
I get a feeling that Oss will like it. -- DAH BUY000R! (wall | crimes)

This actually does seem pretty interesting. I hope the article gets further developed.
[This has been a Public Service Announcement from your Friendly Neighbourhood Admin.] 11:03, March 26, 2015 (UTC)

Yeah. The creator's previous? language is a good attempt at faking Hungarian, so I don't think that this will be a bad attempt at developing a jackload of honorifics. -- DAH BUY000R! (wall | crimes)

Well, when I did the Hungarian one, it was originally fusional, then I thought the inflections were random, had not history. SO I invented all these Hungarian-esque case endings, as a proto-language, then I was gonna run a series of regular sound changes, bastardizations, so-to-speak, to make inflections with a story... But then I lost interest in European languages.

Now for Souk, just gonna make some registers instead of a series of crazy honorifics. As for sound, listen to the short lullaby at the beginning of this video That is the sound I'm going for, nothing like Thai or Viet or Khmer User:Sortsdam
