch
Dd Dd
Ee The Letter "A"
Ëë eh
Ff F
Gg G
Hh H
Ii Ee
Jj J
Kk K
Ll L
Mm M
Nn N
Oo Oh
Öö Oy
Pp P
Rr R
Ss S
Ŝŝ Sh
Tt T
Θθ Th
Uu Oo
Vv V
Ww W
Zz Z



In Langi, there are five cases. They are Abjective, Dative, Genative, Prepositional and Essive. There are also three numbers, Singular, Dual and Plural.


The Abjective case is the most important. Its nouns end in the suffix -i. Abjective case nouns are used as the subjects and objects of a sentence. For example, in "The cat sees a dog" "cat" is the subject and "dog" is the object.


Dative case nouns end in the suffix -ir. Dative case nouns are used as the indirect objects of a sentence. For example, in "Mary reads the kindergarteners a story" "kindergarteners" is the indirect object.


Genative case nouns end in the suffix -u. Genative case nouns are possessives. For example, in "my friend's book" "my" and "friend's" are possessives.


Prepositional case nouns end in the suffix -as. Prepositional case nouns are the objects of prepositions. For example, in "through the woods" "woods" is the object of "through."


Essive case nouns end in the suffix -ä. Essive case nouns in English mean like/as something. For example, in "He dressed like a girl." "girl" is in the essive case.


Dual is two related items, to form it, add -a. Plural is two unrelated or three or more of anything. To form it, add -o.


Singular Dual Plural
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Masculine Feminine Neuter Inclusive Exclusive Inclusive Exclusive
ABJ Mi Ti Hi Ŝi Li Mia Ni Tia Lia Mio Nio Tio Lio
DAT Mir Tir Hir Ŝir Lir Mira Nir Tira Lira Miro Niro Tiro Liro
GEN Mu Tu Hu Ŝu Lu Mua Nu Tua Lua Muo Nuo Tuo Luo
PREP Mas Tas Has Ŝas Las Masa Nas Tasa Lasa Maso Naso Taso Laso
ESS Ŝä Mäa Täa Läa Mäo Näo Täo Läo


In Langi, verbs are conjugated by tense and aspect. The four tenses are Past, Present, Future and Future-in-Past. The last one in for things that used to be in the future. The two aspects are perfect and imperfect. Perfect is "he HAS done something" imperfect is not.

Imperfect Perfect
Past -on -an
Present -o -a
Future -osar -ar
Future-in-Past -e


Adjectives end in -at, -oros, or -os

-at: most adjectives

-oros: some adjectives

-os: participles and ordinal #s


  1. ini
  2. di
  3. sani
  4. ki
  5. fi
  6. eksi
  7. sebani
  8. okti
  9. noni
  10. deki
  11. deku ini
  12. deku di
  13. deku sani

20. dimat dekia

30. sanimat dekio

40. kimat dekio

50. fimat dekio

27. dimat dekua sebani

100. hundi

200. dimat hundia

378. sanimat hunduo sebanimat dekuo okti ...

Ordinal #s end in -os

  1. inos
  2. dos
  3. sanos
  4. kos
  5. fos
  6. eksos
  7. sebanos
  8. oktos
  9. nonos
  10. dekos
  11. deku inos
  12. deku dos
  13. deku sanos

20. dimat dekianos

30. sanimat dekionos

40. kimat dekionos

50. fimat dekionos

27. dimat dekua sebanos

100. hundos

200. dimat hundianos

378. sanimat hunduo sebanimat dekuo oktos


Adverbs end in -er


End in -θ


bak- passive voice

(more to come)
