Progress 0%
Type Agglutinative
Alignment Nominative-Accusative
Head direction Head-Final
Tonal No
Declensions Yes
Conjugations Yes
Genders No
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Progress 0%
Nouns 0%
Verbs 0%
Adjectives 0%
Syntax 0%
Words ? of 1000
Creator TurtlelordX

Sufangoli is the most widely spoken of the languages in the Sufen-Espric group of the Valknis Language Family. It is the official language of Asigoste, Svengan, and Gallifross



Bilabial Labio-dental Alveolar Alveolo-Palatal Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n ŋ <g,ng>
Plosive b p d t g k
Fricative v f s ɕ ʑ <c,z> x h
Approximant w j
Trill r
Tap or Flap ɾ <r>
Lateral app. l


Front Central Near-back Back
Close i y u
Near-close           ɪ ʊ
Close-mid e ø o
Mid ə
Open-mid ɛ œ ɔ
Open a ɑ


Aa [a] or [ɑ]

Bb- [b]

Cc- [ɕ]

Dd- [d]

Ee- [e] (at the end of words) and [ɛ] in the middle. There are more spelling rules which I will get in to.

Ff- [f]

Gg- [g] and sometimes [j] if I feel like it.

Hh- [h]

Ii- [i]

Jj [j]

Kk- [k]

Ll- [l]

Mm- [m]

Nn- [n]

Oo- [o] or [ʊ]

Pp- [p]

Qq- [xʷ]

Rr- [r] or [ɾ]

Ss- [s]

Tt- [t]

Uu- [u] or [ʉ]

Vv- [v]

Xx- [x] and sometimes [w]

Yy- [ɪ]

Èè- [ə]

Öö- [œ] or [ø]

Üü- [y] or [ʉ]

Zz- [ʑ]


Typically SVO. If the words are undeclined, SVO is the only acceptable word order.

Vellè max tolfit. Vella max tolfitö. Vella tolfitö max. Tolfitö max vella. Max vella tolfitö. (Translation: I eat the apple)

Vella is the nominative form of vellè (I), and tolfitö is the accusative form of tolfit (apple).

Vellö max tolfita. (Translation: The apple eats me) We reversed a and ö and this is the result.

Verb Forms

There are typically 3 conjugations of verbs. -ax, -ix, and -x verbs.

ix verbs conjugation

-ix (present)    abix  

-isti or -ist (past)  abisti
-asa (future)  abasa
-ir (gerund)  abir
-ixana (infinitive)  abixana
-ilt (participle)  abilt
ax verbs conjugation
-ax (present)  max
-asta or -ast (past) masta
-isi (future) misi
-ar (gerund) mar
-axina (infinitive) maxina
-alt (participle) malt
x verbs conjugation
-x (present) suvex
-ste (past) suveste
-si (future) suvesi
-r (gerund) suver
-xani (infinitive) suvexani
-lt (participle) suvelt


Suffixes for nouns and pronouns

a or na (emphasizes the nominativeness of a noun. Sometimes acts like a definate article or even, the verb to be)

ö or nö (accusative marker, but not required to create an accusative)

i or ni (dative marker, required to create datives)

ü or sxu (inessive form)


vellè- first person

vey- first person, casual, shortened

dü- second person

do- second person, casual

cele- third person (he or she)

jaè- third person (he, she, it) [note, aè is pronounced as ɔ]

des- this, these

dom- that, those

dala- that over there, those over there

et- it

To create other forms of pronouns, apply the suffixes.


ceva- table

wynn or vhynn- forest

dana- computer

fey- cat

kol- dog

nasu- horse

fenn- friend

tolfit- apple


Most if not all verbs end in -x in their standard form.

max- to eat

cux- to like

etix- to arrange, to do

bix- to be at (a location)

abix- to go

döx- to die

dux- to give

javyx- to hate

suvex- to sleep

zenx- to know [the x is silent!]

eelux- to agree

kaltex- to build

qeltax- to harm, to attack

Adjectives and Adverbs

cuttèy- good

vheket- pretty

döltgrèy- dead

vhalt- very

glivèy- clever

Suffixes for adjectives

-t Adjectives

Comparative Suffix: am Superlative Suffix: agre Example: Vheket (Pretty) Vheketam (Prettier) Vheketagre (Prettiest)

-èy Adjectives

Comparative Suffix: va Superlative Suffix: grie èy turns into e when in the middle of a word. Example: Cuttèy (Good)

Cutteva (Better) Cuttegrie (Best)

Example Sentences

Vey duste veyo fenni nasunö. Jaè javyste domèy nasu ou jaè qeltast nasunö, ou et döste.
