
Reflexive works quite different in Umbrean, for starters it does have reflexive pronouns but they are not used in the same fashion as english would do it.


The reflexive case is a case that can take positions of other synthatic positions along with the subject simuntaniously. For example


In this example it is the only noun in a transitive verb, Normally it demands both subject and object but when reflexive case is used it alone takes on both roles, which is why in these situations it takes on what is the middle voice.

Seems all nice and easy, but thats just the start.


This time it is an intransitive verb so how can it take reflexive case? That is because it has a natural indirect object and it is taking its place aswell. a pure intransitive verb would not.


This one is Ditransitive but the object is present while reflexive is also present, how come?. The answer is simply that it is not taking on the object but the indirect object and refers back to you then.


in this both the object and indirect object is present but there are a reflexive case and postposition, the reason is that it can be used with postpositions aswell and through that refer back to itself while leaving the subject out.

If more than one is needed it is used multiple times in the same case and this applies to both pronouns and nouns.


  • To indicate it was done to, by them/itself
  • That an event occures to the object for no reason or seemingly so.
  • The true subject is unknown